Writing Copy with Chat GPT
DATE: May 15, 2024
LENGTH: 90 minutes
Nick Usborne, top web copywriter, says AI--when done right--is the key to future-proofing your copywriting career.
Bob Bly, the man McGraw-Hill calls “America’s top copywriter,” author of 100+ books, and the cranky curmudgeon who loathes AI writing with unbridled fury.
Dear Marketer:
It’s true.
I hate anything to do with AI writing.
Especially the copywriting industry’s current love affair with ChatGPT, which I find absolutely pukatatious.
On the other hand, my old friend, superstar copywriter Nick Usborne, sings the praises of using AI to take your copywriting—and your copywriting career—to the next level.
Well, I think Nick is full of beans---and in our upcoming online debate--“Writing Copy with Chat GPT”—I plan on tearing him…and AI copywriting…apart.
Of course, he intends to do the same to me and “old-school,” human-only writing.
In our fast-paced, gloves-off virtual brawl, Nick and I will argue vehemently about:
And remember, our “Writing Copy with Chat GPT“ virtual workshop is absolutely FREE. Won’t cost you a penny.
But I urge you to hurry. Attendance is limited to the first 100 students to sign up. No more.
And once those seats are taken, it’s too late. Especially because we haven’t committed to offering a recorded playback after the live event.
So don’t delay. To discover the truth about AI and copywriting – the good, the bad, and the ugly – click the button below to register now:
Bob Bly
P.S. Just in case I wasn’t clear about this: Nick and I are good friends, with the greatest respect for one another. My threat to his “beans” etc. is just playful trash talk to spice up our virtual squabble!