What Matters in Marketing is What Works — Not What You Think Works
February 22nd, 2005 by Bob Bly
?I discard all marketing materials received in my mail without reading them, period,? writes Aileen Cassidy in a post on this blog. ?There is simply too much of this material clogging up my mailbox to have it invaded by strangers.?
Aileen makes the common error of concluding that, just because she doesn?t like direct marketing, direct marketing can?t possibly work.
?Everyone I know feels the same way,? she contines. ?So how come these methods are so aggressively pursued? Do they really improve sales? I am curious.?
I think Aileen already knows the answer to her question, which is this: of course they are profitable. Otherwise, marketers wouldn?t keep doing them.
Condemning — or advocating — a marketing tactic because you personally don?t like it or like it is the most amateur mistake you can make.
The best advice in this regard comes from my colleague, top DM copywriter Peter Beutel, who warns us: ?Don?t get caught up by personal preference.?
What you think or don?t think works — or should work — is irrelevant; what actually works or doesn?t work is all that matters.
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