What Our Customers Say


"Bob delivers more value in his e-mail sign-up bonuses than most 'gurus' do in their products!"
--Shaun Edwards, Direct Response Copywriter for Agora UK

"I love your emails! I look forward to staying in touch with you every day."
--Jerry Christian

"I just wanted to thank you for all the energy, care, and insight you have provided to me over the past two years through your copy clinic. It was worth every penny, and I'm sure I'll continue to apply the wisdom you have taught me for years to come. You've also been incredibly generous with your time outside of the clinic as well."
--Sara Lovelady

"I enjoy your emails. There is always something of value to learn."
--Jane McGuire

"I remain in awe of everything you get done, and I open every email from you. I guess that makes me a 5-star subscriber!"
--Gordon Graham

"Thanks as always for your emails and insights. I am 70 and have seen so much over the years. You are the rock!!!"
--Kevin Gustafson

"I'm sure you are not aware of the great impact your work delivers!"
--Roberto Monasterio

"You are one of the greatest copyright publishers I below of because you taught me well. l know from experience. Thank you for all you do. Wishing you and yours the very best."
--Bob G.

"I have always enjoyed receiving your emails and advice! Keep up the excellent work Bob!"
--Lisa Wyciskalla

"As an aspiring direct response copywriter, figuring out – i.e. learning - how to think - not only about advertising - but how and why it works ... is understandably important. And this learning curve for me rests upon the backs of you and others that have this already gained understanding."
--Charley Blewett

"Many thanks for your inspiring and insightful writing."
--Jeremy Blake

"Sir, you are writing and marketing genius! The evidence for my comment is your decades-long success."
--Eugene Heil

"I just want you to know how much your emails motivate me. You are an important mentor and I thank you for your honest reflections of life as a writer."
--Sharon Roberts

"I want to thank you for your brilliant books. They made a great difference in helping me get started (and up to speed) with copywriting 20 years ago."
--Matthew McMillion

"I wrote down all your helpful e-newsletter reasons you find you love writing on an index card to reflect on, and to get me to get back to loving writing like I used to. Thanks again for you answering my question in your e-newsletter.”
--Sean Van Zant

"You always provide value in your emails. I look forward to your next one. If I had taken action on the knowledge provided in the ebooks that I have purchased from you, I might be getting a passive income too."
--John Kroehler

"Thanks for your newsletter and endless supply of interesting things to learn and/or ponder."
--Scott Moss

"This email gave me the best idea for a piece I'm writing. I don't know if you get this a lot or not but THANK YOU for these emails. I enjoy receiving them and please keep them coming. They have been so helpful to me."
--Cece Parra

"I always look forward to your emails. As You know I have purchased several of your eBooks that I refer back to often. I also pass your emails on to others that are not aware of you or your great information. Thanks for taking the time to do all the work you do!"
--Sandra Gonyier

"Let me tell you that your emails are a joy for me to read. Always insightful, always interesting. They're always relevant. On top of that, they seem to arrive at the very precise moment when I most need them."
--Rafa Aranda

"This email is excellent: succinct, memorable, beneficial."
--Joe Polivik

"You're always a step ahead; that's why I keep buying your products!"
--Jerry Irwin

"Darn it Bob!, I keep getting your E-Mails and I read them all and have purchased your products over the years. They are excellent."
--Herman Fickewirth

"I am so glad to be on your e-newsletter list. You are such a great source of education and inspiration to new writers like myself."
--Tom Gibbs

"Your Copywriter's Handbook is one of the best copywriting books I've ever read/listened to! I am on the second time listening to it. There is so much great philosophy, principles, guidelines, comments, etc. in it! My aim is to listen to it 7 times through, following Gary Halbert's advice from David Ogilvy that says to read Scientific Advertising 7 times. "
--Sean Van Zant

"Bob. Your products are always solid."
--Thomas O'Malley

"I always appreciated your kindle books and the pdfs I bought from you. Lol, my customers are mad at me because I am sold out. Thanks again Bob"
--Jeffrey Rhodes

"Your books and your e-books are some of my most valuable resources."
--Ted Cortes

"Keep up the great work Bob. I own many of your eBooks, AWAI programs, some older audio CD programs, and a number of physical books and Audible audiobooks."
--Scott C. Cornish

"Thank you for being the voice of sanity representing all of normal humanity! I agree with you on all your points!"
--Ron Perry

"Bob: I always love your messages, but today's was RIGHT ON! Absolutely. Completely. No question about it - right on!"
--Dorothy P.

