Why I won’t coach you
March 26th, 2014 by Bob Bly
I am frequently asked by my subscribers whether they can buy
coaching or mentoring from me.
And the answer is always the same – no – because I do not offer
coaching or mentoring services to individuals (all my clients
are companies that use direct response or Internet marketing to
sell products and services).
My refusal to offer a coaching or mentoring service to readers
who want it really ticks some people off.
But I think it shouldn’t, and that I am in the right, and here’s
First, I’m not telling you or anyone else how to earn YOUR
So what gives you or anyone the right to tell me how I should
spend my time?
Why shouldn’t I have the same freedom you do to select what I
want, offer services I want to provide, and work with the kinds
of clients I choose?
Isn’t that a fair and reasonable request? Isn’t a big reason to
become self-employed to be your own boss and choose your own
Second, I don’t like working with individuals. I prefer to work
with companies, which are usually either direct response or B2B
In my area, copywriting, individuals don’t know what they are
doing, don’t understand how to work with a professional, and
need a lot of hand holding – all of which I dislike.
I want to write copy for clients who know what a shopping cart
is, know how to arrange web site hosting, know how to research
keywords, and know how to drive traffic to the landing page I
write for them.
I only want to write the copy: I have no interest in explaining
over and over again the rudiments of digital marketing to
newbies who don’t know it.
In other words, I want to be a copywriter, not a marketing
consultant or coach.
My friend DH, a specialist in writing direct mail, put it this
way: “I want to work with clients who know where the indicia
The other problem with coaching is this: When I am hired to
write copy for a client, I do the work, and therefore am
accountable for the results.
When you coach someone, you do NOT do the work. They do. You
only encourage and motivate them and perhaps guide them.
And more often than not – they don’t take your advice and
execute the tasks necessary to achieve their goals.
So what happens is the coaching client does not succeed – either
because he is lazy, inept, untalented, unfocused, picked the
wrong niche, or any combination of these reasons.
And the coach gets the blame. Even though the client, not the
coach, did the work – or not. Who needs that?
Also, if you are a copywriter or an Internet marketer, you can
use Google to find many coaches out there eager and willing to
help you. So it’s not like I’m your only hope.
One other thing: when I became a full-time freelance copywriter
in 1982, there were no paid mentoring or coaching programs … no
courses … no online groups … even no books on how to succeed in
the copywriting business.
That I am here is proof that you do NOT need coaching to make
it. Although if you think it will help you, by all means seek it
out. Just not with me. Fair enough?
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