LG Isn’t Happy With Me
February 17th, 2011 by Bob Bly
LG isn’t happy with me.
She called me the other day to ask a question — a question to which the answer is long and involved.
Since I cover it clearly and concisely in one of my books, I suggested she get hold of the book and read that chapter.
LG’s response was to call me a money-grubbing slime bucket who had no interest in helping people but was merely in it to sell books.
Perhaps she thought the 80 cent royalty I would collect on the book sale would help me move into a mansion.
By the way, when LG asked me the question, she never offered to compensate me for my time.
Apparently LG feels that as an author, I am ?obligated to give free consulting to anyone who calls or e-mails. Many people seem to feel this way.
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