"Bob is one of the kindest, most approachable copywriters I’ve ever had the pleasure to meet. And it’s not just me who says so. Every AWAI member who’s spoken with Bob says the same thing.”
--Will Newsman

"Your Direct Response Letter is still the first email I look for ... always interesting, always instructive. Do they offer Academy Awards for copywriting assistance? If so, you certainly have my vote."
--Jeff Donaldson

"I continue to buy your products, which is a great resource and I know it’s sound / solid / reliable information from a proven expert who has gone through decades of trial and error to produce information that I can instantly apply and get results. You provide great value."
--Nigel Stratford

"I run an academy where I train copywriters who are just starting out, and a month ago the lesson was about how to write emails in the style of Bob Bly. The lesson was very well received due to its uniqueness and the fact that you work a lot with B2B, which is not very common in Spain, so there is little material on this interesting topic here."
--Rafa Casas

"I've benefited from your advice for many years (more than 25, I think!) and have now retired from writing for profit. Your advice and counsel have been invaluable. I wish you continued success and happiness. I still enjoy your emails."
--Linda Byam

"Hi Bob. I wanted to take a minute to thank you for your book The Copywriter's Handbook. And for continuing to provide support through your posts. I enjoy reading your tips. “
--Michele Elliott

"Bob I appreciate you very much. I look forward to buying you a cup of coffee one day as I thank you for the success you helped me reach."
--Jordan Bickel

"I consistently appreciate your daily messages; both the content and your clear, frugal writing style. You are an established, successful, credible marketing message professional with an unimpeachable reputation- but you already know that. I study your messages not only to learn, but to explore opportunities from your offerings, and those from people you recommend."
--Eugene Heil

"Since joining your list, I've bought 2 of your books on Amazon and have already learned a lot from your wisdom. Just reaching out to say thanks for putting out such excellent content, and I look forward to learning more from you!"
--Dylan Bridger

“Bob, I wanted to just let you know that you have made a big influence on me as a marketer. Your book was the first one on copywriting I read and has shaped a lot of what I do in my work today. Thanks for all you do.”
--Josh Gosseck

"Thanks for loving to write, for being a writer, and for all the value you provide."
--Mary Simpson

"Fantastic life advice, Bob! I’m going to show this to my kids! 13 and 10, both girls, and both always looking for “life hacks”! And these are the best life hacks they will ever hear. Thanks again, Bob. You continue to dazzle me and all your many follower/subscribers"
--Gordon Graham

"I never replied to your value-packed, honest, witty emails, because I thought I had nothing of value to offer you in return. That is, until some days ago, when I realized there was one thing I could offer. I can express my gratitude for your work, for your example, for you being such a decent person and solid professional."
--Consuela Dobrescu

"Your advice can help save and enhance ALL relationships! It's that vital and valuable."
--Tom Dioro

"Your email is always a joy to read, simple, insightful, on point and brief."
--Bruce Harris

"Keep doing what you’re doing, you make a difference!"
--Nigel Stratford

"Bob, you are a wealth of knowledge and inspiration. Thank you. Although a little late to the game, I am taking action on the path to a better retirement, which you have been illuminating for some time now!"
--Bob Martel

"You are a great copywriter and mentor. Of the many things that I admire from you, two that are critical and stand out with you are: 1) Honesty, 2)Trustworthiness, 3) Authority in your field, 4) Simplicity in teaching what you know."
--Mr. P

"Having worked at five of the top advertising agencies on Fortune 500 accounts - including Toyota and Wendy's to Hilton Hotels and Diet Coke, to name a few - I can absolutely say that Bob Bly has a knowledge of sales and marketing that equals or even exceeds the best experts in the business. And as an author who has been published by practically every major publisher in NYC, I can additionally testify that Bob Bly's books are among the most valuable resources for success that I have ever encountered - and I have encountered a lot. Bob Bly is not paying me a penny for this review - it is completely unsolicited. I have enormous respect for the guy. Period."
--David Samson, FunnyGuy.com

"I'm a long-time subscriber of your free newsletter, and have two of your books, and I have learned that credibility is the coin of the realm with you. You don't exaggerate or manipulate. I have learned over this time that I can credit reliability to what you say. Further, I owe you a great debt of gratitude for all the information about sales and many other related fields I have learned over the years from you. Thank you."
--Gregory Hession

"Bob, in my view, you’ve got a HUGE online rep for honesty and modesty."
--Bill Makley

