Should Direct Marketers Worry About Branding?
June 27th, 2005 by Bob Bly
Yes, says Steve Cuno, chairman of something called RESPONSE Prospecting and Loyalty Strategies, in an article in Deliver (7/05).
?As a direct marketing, you?re hired to pull a profitable, measurable response, not to build the brand,? says Steve.
Well, at least he?s got that part right.
But then he goes on, ?But if you don?t recognize the impact your work has on the brand, and, perhaps more important, that the brand SHOULD have on your work, you?re being na?ve, and you will lose sales in the long run.?
Sorry, Steve, but that?s where you?re dead wrong.
As a direct response copywriter, your responsibility is one thing and one thing only: to maximize ROI from every promotion you write.
Direct response isn?t a branding tool. People barely remember million-dollar TV campaigns. Trust me that they forget 99.99% of your mail the minute they toss it.
And whenever you subordinate ROI to worrying about ?the impact your work has on the brand? ? or anything else ? you are compromising the ability of your promotion to maximize response.
When I sit down to write a letter, I think of only one thing: what true, ethical, and legal thing can I say that will get my prospect to buy this product?
And not, ?How can I create a good image? or ?How does this build the brand??
I have been doing it that way for 25 years ? with pretty good results.
So I think I?m right and Steve?s all wet.
What?s your opinion?
This entry was posted on Monday, June 27th, 2005 at 3:33 pm and is filed under Branding, Direct Marketing. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
June 27th, 2005 at 5:19 pm
You may both need a towel. And I’m not sure I’m dry enough to offer you mine 🙂
I’ve never liked the word “brand” and this is as good an example as any as to why.
I agree with you 100% on the purpose of a direct response copywriter – “…your responsibility is one thing and one thing only: to maximize ROI from every promotion you write.” However, I don’t believe you can completely ignore the brand of the product you’re promoting.
I agree you shouldn’t be thinking of how to build the brand, but the brand does influence the true, ethical, and legal things you say to get the prospect to buy the product.
June 27th, 2005 at 6:45 pm
I don’t know, Bob. I think you got yourself a little “damp” with this one.
I agree that branding is a much over-valued concept in marketing. It provides almost no short-term benefit. And there is no way to measure it.
But in the long term (meaning years, not months), a consistent, branded message can contribute to a company’s or a product’s reputation – which is a good thing.
Clearly, if you need to choose between direct response and branding, direct response should win every time – but I don’t think it needs to come to that.
The direct response message/offer/call to action doesn’t have to be sacrificed by the use of branded messages and design. You can have both.
Keep in mind, too, the difference between a prospecting mailing that reaches individual prospects maybe once a year and a multiple-hit mailing that reaches a smaller group of pre-qualified prospects up to 12 or 24 times a year.
Both programs want to generate response, but isn’t there some added value in having a consistent, branded “look and feel” when you are reaching the same people over and over again?
Bob McCarthy
The Direct Response Coach
June 27th, 2005 at 11:29 pm
What are you talking about, all these things do build the brand. Every contact you have with a customer ends up building the brand. It’s pouring in here like Niagara Falls.
June 28th, 2005 at 9:43 am
“Brand image is the sum total of your customer’s experience across all contact points with your product or service.”
Are you sure you’re not in your back yard pool while writing this: wet and/or heat stroke? You can either build the brand or harvest it. Your strategy depends on the product life cycle. I’m no direct mail guru but if I were to hire a DM guy or gal, they had better be true to my strategy my brand. While DM isn’t a “brand awareness” activity per se, it is a contact point with my customer and shouldn’t erode my branding efforts.
Surely you didn’t mean to say that DM is a completely separate marketing entity and needn’t be part of an integrated strategy. I KNOW you didn’t mean to write that.
BTW – there are some good ways to measure brand value. Go here for more:
June 28th, 2005 at 11:00 am
I agree with Bruce and Adrian here – I think Nick Usborne once wrote that ‘only words set you apart’ – brand is more than a few logos and a mission statement. Brand building has to include the words you use in all your communications with customers, prospects, suspects, ex-customers, partners, resellers, competitors, enemies…
If one of your ‘brand values’ (ugly term) is about good customer service, you have to use words in your DM that reflect this (among the many other ways you should show good customer service practices).
Your mission as a DM copywriter is surely more simple than just maximising ROI for every promotion you write – you have to maximise ROI for all those promotions you haven’t yet written too. That’s branding. And it doesn’t mean compromising ROI on the initial promotion.
