Photo credit: Joseph Beim
A collection of strategies and tips for starting a successful consulting practice, building an image, following leads, closing sales, and profiting from seminars, workshops, and training programs. Includes sample contracts, logos, and sales letters, and lists software, organizations, vendors, web sites, and specialties.
This book taps into America’s love affair with science fiction and the fantastic. It appeals to the legions of science fiction fans who watch the TV shows, go to the movies, buy the books, attend the conventions, read the science fiction magazines, play the games, and collect the memorabilia.
"I found Robert W. Bly's The Science Fictionary not only informative but actually illuminating … I learned a few things I hadn't known before. Also, I had a damn good time reading it."
--Gary A. Braunbeck, award-winning author
Make $100,000 or More a Year … in Your Spare Time … Writing How-to Materials That Teach People to Do Things That You Already Know How to Do
"I anticipate that the in-depth, how-to secrets in this book will be worth over $100,000 to me in the next 9 months alone."
--Joshua Boswell, copywriter
How to write clear, persuasive, attention-getting copy for print ads, direct mail, brochures, commercials, PR, and audio-visual presentations.
"I don't know a single copywriter whose work would not be improved by reading this book. And that includes me."
--David Ogilvy, Founder, Ogilvy & Mather
How to create compelling content and integrate it with direct response copy to create multichannel marketing campaigns that set new sales records.
"Bob Bly’s book on content marketing is a simple, practical, usable gold mine full of tips, ideas, and strategies."
--Jim Turner, ESSC Inc.
"Bob’s book gives you a gold mine of powerful, actionable , and money-making words right at your disposable to nail the sale."
--Carline Anglade-Cole, AWAI Copywriter of the Year
"I would recommend this book to anyone who either wants to brush up on their direct-mail marketing or get involved in this proven marketing channel to grow their business."
--Bruce Browning, President, OlleyMay Media
A biography of the brilliant electrical engineer who, along with Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla, and George Westinghouse, helped build America’s nationwide electrical grid. Steinmetz also worked out the mathematics for the transmission of alternating current over power lines along with many other innovations from safer circuit breakers and lighting protection devices to an artificial lightning machine.
A guide to creating websites that make more money for your business.
How to write, design, and send emails that sell more products, drive more traffic, get higher click-through rates, and communicate more clearly, forcefully, and powerfully
"Dives to the heart of what business strategies, philosophies, and attitudes have worked best for these chiefs."
--Publishers Weekly
"This is the most comprehensive marketing dictionary I’ve ever seen, and it is long overdue."
--Jerry Montgomery, 5W Strategists
"Unlocks the secrets of successful commercial real estate investing in such a creative and captivating way."
--Paul Barbiero
"The gold standard of vocabulary books."
--G. Clements
"Start Your Own Home Business After 50 addresses the special needs, problems, and challenges of the over-50 entrepreneur. . . . Its guidance can help you create a successful home business that can generate an ongoing 'retirement annuity' for decades."
--Robert Ringer, bestselling author, Looking Out for Number One and Winning Through Intimidation
"Bly's book features some solid and surprisingly easy methods that can help you better manage your time to make your days at work more productive and less stressful."
--Growing Companies Magazine
"It's a no-brainer that applying the wisdom in this book will add incremental dollars to your business' bottom line."
--MaryEllen Tribby, Founder,
Working Moms
"Bob Bly is a creative genius, always thinking outside the box. His latest masterpiece, How to Create Irresistible Offers, will help businesses unlock their full potential, generating floods of leads and ensuring long-term viability. His work draws on decades of battle-proven experience. This book will surely be a staple resource for every marketer."
--Michael A. Stelzner, author of
Writing White Papers
"An excellent first-step guide that will help any new or veteran writer find a paying home in today's vibrant and hungry writing world. Honest, current, easy to use."
--Gordon Burgett
"Bob Bly's book, Persuasive Presentations for Business, is full of practical ideas from cover to cover. It is an easy read that any speaker will find well worth the effort. After 25 years of leading seminars on presentations worldwide I will be using Bob's book in any future sessions."
--Terry Smith
"This book is perhaps the best book on writing freelance articles I have ever seen."
--Merrifield Winters
A culinary history of the hot dog -- origins, recipes, and its role in American culture.
"Our Book of the Month"
--PR Strumpette
"By far the single most important book on direct marketing in years."
--Dylan Jovine, Tycoon Research
"Bly's book provides a great deal of valuable insight for marketers and white paper writers."
"Natural alternatives to viagra for overcoming erectile dysfunction and enhancing male sexual performance"
"Concise, and brilliantly written, Magnetic Selling is a masterpiece. It took me 30 years to learn these selling secrets."
--Stevan Roberts, President, Edith Roman Associates, Inc.
"Anyone who grew up watching Star Wars and Star Trek will find this book entertaining and informative."
--Alan Caruba, Bookviews
"The book is a riff on the traditional manners manual with a uniquely Dietl taste."
Expert tips and 300 sample letters make business and personal correspondence a snap.
"If you hate having to write letters, whether for personal or business purposes, this book needs to be sitting on your shelf."
--James Sadler
"Bob Bly has written an extremely helpful book for those times when business slacks off either due to a slow economy or personal reasons."
--Gary Maxwell
"A step-by-step guide to writing effective copy for the web.
"Bob Bly has written the best book I've seen on how to write persuasive copy for the Web and the Internet."
