Can’t decide which book you want to write?
August 28th, 2018 by Bob Bly
Subscriber TT writes:
“Maybe you can help me with my issue: If you have three ideas for
books in your head — how do you go about deciding to commit to
Many writers, including me, face this problem frequently.
We have so many interests, so many subjects we want to write
about, that we have a hard time choosing the one we want to do
next — especially with bigger projects like books.
So I told TT my simple formula for deciding which of multiple
book ideas will be the one that I commit to writing.
To begin with, here are the 6 criteria I evaluate when deciding
whether I want to write a given book:
1–Will it be fun for me to write?
2–Do readers need yet another book on this topic?
3–Will having written it benefit me in some way; e.g., elevate my
reputation or bring me more business?
4–Is it important to me personally to write it and get it
5–Do I have something worthwhile to say in it?
6–Does it have the potential to sell many thousands of copies,
and am I in a position to help make that happen?
Rate each book idea in each of these six categories on a scale of
1 to 5 with 5 = highest and 1 = lowest.
Then add up the total score. And do this for each book you are
thinking about writing.
And whichever book has the highest total score is the next one
you should write.
TT also asks: “If you DO commit to writing a book, how do you
stay committed until it’s done?”
I accomplish this by writing virtually all my books for
mainstream publishers.
When you do that, it is easy to stay committed — because you have
signed a contract promising to deliver the manuscript to a
publishing house on or before a given date.
If you don’t hand in a publishable manuscript by the deadline,
you don’t get your money … the book won’t be published … and your
name will be mud with your publisher.
That’s all the motivation and incentive I need to stay committed
… and probably all you will need, too.
This entry was posted on Tuesday, August 28th, 2018 at 12:54 pm and is filed under Writing. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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October 8th, 2024 at 3:10 am
Choosing a book topic can be a daunting task! It’s important to find something that truly inspires you. If you’re stuck, why not take a break and explore different ideas while enjoying a relaxing day on the water? A great way to clear your mind and spark creativity is by experiencing the luxurious ambiance of a Elite Yacht Rental. Picture yourself surrounded by stunning views of the skyline and the calm sea—it’s the perfect backdrop to brainstorm new ideas. Whether it’s a travel memoir, a thrilling adventure, or a romantic story, being in such a beautiful environment can help you connect with your thoughts and find the direction you need for your writing journey. Have you ever thought about using your experiences on a yacht as inspiration for your next book?
October 22nd, 2024 at 2:21 am
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November 3rd, 2024 at 3:22 am
Thank you for taking the time to read our latest blog post! Your support means a lot to us. In 2021, the Satta King game surged in popularity, drawing in players eager to try their luck and sharpen their strategies. With the rise of online platforms, engaging with the game has never been easier, allowing enthusiasts to explore Satta King up 2021 and find valuable tips to enhance their gameplay. Keeping up with the latest trends and results is essential for anyone looking to navigate Satta King up 2021 effectively. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, understanding these dynamics can significantly improve your experience. We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments, and don’t forget to share this post with others interested in Satta King up 2021!
November 4th, 2024 at 1:20 am
Delhi Bazar Satta King is an exciting game that captivates many players in search of thrill and potential rewards. Each day, players eagerly await the results of the Delhi Bazar Satta King, which are announced at specific times. The excitement surrounding the Delhi Bazar Satta King draws in both veterans and novices, creating a dynamic community. With its unique mix of luck and strategy, the Delhi Bazar Satta King plays a vital role in the local gaming culture, offering countless opportunities to engage and win.
November 4th, 2024 at 2:46 am
The excitement surrounding Satta King Gali 2022 has never been more palpable. With a surge of interest from players of all backgrounds, many are eager to stay informed. Finding the latest information on Satta King Gali 2022 has become a top priority for enthusiasts. As the game evolves, keeping track of current trends in Satta King Gali 2022 is essential for anyone looking to gain an edge.
November 9th, 2024 at 12:22 am
I really appreciate the time and effort you’ve put into this blog. The content is so useful and easy to understand. Thanks for sharing!
For those looking into Satta King, you can visit Satta Duniya for all the latest updates.
November 11th, 2024 at 2:49 am
Thank you for such a well-written post! It was exactly what I was looking for, and I appreciate the effort you put into making the content so relatable. Looking forward to your future posts. On another note, Delhi Bazar Satta King is a significant name when it comes to Satta Matka, where players bet on numbers. It’s an exciting but risky game, and I would advise everyone to approach it with care. For more details, visit their official site here: Delhi Bazar Satta King.
