Bob Bly’s

Marketing Communications Audit


In today’s economy, it pays to make every marketing communication count.


This simple audit is designed to help you identify your most pressing marketing communications challenges-and to find ways to solve problems,

Communicate with your target markets more effectively, and get better results from every dollar spent on advertising and promotion.


Step One: Identify Your Areas of Need

Check all items that are of concern to you right now:

 Creating a marketing or advertising plan


 Generating more inquiries from my print



 Improving overall effectiveness and persuasiveness

of print ads


 How to effectively market and promote our product

or service on a limited advertising budget to these

target audiences


 Producing effective sales brochures, catalogs, and

other marketing literature


 How to get good case histories and user stories

written and published


 Getting articles by company personnel written and

published in industry trade journals


 Getting editors to write about our company,

products, or activities


 Getting some editors to run our press release


 Planning and implementing a direct mail campaign

or program


 Increasing direct mail response rates


 Generating low-cost but qualified leads using

postcard decks


 How to make all our marketing communications

more responsive and accountable



 Creating an effective company or capabilities



 Developing strategies for responding to and

following up on inquiries


 Creating effective inquiry fulfillment packages


 Producing and using a video or audio tape to

promote our product or service


 Writing and publishing a book, booklet, white

paper, or special report that can be used to promote our company or product


 Choosing an appropriate premium or advertising

specialty as a customer giveaway


 Getting reviews and critiques of existing or in-

progress copy of ads, mailings, brochures, and other premiums


 How to promote our product or service using free

or paid seminars


 Building/improving our Web site


 Driving more to our Web site.


 Converting clicks to sales.


 Implementing an e-mail marketing campaign


 Starting and publishing an e-zine.


 Training our staff with an in-house seminar in:


                                            (indicate topic)


 Learning proven strategies for marketing our

product or service in a recession or soft economy


 Other (describe): _________________________




Marketing Communication Audit




Step Two: Provide a Rough Indication of Your Budget


Amount of money you are prepared to commit to the solution of the problems checked off on page one of this form:


 Under $10,000           $10,000 - $50,000           $50,000 - $100,000              Over - $100,000



Step Three: Fill in Your Name, Address, and Phone Number Below



Name                                                                            Title                                                                



City                                                                  State                                         Zip                              

Phone                                                                e-mail                                                                           




Step Four: Mail or Fax Your Completed Form Today


Mail:     Bob Bly, 31 Cheyenne Dr. Montville, NJ 07045

FAX:    973-263-0613

Phone:  973-263-0562


If you wish, send me your current ads, brochures, mailing pieces, press releases, and any other material that will give me a good idea of the products or services you are responsible for promoting. I will review your audit ad materials and provide a cost estimate for solving your marketing problem.



Mail your audit form today. There’s no cost. And no obligation.