June 28th, 2005 at 11:10 am
I agree with Bob. Why focus on building brand when building your business is vital?
Most successful brands don’t focus on branding or building identity. They focus on selling stuff the most effective way possible. I’ve never had the CEO of the company ask me, “Hey, how’s our branding doing today?” Hasn’t happened. Never will.
The CEO wants to know how much we’re selling — and what we’re doing to sell even more.
Jon Spoelstra (author of Marketing Outrageously) says, “I’ve got a warped perspective on advertising: I think advertising should get results you can feel. Don’t give me any of that image or identity stuff; I want revenue that I can track to the ad. Anything less is, to me, like throwing money into a tornado and hoping for the best.”
June 28th, 2005 at 12:32 pm
The best thing you can do for your brand is to sell the product. And direct-response marketing is — or at least should be — indelibly focused on doing just that.
June 28th, 2005 at 3:20 pm
There is a strong disconnect between the pull and push of product sales. Any suggestions as to how to make them work together?
Both are important. If us Branding types to our job, the sales types (DM) should have an easier job, isn’t that the point?
In the words of Rodney King, “can’t we just all get along?”
BTW – Thanks again for the call Bob. Blogs RULE! I never would have benefited from your knowledge without blogs.
June 28th, 2005 at 4:02 pm
Direct-response (DR) types seem to have this image of “Branding” as this amorphous, whim-and-fancy approach to marketing. Which is understandable, because many “Branding” types do too.
Here is where, in my experience, the difference lies (or should). DR folks are after one thing: the sale. Preferably as many sales for as small an investment as possible. Which is a perfectly reasonable MO.
What are you selling in DR? The Brand. You are compelling people to buy one particular type of widget. To buy your brand, versus the other guy’s.
The brand is the identity of your product–and your product has a brand whether you focus on it or not.
And DR is only one aspect of the brand. Packaging and design is another. So is customer service. And tech support. And community involvement.
Brand building is nothing more than maintaining consistency across all facets of a company or product’s interaction with it’s customers.
DR’s focus is on controlling all facets of a campaign to generate the maximum ROI. By ignoring the brand (which is simply consistency of communication), you are at best missing out on a huge opportunity to capitalize on past campaigns and existing consumer knowledge of the product and at worst, creating a lability by casting away that investment.
June 28th, 2005 at 4:45 pm
Danny, we are NOT selling the brand. Usually we are selling BENEFITS. Often we are selling OFFER, which has nothing to do with brand and which branding people often dislike. Gevalia coffee has a strong brand, but it is sold with the offer: sign up and get a free coffee maker. That drives branding types nuts but it works like gangbusters.
June 28th, 2005 at 5:45 pm
Danny, I can’t count the amount of times when a client has given me a list of brand guidelines to follow… and those guidelines have done nothing but stifle response. What works in brand communications (and how do you guys define “works” anyway?) often doesn’t work in DR. So as a copywriter who wants to get the highest response rates possible for his client, which rules do I follow? The brand guidelines? Or the proven principles of direct marketing?
June 29th, 2005 at 5:35 am
Steve – is it brand guidelines that stifle response or bad brand guidelines (those that are created without a thought for DR) that stifle response?
June 29th, 2005 at 5:46 am
Richard – I personally haven’t come across brand guidelines that were created with a thought for DR. But I’m sure they exist. And I would love to see an example.
June 29th, 2005 at 6:06 am
To succeed, the direct response copywriter must focus on one thing and one thing only: what true, legal, and ethical thing can I say to get the reader to buy this product?
Thinking about ANY brand guidelines, good or bad — or ANYTHING else — always interferes with that mission and invariably compromises response.
June 29th, 2005 at 1:35 pm
I think you’re right on target with your comments. And I promise not to use any water metaphors in my post…
What worries people about “branding” in direct response promotions, I think, is that the copywriter might do something that is counter to the “brand identity” of the company.
I believe any good copywriter incorporates that identity into his or her copy. If I’m writing a promotion for Apple Computer, it will be very different from the promotion I would write for Zim’s Crack Cream, and at least some of that difference would be based on the “brand identity” of the two companies. Apple Computer is just a different kind of animal than Zim’s Crack Cream, and thus my “pitch” for each will be different as well.
Now, as for “branding”… as a direct response copywriter, that’s not my job. My personal opinion on the subject is that companies should spend a lot more time trying to BE the “brand” they want the public to see them as, and LESS time trying to convince the public that the company is something other than itself. My experience has been that companies often try to portray a “brand identity” that has very little resemblance to the company’s TRUE identity (how it looks, behaves, and conducts business).