"Mr. Bly: You say more in fewer words than anyone I read. Therefore, each of your posts -- regardless the thesis -- is a learning event."
--Jeff Donaldson

"I can honestly say that I NEVER have been ripped off buying any of your courses or books! If anything, I've learned a great deal of useful information from you."
--John Kidd

"Bob, just loved this piece, especially the last paragraph. You hit the nail on the head. But you do that a lot. Thanks!"
--Alan Cecilio

"I've essentially given up on other emails from other marketers. Yours I look forward to because of the unique content and your take on current marketing and copywriting issues. I've been a fan for over 20 years and you just keep getting better with age!"
--Tim Piccirillo

"Bob, I'll be forever grateful for all your support and advice over the years... and for the Copywriters Handbook, which was absolutely key to helping me launch my career!"
--John Forde, Copywriter’s Roundtable

"Thank you for your support and encouragement! You've provided the key that opens the door to my success as a writer!"
--Diane Plesset

"Just a quick note to show you my gratitude for your emails and this one in particular. That's an excellent piece of advice. Intelligent remarks and pragmatic guidance, as always. I couldn't read an email like this and not saying at least thank you."
--Rafa Aranda

"I've been getting your emails for maybe 10 years, and you're the only marketer I've never unsubscribed from - mainly, I think, because you make your point and then scram, so I know I'll always have time to read what you send. So thanks."
--Ken Haedrich

"You have shaped and informed everything I've written professionally for the last almost 30 years. I have in fact I've taught many others the fundamentals of business writing you teach. You are a master at the craft. Thank you for everything."
--Paul Karasik

"I am learning so much from your newsletter and from your books... bought two of your books so far- Guide to Freelance Writing Success + The Copywriter's Handbook. I Love both books. The Handbook is in a class of its own though... and is essential reading for anyone who wants to be a Professional Copywriter. Thanks again."
--Dave Stadelman

"Bob Bly - is a leading copywriter with more than four decades of experience in direct response and business-to-business marketing. He has written copy for dozens of clients including IBM, Forbes, AT&T, Harvard Business Review, and AARP. He has supported us on a number of launches and we love working with him."
--Danny Bermant

"You are a wise soul Bob & I personally do appreciate the info material I've purchased ... "
--Anne Flax

"Keep putting this stuff out there Bob. You're always right on the money with it and people need to hear it!"
--Tim Piccirillo

"You've lived a life that serves as an example for us all."
--Joe Polivick

"Like many others, I always enjoy your emails and your thoughts, Bob. You are very generous to share them with us."
--Gordon Graham

"I loved today's email. Also, I just want to let you know you were the first copywriting newsletter I subscribed to, and the only one I always read. I've also benefitted from many of your courses. Thanks for all your help throughout the years."
--Bill Evashwick

"Thank you Bob! Love this! I’m so tired of people thinking BECAUSE they think that 'it will only take you a few minutes because you’re so good,' that I should CHARGE them LESS!!! When I do charge them! You have given me the confidence to charge for stuff I was doing for free. Thank you!"
--Becky Blanton

"Even though I've got dozens and dozens of books on how to write better, how to get an agent, how to get my book published, Bob Bly's books, and online course, convey the information I need in the clearest, most understandable way. He gets rid of the dross, and what's left is is precise, easy-to-follow directions for success. That's why he's my go-to for help with anything writing related.
Most recently, I've followed his directions in his online course on book publishing, and have met with more encouraging results than I've had in previous years of submissions. Agents are now asking to see more of my work, and one has asked for the whole manuscript. While other people read fiction for pleasure, I read Bob Bly's how-to books. They're like reading a letter from a dear friend who is well informed and wants to help me attain my goals. He never holds back on the direction and help he provides to readers. There are no "what do I do now?" scenarios, because he covers all the possibilities.
He could charge a fortune for his course and books, but he prices everything affordably. If, like me, you're on a tight budget, this aspect of what he provides is particularly appealing. But don't be fooled. Just because he doesn't price his products unaffordably high doesn't mean he's providing less than those who do. It means you get your money's worth and more. Much, much more."
--Dorothy Pederson

"I signed up for your emails just a week or two ago and I am happy to see them in my inbox. I enjoy reading the emails and have found value in every one I have read so far. The writing just flows and is easy for me to read and understand. Your messages are so clean and CLEAR."
--David Stadelman

"Honesty, integrity and diligence in work will never go "out of style", or fail to favorably impress me. I have learned a great deal from you, and continue to do so."
--Chris Fray

