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What Sells Best Online: SEO or PPC?

August 17th, 2009 by Bob Bly

According to a new study by Internet Retailer, visitors who arrive on a site from pay-per-click (PPC) advertising are 50% more likely to buy than traffic generated by search engine optimization (SEO).

The study found that the average conversion rate from paid search is 2.03% vs. only 1.25% from organic search.

Visitors sent to web sites via e-mail marketing convert even better, at 6.9% — a figure confirmed in my own business after tracking the results from literally millions of e-mail messages.

Why is this so? The study did not speculate, but I have my own theory: the more the prospect knows about what he will be offered on the web site or landing page before he gets there, the higher the conversion rate.

E-mail gives you the most information about what to expect, so the conversion rate is higher. PPC ads have significantly less copy, so the prospect is not as clear on what is being offered, and conversion rate is less.

SEO has the lowest conversion because of the limited description displayed in the Google search engine results page (SERP), and also because most marketers don’t take as much care writing their description meta tags as they do their PPC ads and e-mail copy.

Source: SIPA Alert, 8/17/09.


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512 responses about “What Sells Best Online: SEO or PPC?”

  1. Increase Website Traffic said:

    What a nice blog you have..thanks for all this information

  2. What Sells Best Online: SEO or PPC? - blog - … | SEO News & Views said:

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  3. What Sells Best Online: SEO or PPC? - blog - … | Toronto SEO | SEM | PPC Tips & Internet Advertising said:

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  5. Live-Point Official Blog » Blog Archive » What Sells Best Online: SEO or PPC? – blog – … said:

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  7. What Sells Best Online: SEO or PPC? – blog – … said:

    […] The rest is here:  What Sells Best Online: SEO or PPC? – blog – … […]

  8. What Sells Best Online: SEO or PPC? - blog - … | Angelove said:

    […] Read the original here: What Sells Best Online: SEO or PPC? – blog – … […]

  9. Pete Hollier said:

    Well I do have to say this is a rather broad statement.

    Any skilled SEO pays a great deal of attention to the description and title tag as these are very affective to induce a click in the SERPs. Also the reality is there is more space available for a message in a Organic result than there is for the average PPC ad.

    Email well thats a different issue all together

    “SEO has the lowest conversion because of the limited description displayed in the Google search engine results page (SERP), and also because most marketers don’t take as much care writing their description meta tags as they do their PPC ads and e-mail copy.”

  10. Sante said:

    Hello Bob,
    I think there is room for some further considerations here: when we talk conversions it is essential to associate a conversion rate to a specific set o keywords.

    The closer your keywords to the end of the purchase process, the higher the conversion rate.

    There are niches online with very high organic conversions, if you look at hotel conversions figures drop dramatically … so at the end of the day I wouldn’t support this study too much, i.e. suggest that a Client invest in PPC (or paid advertising) instead of organic search.

  11. What Sells Best Online: SEO or PPC? - blog - … « PPC Advertising said:

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  12. What Sells Best Online: SEO or PPC? – blog – … | house said:

    […] Read the original: What Sells Best Online: SEO or PPC? – blog – … […]

  13. The Lone Wolf Entrepreneur said:

    Interesting study. I think it would be great to see a study like this go deeper. For instance, there’s obviously a HUGE difference between search PPC conversions and content PPC conversions.

    None-the-less, I agree with Bob’s reasoning, but would add that I think people have come to expect more focused solutions to their problems with a PPC ad. They know a company has paid to get you to their site and are therefore probably more commited to solving your problem.

    The major problem with PPC is the tremendous power Google has over you. At anytime they want, they can change a policy and drop your ad – no matter how well it’s performing and how relevant it is to your audience. For this reason, among many others, it would be a mistake to rely 100% on either SEO or PPC. You’ve got to keep “changing the channel” as Masterson would say.

  14. Bob Bly said:

    Google has great power over all of us, the whole world, far beyond PPC. I hope they read Stan Lee and adhere to his motto, “With great power comes great responsibility.”

  15. What Sells Best Online: SEO or PPC? - blog - … « SEO said:

    […] Rea­d­ m­ore from­ the ori­gi­n­a­l­ sou­rce: Wha­t S­ells­ Bes­t O­n­li­n­e: S­EO­ o­r&#17… […]

  16. The Lone Wolf Entrepreneur said:

    Couldn’t agree with you more, Bob.

    A Google slap can wipe out a huge chunk of income and good luck getting any feedback from Google on the whys and hows for it.

    Personally, I think it’s becoming so, so important to have a blog or newsletter (preferably both) where you’ve got an audience that can stay in touch with you. Not rocket science, I know, but I waited way too long to get on board.

  17. What Sells Best Online: SEO or PPC? - blog - … said:

    […] View original post here: What Sells Best Online: SEO or PPC? – blog – … […]

  18. SEO and PPC said:

    i think this is because the difference in landing page quality,

  19. How to Choose a Profitable Affiliate Program said:

    […] What Sells Best Online: SEO or PPC? – blog – … […]

  20. How to Choose a Profitable Affiliate Program said:

    […] What Sells Best Online: SEO or PPC? – blog – … […]

  21. Bob Bly said:

    In response to #18, the conversion rate differential was solely the source of the traffic (PPC vs. SEO), as they both went to the same web pages.