June 30th, 2005 at 12:58 am
Bob, Regarding you comment…If Gevalia coffee has a weak brand, what is the affect on your offer to sign up and get a coffee maker?
July 1st, 2005 at 5:00 pm
One of the legends of direct marketing – Joe Sugarman started adding his JS&A logo in every display ad.
Because he believed that it built trust. People would see the logo and remember the last product they had bought from JS&A and how that product delivered on the promise made by the ad.
(I’m just writing from memory, and if memory serves me right, thats what Joe wrote in one of his books (I think it was in “Advertising Secrets of the Written Word”, but could be one of his other books too.))
So, imho, Steve is not all wet.
August 1st, 2005 at 9:19 am
September 11th, 2005 at 1:52 pm
Hi Bob:
I’m going to weight in on the “all wet” side when it comes to Internet marketing. In a world where 20 to 40% of our orders come from people who are looking for us with a search engine, every thing we do either builds or detracts from our brand.
For a quick and free case study on the topic, check out:
All the best,
Don Nicholas (another reformed direct marketer)
Editor, Mequoda Cafe Daily
March 25th, 2006 at 9:00 pm
I discovered this discussion while searching “Gevalia” and “copywriter”. I just read their recent ad in my wife’s magazine (I just read them for the ads, honest) I thought this DR piece was phenomenal and have cut it out for my swipe file.
Does anybody know who wrote it? I’m just curious.
September 5th, 2006 at 1:12 pm
[…] Today, 02:12 PM Branding has to be coherent, consistent, and have good message to market match. I don’t think branding efforts and direct response copywriting are in conflict. That’s not the genereral consensus, read Should Direct Marketers Worry About Branding? There’s an interesting comment in that thread about Genvalia. Many of the older guys, like Ogilvy, write brand-friendly copy. The man in the Hathaway shirt for example. The problem only comes in on the fringe, with fundamentalists on either side. I just don’t many people have given much thought to how branding fits in with the need to make sales now. Design Crux — Everything your computer could (and should) be doing for you … but isn’t. […]
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November 3rd, 2023 at 11:13 am
I read your article about branding and I found it very insightful. I agree that direct marketers should focus on the benefits and results of their products or services, rather than on building a brand image. However, I also think that branding is not irrelevant for direct marketers, especially in the digital age. Branding can help you stand out from the crowd, build trust and credibility, and create a loyal customer base. One way to achieve this is by using a private cloud management solution that can enhance your security, performance, and scalability. If you are interested in learning more about private cloud management, you can check out this blog: It has some great tips and resources on how to leverage the power of private cloud for your direct marketing campaigns.
November 5th, 2023 at 7:51 am
This is an interesting article on the importance of branding for direct marketers. I agree that branding can help create trust, loyalty and differentiation in a crowded market. However, I also think that direct marketers should not neglect the technical aspects of their campaigns, such as the performance, security and scalability of their websites and applications. That’s why I recommend checking out this blog on Application Modernization by CloudShape. It explains how to modernize your legacy applications and migrate them to the cloud, using best practices and proven methodologies. You can find it here: I hope you find it useful and informative.
November 5th, 2023 at 10:28 am
I enjoyed reading your article on direct marketing and branding. I agree that direct marketers should focus on the benefits and results of their products or services, rather than on building a brand image. However, I also think that direct marketers should not ignore the importance of security and compliance in their online campaigns. That’s why I recommend checking out this blog on devsecops: It has some great tips and insights on how to integrate security into your development and operations processes, without compromising on speed or quality. Devsecops is the future of direct marketing, don’t you think?
November 6th, 2023 at 11:28 am
I enjoyed reading your article on direct marketing and branding. I agree that branding is important, but not at the expense of results. I think direct marketers should focus on delivering value to their customers and measuring their ROI. That’s why I recommend checking out this blog on devops: It has some great insights on how to optimize your software development and delivery processes, and how to align them with your business goals. Devops is not just a buzzword, it’s a way of working smarter and faster. If you want to learn more, visit the blog and subscribe to their newsletter.