"You’re among a handful of writers in the world today who are the real deal."
--Mike Anderson

"I enjoyed your newsletter. You helped me one time when I was struggling and trying to help my boss with his mortgage business. I love reading your work and have for years."
--Doug Wallace

"Keep on sending your emails -- I read every one."
--Jim Barber

"Thanks to you, I've been writing for many years now. You have been an absolute inspiration to me, and I just want you to know that I read your emails every day. This year I'm planning on getting my first published book written finally. I figure if Bob Bly can get 100+ done, I guess I can get at least one."
--Mark Elmo Ellis

"Thank you for your groundbreaking contributions over the years, thus benefiting so many with your expertise and insight."
--Paul Castro

"Your emails are so value-packed, it's like finding bits of gold while hiking!"
--Kris Kemp

"I get so much value from your e-books and whitepapers! Your content is easy to read and follow, the best resource for business owners, copywriters, and "wanna-be" copywriters!"
--Diane Plesset

"The skills we get from college, though interesting, and hopeful, are shockingly disconnected from the labor valued and done at work."
--Mike Walgenbach

"I've read a lot of your work and I'm always amazed at how much you give your reader. You don't hold back and I appreciate it—not just your generosity, but also your depth of knowledge and specificity. I always feel that I'm receiving a first class education every time I read one of your books or reports. You haven't just taught me to write clearly. You've also helped me to think clearly about writing and marketing. And for that, I'm incredibly grateful."
--Michael Strahan

"You have been an inspiration to me and to tens of thousands of writers around the world. I've said this already, but I've always felt your copy is right up there with the best of the best... and I'm sure the companies who have hired you have benefitted."
--Scott Martin

"Wow! Today’s email was a goldmine of information and ideas! Thanks, Bob."
--Lisa Bjornstad

"First off, I just want to say that you are an incredible writer. I have loved the resources you have out there for writers. Without them I don’t know where I would be doing most of my learning. I truly believe that you are the best at your craft."
--Natasha Mngenela

"You are an awesome teacher and I do look forward to your newsletters."
--Jane Armstrong

"Thanks for the excellent newsletter! I like Dottie’s concept of “your university in a mailbox”. Kinda scary how similar you and I are, with our attention to every piece of relevant direct mail and print advertising, to see what we can learn!! Like you, I’ve been doing that daily for 40+ years, and still enjoy the process of looking for great copy and marketing ideas! Just like I read every word of your every newsletter, and appreciate your free content - as well as your books - very much!"
--Mark Mowatt

"Bob, this is the most helpful 'just study the ads you get' advice I've seen. It's the 'how.' Thank you!"
--Barb Ostapina

"Thanks Bob! I just registered for this and am thoroughly enjoying your copy clinic I signed up for a week ago. You’ve always been so helpful and I’m now 100% committed to living the Full Time Freelance Copy life."
--Bo Chase

"Bob's advice and mentorship has meant I've ALWAYS kept my pipeline full and stayed in demand!"
--Tal Sam

"You are a genius."
--Bob Gohari

"Bob, I Love the newsletter . It makes me think, and that’s a great exercise for a writer!"
--Carl Isom

"As usual, your ideas are things that I can print and use."
--Tom Padgett

"I bought you're amazing copywriting course. By far the best course I've studied to date."
--Christopher Munoz

"A quick note to share how much I appreciate your contributions to the copywriting world. You truly are a masterpiece!"
--Pam Pastor

"I have read most of one of your books and I've grown to value your wisdom. I will continue to soak up as much knowledge as you share with us all. Thank you for all you do."
--Wallace Ward

"Even though we have never met, I feel like we have been friends for over 40 years. You see I grew up in a Southern NJ town called Gloucester City in Camden County. I own 12 AWAI courses, and now I own twelve of your books as well. Whether you did it intentionally or not you have become a hero and mentor of mine even if it is only via print. You are inspiring me to become the best copywriter that I can become. Yes, I am late in life to be starting something new, I am 63 this year. I just wanted to take a moment to send this short note to you to let you know that you are still having an impact on aspiring copywriters. Thank You again."
--Charles Dunkin

"I just love it when you shower me with wisdom keys. Implementing them enables me to unlock and enter the inner doors of powerful written expression. Many thanks, always."
--R C Hancox

"I have been enjoying your emails for several months now and I am gaining your knowledge, too. I thank you for your continuing generosity and your giving back your expertise to the newbies such as myself. You are indeed a sweetheart."
--Judith Ker