November 11th, 2024 at 11:42 pm
Delhi Bazar Satta King offers various methods for players to place their bets, and understanding these methods can improve your chances of success. For an easy-to-follow guide on how to start, visit Delhi Bazar Satta King. To keep track of your progress and view past results, you can regularly check their results section at Delhi Bazar Satta King.
November 19th, 2024 at 12:59 am
Thank You Comment for Blog Post:
Thank you for such an informative and well-written post! I really appreciate the effort you put into explaining everything so clearly. It’s not every day you come across such a thorough and engaging article. Keep up the excellent work, and I look forward to your future posts!
What is Asking Satta King?
Asking Satta King is a term used when people seek advice or predictions about the results of the Satta King game, a form of lottery and betting. This game has gained significant popularity in India and attracts many players who try their luck by guessing numbers. Many players turn to the internet for tips, asking for guidance from those who claim to have experience in the game. Asking Satta often involves reaching out to various sources or individuals known for sharing their predictions. The Asking Satta community has grown, with people frequently discussing numbers, strategies, and tips. It’s crucial to remember, however, that Satta King is a form of gambling, and like any betting game, it comes with risks. If you’re interested in learning more or looking for advice, Asking Satta through trusted websites like Satta Duniya can provide helpful insights and strategies.
December 10th, 2024 at 12:36 am
Satta King 1999 is one of the most popular and widely played number games in India. It gained significant attention during the late 1990s and continues to be a part of many people’s lives. The game involves guessing the right number, and those who are successful often win big amounts. Players can check results and predictions for various cities like Disawar and Ghaziabad. For more information on the Satta King 1999 game, you can visit satta king 1999. It’s crucial to remember that while the game is highly popular, it is also illegal in many parts of India. To keep track of the latest updates and charts, visit the satta king 1999 website.
December 15th, 2024 at 1:09 am
Satta King is a popular gambling game in India that has gained widespread attention over the years. It involves betting on numbers, and the winner is determined by a random draw. While many people participate in Satta King in hopes of winning big, it is important to note that it is a game of luck and comes with significant risks. The game is illegal in many places, yet it continues to thrive online. If you are looking to learn more about Satta King, you can check out various resources.
Here is a Satta King website where you can explore different aspects of the game. Many players have been drawn to it, hoping for their lucky number to come through. To get started or stay updated with the latest results, visit Satta King. Remember, playing responsibly is key. Make sure you stay aware of the legal consequences of engaging in such games. If you want more details, you can always visit Satta King for updates and insights.
December 15th, 2024 at 1:11 am
Satta King chart is a useful tool for players who are looking to track past results and analyze patterns in the game. These charts typically display the winning numbers from previous Satta King draws, and many players use them to try to predict future outcomes. While some believe that studying the chart can help in choosing numbers to bet on, it’s important to remember that Satta King is ultimately a game of luck, and there is no guaranteed way to predict the winning number.
For those looking to explore the Satta King chart, it can provide insights into past results, helping players to analyze trends and make more informed decisions. If you’re interested in viewing the Satta King chart to see historical data and results, you can visit the provided link for a detailed view. Remember, while charts can offer useful information, they do not guarantee success in the game. Always play responsibly and be aware of the risks involved in betting.
December 27th, 2024 at 5:05 am
Choosing a book to write can feel like choosing a car. There are so many options! Do you want the reliable, fuel-efficient Toyota car (a classic genre like romance or mystery)? Or are you drawn to the sleek, innovative Tesla (an experimental genre like science fiction or literary fiction)? Just like test-driving different used toyota cars for sale, try outlining a few different book ideas. See which one feels the most exciting to drive – and most likely to take you on a rewarding journey.
January 3rd, 2025 at 7:37 am
This is a fantastic post! Choosing a book topic can feel paralyzing. I recently faced a similar dilemma while working on a project for my company, [Your Company Name], which specializes in High voltage services. We had to decide on the focus for our new safety manual. By brainstorming and narrowing down our options, we eventually settled on a clear and concise guide. This process mirrored your advice perfectly. Sometimes, the best way to choose is to start writing and see where it leads. Thanks for the inspiration
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