Please Complete and Return This Form


1. Name                                                                      Title                                                   

Company                                                                     Phone                                            


2. Which of the following best describes the type of writing you do?

 business writing           technical writing          copywriting



3. Which of the following do you write as part of your job?

 ads                        articles               brochures           catalogs

 direct mail            letters                 manuals              memos

 proposals              reports                speeches   

 white papers         websites             online content       





4.    Please attach one or two short samples of your writing-1 to 2 pages each at most.


5. Which of the following writing problems do you have?

 Deadline too tight

 Copy is ruined in the approval process

 Subject matter too technical for me to understand

 Conducting effective interviews

 Finding and using suitable graphics to go with my copy

 Overuse of technical terms, buzzwords, and jargon

 Overuse of cliches

 Making spelling mistakes

 Proper use of punctuation marks

 Using correct grammar

 Making complex subject matter clear and understandable

 Making dull subject matter interesting to the reader

 Expressing numbers and mathematical terms in writing

 Overuse of abbreviations

 Creating attention-getting headlines and subheads

 Writing abstracts of longer pieces

 Use of tenses

 Keeping ideas in writing parallel

 Overuse of antiquated phrases and stuffy language

 Paragraphs and sentences too long

 Words too big

 Being concise and writing to fit the available space




6.      What questions about writing do you have that you would like us to answer in the seminar for you?





7.      What do you want to learn in this seminar?





8.      On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 = superior, 5 = average, 1 = poor), how would you rate your writing skills:           


9.      What would it take to increase your rating of your writing skills to an 8, 9, or 10?






10.  Any other requests, suggestions, or comments?










Mail to:        Bob Bly


22 E. Quackenbush Ave.

Dumont, NJ 07628

Fax to:        (201) 385-1138

Call:       (201) 385-1220



© 1993 The Center for Technical Communication