November 6th, 2023 at 11:32 am
I enjoyed reading your article on direct marketing and branding. I agree that direct marketers should focus on the benefits and results of their products or services, rather than on building a brand image. However, I also think that branding is not irrelevant for direct marketers, especially in the digital age. Branding can help you stand out from the crowd, build trust and credibility, and create a loyal customer base. One way to achieve this is by having a reliable and secure managed data center for your online business. A managed data center can provide you with the best performance, security, and scalability for your website and applications. It can also save you time and money by taking care of the maintenance, updates, and backups of your servers. If you are interested in learning more about how a managed data center can help you grow your business and brand, check out this blog:
November 6th, 2023 at 11:35 am
I enjoyed reading your article on direct marketing and branding. I agree that direct marketers should focus on the benefits and results of their products or services, rather than on the features or logos. However, I also think that direct marketers should not ignore the importance of having a consistent and reliable cloud infrastructure to support their campaigns. That’s why I recommend using a multi-cloud management solution like Cloudshape, which allows you to manage multiple cloud providers from a single dashboard. Cloudshape helps you optimize your cloud costs, performance, security, and compliance, while giving you the flexibility and scalability you need. You can learn more about Cloudshape and how it can help your direct marketing business here:
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January 15th, 2024 at 11:03 am
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May 8th, 2024 at 3:48 am
Clarke makes a compelling case for why direct marketers should be concerned with branding. She argues that a strong brand can improve the effectiveness of direct marketing campaigns by increasing customer trust, enhancing perceived value, and reducing customer acquisition costs over time.
May 8th, 2024 at 6:33 am
“Should Direct Marketers Worry About Branding?” presents a thought-provoking examination of the relationship between direct marketing and branding strategies. With clarity and depth, the author navigates the complexities of this debate, offering valuable insights for marketers grappling with where to allocate their resources and focus their efforts.
May 11th, 2024 at 12:37 am
The book also explores the technological advancements that have reshaped both direct marketing and branding.
May 28th, 2024 at 3:32 am
Yes, direct marketers should definitely worry about branding. While direct marketing focuses on immediate results and measurable outcomes, integrating branding into direct marketing efforts can enhance overall effectiveness and contribute to long-term success. Here are several reasons why direct marketers should consider branding:
1. Building Trust and Credibility
– Trust: A strong brand fosters trust and credibility with consumers. Trustworthy brands are more likely to convert prospects into customers.
– Consistency: Consistent branding helps establish reliability, making consumers more comfortable with making purchases or engaging with marketing offers.
2. Enhancing Customer Loyalty
– Retention: Branding encourages customer loyalty. Satisfied customers who identify with a brand are more likely to make repeat purchases.
– Engagement: Engaged customers who feel a connection to a brand are more likely to respond to direct marketing efforts positively.
3. Differentiating from Competitors
– Unique Identity: A strong brand identity helps differentiate products or services from competitors, making marketing messages stand out.
– Value Proposition: Clear branding communicates a unique value proposition, helping to attract and retain customers in a crowded market.
4. Increasing the Effectiveness of Direct Marketing Campaigns
– Higher Response Rates: Well-branded direct marketing campaigns are more likely to achieve higher response rates as consumers recognize and trust the brand.
– Brand Recall: Strong branding improves brand recall, making consumers more likely to remember and act on direct marketing messages.
5. Supporting Long-Term Growth
– Brand Equity: Building brand equity contributes to the long-term value of the business, which can enhance customer lifetime value and profitability.
– Sustainable Relationships: Branding helps create sustainable relationships with customers, fostering loyalty and advocacy that benefit direct marketing efforts.
6. Synergy between Branding and Direct Marketing
– Integrated Campaigns: Integrating branding into direct marketing campaigns creates synergy, making both efforts more effective.
– Consistent Messaging: Consistent branding across all marketing channels ensures a unified message that reinforces brand identity and values.
Strategies to Integrate Branding into Direct Marketing:
1.Consistent Visuals and Messaging: Use consistent brand colors, logos, and messaging across direct marketing materials to reinforce brand identity.
2.Storytelling: Incorporate brand stories and values into direct marketing content to create emotional connections with consumers.
3.Personalization: Personalize direct marketing messages while maintaining brand voice and tone to resonate more deeply with individual consumers.
4.Customer Experience: Ensure that the customer experience aligns with brand promises, enhancing satisfaction and loyalty.
5.Feedback and Improvement: Use feedback from direct marketing campaigns to refine and strengthen branding efforts, creating a continuous loop of improvement.
Direct marketers should indeed worry about branding because it enhances trust, loyalty, differentiation, and the overall effectiveness of marketing efforts. By integrating branding strategies into direct marketing, businesses can achieve better immediate results while building a strong foundation for long-term success.
June 6th, 2024 at 2:14 am
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