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Archive for August, 2012

Seth Godin Action Figure

August 28th, 2012 by Bob Bly

I was taking a break from writing, noodling around on Amazon, when I came across a most amazing item for sale: an action figure of marketing author Seth Godin.

Godin, who is fairly famous, is the author of Permission Marketing and dozens of other marketing and business books.

Try as I might, I could not envision why anyone would want a Seth Godin action figure … except Seth Godin and maybe his kids.

Would you?

Now I’ve seen everything!


Category: General | 74 Comments »

Does Writing E-Books Pay?

August 16th, 2012 by Bob Bly

I publish and sell e-books for fun and profit, and I usually hire freelancers to write them for me.

My questions are:

1–If you are a freelance writer, what do you get to ghostwrite an e-book. Is it worth the effort?

2–If you are an Internet marketer like  me, how much do you pay your writers? Do you think that’s a fair wage for all the work involved?

3–If you self-publish your e-books to Kindle or other platforms, does it pay off for you economically?


Category: General | 96 Comments »