  22. Ken Norkin - Freelance Copywriter said:

    It seems to me that conversion rates are higher with PPC and email because those are advertising. The people clicking through know they are responding to advertising. They know that at the destination page someone is going to try to sell them something. People who respond to advertising are more likely to buy.

    SEO has the lowest conversion rate because people who click through from organic Google results are more likely gathering information for a later purchase but less likely to be ready to buy right now.

    My guess, anyway.

  23. Internet Strategist @GrowMap said:

    The reason ppc converts better is because it is more targeted. A well-constructed ppc campaign uses keywords specific to a product or service and lands the visitor ON the very best landing page for that product or service.

    Very few sites manage to get good placement for all of their products, services and keywords in the organic listings. If you land potential buyers on pages that are less specific or that have many other options they will always convert at a lower percentage.

  24. Ken Norkin - Freelance Copywriter said:

    Bob said above that in this specific instance PPC and SEO traffic landed on the *same page.*

  25. Article Marketing Vs Pay Per Click: What’s the Difference? | provide you the all the internet marketing news and knowledge. said:

    […] What Sells Best Online: SEO or PPC? – blog – … […]

  26. Lynne Gordon said:

    “””SEO has the lowest conversion because of the limited description displayed in the Google search engine results page (SERP), and also because most marketers don’t take as much care writing their description meta tags as they do their PPC ads and e-mail copy.”””

    I’m pretty happy with my description meta tags on my websites…but only because I do not understand how they could be improved.

    Am I being another Bill B. to ask you to expand on this particular point in your article? lol

    Lynne Gordon, 100 Percent Health

  27. Bob Bly said:

    Ken: You are correct that in THIS case, the conversion from SEO vs. PPC was measured from the same pages. “Internet Strategist”is correct that, in GENERAL, PPC campaigns drive traffic to specific, matching landing pages, while organic traffic often goes to the home page, which converts less efficiently than a landing page.

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  241. Salmanul Faris said:

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  249. noora pk said:

    SEO and PPC serve different purposes and can be effective in different contexts. SEO is ideal for long-term, sustainable traffic and building organic search visibility, while PPC provides immediate, targeted traffic and results. The best choice depends on your business goals, budget, and timeline. For long-term growth, invest in SEO; for quick returns, consider PPC.

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  251. libin james said:


  252. Creative Advertising said:

    This is a really insightful article! The comparison between PPC, SEO, and email marketing conversion rates highlights the importance of tailoring the messaging to match user expectations. It makes sense that more detailed information, like in email marketing, results in higher conversions. Your theory on how clarity impacts decision-making is spot on. It’s a great reminder to focus on the quality of both PPC ads and meta descriptions to maximize conversions. Thanks for sharing these valuable insights!

  253. Safar said:

    Thank you for sharing such a clear comparison between SEO and PPC! Your insights help clarify the strengths of each strategy, making it easier to choose the right one based on business needs. for more : Best Digital Marketing Strategist in Kerala

  254. Fathimath Sahla said:

    Very Informative!

  255. Libin james said:

    good insight well done

  256. arjunmp said:

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  268. ANAL N M said:

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  277. ISHAM NADIQ said:

    This essay is quite interesting! Conversion rates for email marketing, SEO, and PPC are compared, and the results show how crucial it is to adjust messaging to user expectations. It makes reasonable that conversion rates would be higher for more precise information, such as in email marketing. You have a valid notion about how decision-making is impacted by clarity. It serves as a fantastic reminder to prioritize the quality of both meta descriptions and PPC advertising in order to increase conversions. I appreciate you sharing these insightful thoughts.

  278. favuzan said:


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  280. Abdu said:


  281. vishnu said:


  282. hafil.ameen said:


  283. Lamiya Rahmath said:

    This blog offers a great comparison between SEO and PPC, showing PPC converts better, with a 2.03% conversion rate vs. 1.25% for SEO. It also highlights that email marketing performs even better at 6.9%. While PPC may seem more effective, today’s SEO strategies have evolved, and factors like user intent and content quality play a big role in conversions.

  284. arjun raj k r said:

    These insights underscore the importance of tailoring marketing strategies based on audience behavior and intent. While SEO remains a crucial component of digital marketing for building organic traffic and credibility, integrating PPC and email marketing can significantly enhance overall conversion rates. Businesses should consider a balanced approach that leverages the strengths of each channel to optimize their marketing effectiveness.

  285. Deniya Jayan said:

    Both SEO and PPC have unique advantages in driving online sales. SEO offers long-term, cost-effective traffic and builds brand credibility, while PPC provides immediate visibility and precise targeting. For a Digital Marketing Expert in Kerala, combining both strategies can create a balanced approach, leveraging the strengths of each to maximize reach and conversions. Testing both methods can help determine the most effective strategy for your specific needs!

  286. Arjun raj k r said:

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    Choosing the right SEO company is a critical decision for any business. At Bandse D, we take pride in delivering outstanding SEO results that help businesses in Calicut grow and succeed.

  289. saleel unais said:

    Thanks for the informative content

  290. asnaseri said:

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  291. Amekh M K said:

    Thanks for the content

  292. Fazeela Ashfak said:

    It is very informable content

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  295. Fathimathul Sana said:



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  297. Abhin said:

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