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New Life for Newspapers?

May 21st, 2012 by Bob Bly

Many people believe  newspapers are an antiquated, soon-to-be-dead medium.

But if so, why did Warren Buffett — arguably the world’s savviest investor — just buy 63 newspapers for $142 million?

“Berkshire Hathaway doesn’t fool around,” said analyst Edward Atorino. “I don’t think Berkshire Hathaway does anything where they’re going to lose money.”

“We may buy more newspapers,” said Buffett. “I think the economics work out OK.”



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What does GE get out of social media?

May 17th, 2012 by Bob Bly

According to an article in Direct Marketing News (5/12, p. 12), General Electric has more than 200,000 Facebook friends and more than 50,000 Twitter followers.

What does GE post on the social networks? Photos, questions, and jokes.

What do they get out of all this activity? Hundreds of “likes,” comments, and mentions.

Getting Facebook “likes” doesn’t seem like an impressive achievement to  me, but apparently GE thinks it a worthy expenditure of time and money.

Do you?


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Ask a Stupid Question….

May 16th, 2012 by Bob Bly

A recent headline on read: “Why are teen moms poor?”

Is this a serious question? They’re poor because they are teenagers who have children. Children are expensive, and most teens earn and have little or no money. Mystery solved, right?


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Avoid Logical Contradictions in Copy

May 9th, 2012 by Bob Bly

A TV commercial for the new movie “Snow White and the Huntsman” dramatically proclaims — “This is no fairy tale!”

It reads well and sounds dramatic.

The only problem: it’s not true. Anything about Snow White is by definition a fairy tale. So the copy is  one big lie.

Am I being a nitpicker here? Or am I right on the money?


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Is Writing the Hardest Form of Thinking?

May 8th, 2012 by Bob Bly

In The Writer magazine (6/12, p. 15), my favorite novelist, Pat Conroy (The Prince of Tides, The Great Santini), writes that “Good writing is the hardest form of thinking.”

He continues: “It involves the agony of turning profoundly difficult thoughts into lucid form, then forcing them into the tight-fitting uniform of language, making them visible and clear. If the writing is good, then the result seems effortless and inevitable.”

This sounds nice, but do you buy his claim that good writing is really the hardest form of thinking? I think for most people, the hardest form of thinking is mathematics.

My youngest son is a freshman at Carnegie-Mellon. He took a course in “calculus in three dimensions.” I would wager that calculus in three dimensions is more difficult for most students than English composition.

What do you think?


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How Not to be a “Follow-Up Pest”

April 19th, 2012 by Bob Bly

One area of uncertainty among service providers is how often to follow up with prospects.

Not often enough and you may lose an opportunity to another vendor who is more visible.

Too often and  you risk being an annoyance.

One technique that helps is to make sure you are NOT being a pest when you follow up.

Whether I am following  up by phone or e-mail, the first thing I say is “I don’t want to be a pest, but … ” followed by a brief description of why I am calling.

This works amazingly well. Almost without fail, the prospect replies, “You’re not being a pest — I am glad you followed up!”

I don’t know what about “I don’t want to be a pest, but” works. I only know that it works like magic.


Category: General | 50 Comments » |

What is a “Guaranteed Best-Seller?”

April 11th, 2012 by Bob Bly

Today I received an e-mail from a semi-famous business author. In it, he announced that he was working on a new best-seller.

Not to nitpik, but I beg to differ. He is working on a book that he HOPES will be a best-seller. But to describe the book-in-progress as a best-seller in the present tense is silly.

He may think his book has a good shot at  making the best-seller list. But it certainly hasn’t yet.

In his e-mail, he also refers to the book as “a guaranteed best-seller.” Again, NO ONE can guarantee that their book will be a best-seller, even if their previous books have been.

This is a good example of hype  that in my view goes a little too far. It is dishonest and not credible.


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Read This Only If You Think E-Mail is “Greener” Than Direct Mail

April 6th, 2012 by Bob Bly

Here are some facts about the eco-friendliness of paper direct marketing (direct mail) vs. electronic direct marketing (e-mail) from my fellow copywriter Marjorie Bicknell: 

* Only 1.8% of household waste is from advertising direct mail messages and catalogues.
* Direct-mail accounts for just 2.4 percent of landfill waste
* 54.7 percent of all paper in the U.S. is currently recycled.
* A single e-mail contributes 9 grams of CO2.
* 95 trillion spam emails were sent in 2010.
* Spam alone requires an energy use equivalent to the electricity used in 2.4 million U.S. homes. 
* In 2005, the amount of electricity consumed by data centers globally was equivalent to the production of 14 coal-fired 1,000-megawatt power plants.
* A single web server can produce more tons of CO2 in a year than a car.
* The net effect of running all of the servers in the United States is equal to that of five nuclear power plants


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