My First Stumbling Block to Getting Started with Social Networking
August 27th, 2008 by Bob Bly
OK. I joined Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and MySpace, and already it isn’t working for me.
Here’s why: when you join, you get e-mails every day from people saying they have found you on one of these networks … and asking to be added to your list or be allowed to follow you or whatever you call it.
These e-mails interrupt my busy day, and so I don’t reply when I get them: It would destroy my productivity and take me away from the pressing writing deadlines at hand.
But I don’t reply to them LATER, either … because — well, because I am busy, and I have more important things to do, whatever time of day or day of the week it is.
And that’s the barrier: I ALWAYS have paid writing, publishing, or consulting projects to do … and they are ALWAYS more important than banal chatting or socializing on networks.
So, my question to you is: if you are active in social media, how on Earth do you manage to find time for it?
I honestly cannot imagine how Robert Scoble or any other crushingly busy person — as so many of us solopreneurs our — can possibly justify the time required to invest in social media participation.
Nor can I imagine, if you ARE already crushingly busy with paying work, how time spent noodling around on social networks can give a better ROI than doing the work you already have.
So I am stuck on square one of “getting started in social media” — and don’t see a way to move to square two.
Any advice, thoughts, or suggestions?
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