--Debbie Weil
Robert Bly will help you step back from your present hardships and to take a look at the big and small wonders of the world...because, as Bly attests, blessings can be found all around if you just take the time to see them.
A guide for freelancers, independent contractors, self-employed professionals, and small businesses on how to provide extraordinary customer service.
Become a Recognized Authority In Your Field is the first book that shows you how you can promote and market your knowledge and skills in any field, position yourself as a leading expert, and gain tremendous advantage over your competition.
This all-new edition of "Business to Business Direct Marketing" discloses how to profit from the most important weapon in the business-to-business marketer's arsenal: direct marketing.
"This is top-notch advice from someone who knows his business."
--Jim Moran
This book focuses on real world applications, and will give you effective methods and techniques... things you can do today and tomorrow to produce better marketing materials.
"Robert Bly surveys the vast world of direct marketing to tell us- simply and directly - what works. You will find little theory in this book and much helpful, practical information."
--Bill Bonner, President and CEO, Agora Publishing, author of The
"A wonderfully incisive and useful book which expresses complex ideas in simple language and demonstrates deep knowledge of the trade."
--Sebastian Gray, Managing Director, IT Lab, U.K.
A Dummies-series guide to effective publicity.
"This is a must-read for all learning and practicing public relations tactics -- sheer genius."
--Ihor Andruch, NJ
Covers direct mail, design, copy, formats, list selection, offers, and more.
"This is a great broad reference into all aspects of direct mail advertising... Definitely a good investment."
--Michael, Delaware
How to use Internet direct mail to generate leads and sales including writing the e-mail, creating the offer, finding good e-lists, transmitting the message, and measuring response.
"I applied the authors' recommendations and recieved a 247% lift in response from the use of just one of their techniques."
--Margie Gold, Chicago, IL
A Guide to ethics in business.
How to start (or jump start) your career as a part-time or full-time professional speaker, trainer, or seminar leader.
"The most comprehensive, tightly organized, yet readable approach to this complex subject I've ever encountered . Bob's understated integrity comes through on every page."
--Roger C. Parker in MacMonitor
Hundreds of fun trivia questions (and the answers) about America's best-selling horror writer and his work.
"What a delight! Your questions are just the right levels of difficulty. I am really enjoying it."
--Dee Moore, Fairfield Farm
How to use the telephone to generate leads, follow up inquiries, set appointments, and close sales.
"If your business has a phone and you sell, this book is all you need to make money."
--Donald Libey, President, Libey Incorporated
How to write a nonfiction book and sell it to a major New York publisher for a four or five-figure advance. Includes sample book proposal and annotated actual book contract.
"Thanks for your tips. I contacted a publisher and signed my first book contract 2 weeks ago."
--Wendy Swope, Victor, Idaho
How to create successful brochures, catalogs, pamphlets, fliers, and other "collateral" material to promote your product or service.
"Well-written and well-organized throughout... an outstanding practical lesson..."
--Business Marketing Magazine
Grammar and style guide for managers, professionals, and support staff writing letters, memos, proposals, reports, and other business documents. Over 60,000 copies in print.
"Concise and well organized ... useful to secretaries as well as CEOs."
--Library Journal
Reference guide for engineers, scientists, systems professionals, technical writers, and others writing and editing technical documents.
"Everyone in industry can use this invaluable handbook."
--Andrea Nicoll, Publications Manager, BOC Gases
How to generate large quantities of high-quality leads that convert into new customers and sales for your business.
"Robert Bly puts out great marketing books ... and this is no exception. Five stars."
--John Dunbar, Dunbar & Co.
How to make $500 a day or more in a spare-time or full-time home-based mail order business of your own.
"Extremely informative and well done ... keep up the good work!"
--Edwin Yee
Here are hundreds of priceless tips and strategies for firms and independent providers selling services rather than products. It covers everything from generating sales leads to keeping clients after the sale is made. Also Available on Tape
"Extremely informative and well done ... keep up the good work!"
--Edwin Yee
A complete handbook providing advertising managers with step-by-step guide- lines for advertising management success.
"The most comprehensive guide I've ever seen!"
--A reader from Mankato, MN USA
A complete handbook providing advertising managers with step-by-step guide- lines for advertising management success.
"The most comprehensive guide I've ever seen!"
--A reader from Mankato, MN USA
"As a reader of Bob Bly's works for many years I looked forward this is one. It provides a plethora of information that can be used by newbies as well as gurus. If you are a marketer or copywriter or just want to get a little more business this book."
--Joel Heffner
"Many agree Bob Bly is a top notch copywriter. But this is more than a book on writing. It is a handbook on living."
--Robert A Mullen
"Bob Bly's stories engage the reader from the first sentence. From mainstream to science fiction and everything in-between, these stories explore contemporary themes with sensitivity and often a great deal of humor. If you grew up reading the stories of Ray Bradbury, Harlan Ellison or even Kurt Vonnegut, like I did, you will get a kick out of these stories. Some of them will evoke the joy you experienced while watching TV shows like The Twilight Zone and One Step Beyond. With his background in science and technology Bly brings a fresh eye to speculation about the fate of humanity in the face of topics like climate change, 24/7 entertainment, robotics, and the hidden human costs of this modern world. But, lest you think it's all kid stuff, Bly courageously and successfully tackles the themes of loss, loneliness, love and redemption. For less than the cost of a small latte, you can enjoy several hours of reading pleasure-just darn good stories from a man of imagination."
--Mark Smallwood