"Between your books and your AWAI Bootcamp presentations and products, you have done so much for my copywriting career!"
--Bruce Morant

"Hey Bob, it means so much to me that you took the time to respond to my emails. You've worked so hard at your craft, and I love that you're willing to share your knowledge/wisdom with aspiring marketers, like me! "
--Jeremy Johnson

"Thank you for your helpful and sensible email. I look forward to reading your emails for the gems you provide."
--Marilyn Martyn

"Love your emails, read every one of them. Thank you for all your insights and curiosity - very much appreciated and refreshing!"
--Violet Meuter

"I enjoy reading your messages and look forward to them! Keep 'em coming!"
--Diane Plesset

"Your book 'The Copywriter's Handbook', launched my career. And now I am able to support my wife and two kids during these jittery times. Thanks to you. You are helping so many young people to launch their careers."
--Konstantin Petrenko

"Everything I've bought from you is excellent. Thanks for time-worthy emails and consistently strong content."
--Dr. Steve Greene

"It's always a pleasure to see your newsletter. The book 'Selling Your Services' introduced me to the idea that words can sell even technical solutions. Plus, your copywriting books are a go-to source to maintain a high income from writing. Thanks for what you do!"
--Justin Hitt

"I've been encountering Bob Bly's books my entire career. Whenever I looked for something deep and essential about the biz, his tomes would pop up. He's perhaps the most prolific and appreciated writer in direct response. (I've also read his fiction, which is top notch. "Writers write" is a common saying amongst copywriters, and Bob is living proof that the best are constantly publishing great material.) I recommend anything he puts into print."
--John Carlton, copywriter

"I've been a subscriber for months now. And lemme tell you - what you deliver in your free emails is nothing short of pure marketing gold! You're a powerhouse! Keep up the great work."
--Ivan Sršen

"I'm so glad to receive these emails from you; every one of them is a gem of wisdom. You are giving me such great advice and I love it!"
--Ann Jameson

"I eagerly look forward to your daily emails because of the diverse topics and your responses to these topics that usually go against conventional wisdom. And every single time, you're right on the money."
--Tim Piccirillo

"Don't forget how many people's lives you've influenced with your work, Bob!"
--Edvin Mulalic

"Today's email struck me as a wonderful expression of love, Bob. Theres a precious connection to you that I feel although we've never 'met'. Thank you for sharing you and your beautiful genius with all of us."
--Suzanne Finder

"Another great, to-the-point, and easy-to-digest bit of writing from Bob Bly. FYI - I believe you are the ONLY marketer/writer I have not unsubscribed from over the years. So you must be doing something right."
--Ken Haedrich

"I have shut down all the other writing emails. But keeping you. I am always entertained."
--Karen Dumka

"As a reader of your work, who first purchased one of your books in 2015, and have bought several more since, I want to personally thank you for being an instrumental part of my drive as a writer and freelance editor."
--John Huguley

"Bob- once again, you are absolutely spot on. That is the biggest difference between you and the others who do what you do. You write from experience in real life, and you write the truth."
--Gary Bryant

"Emails like this are why I have never unsubscribed. Trust me - I do not stay on many lists for long. It's almost always a breath of fresh air when yours come along. Thanks for everything you’ve taught me."
--Martin Lashley

"I've been subscribed to your email newsletter for a number of years now and enjoy reading your thoughts and content. Sadly, I never really took the time to look around your site and read the very concise and insightful information added over time. Today, I spent an hour, or so, looking over your portfolio and methodology section – what an amazing list of proven resources. A bit of background: I'm a technology consultant who loves writing and selling. Now, at the age of 50, I'm adding copywriting to my skillset and loving the journey. And your site is the perfect resource for me to use to bolster my skills. Just wanted to say thanks for the effort you've gone to in sharing all this info."
--James Redden

"You provide invaluable information about copywriting and direct response marketing for millions of people so they can take action. Keep going strong, Bob."
--Kyle R. Bell

"Great memo Bob! I love the way you tell it straight, and I’m sure your other followers do as well… except for the clueless freeloaders and the overbearing sales guys! Your copywriting ideas and information have been a great help to me over these many years!"
--Mark Mowatt

"Thanks for your thoughtful email service...always a worthy read and investment of my time."
--Scott Sykes

"I've just stumbled across your email list & I'm really excited to be receiving your newsletter. Just wanted to reach out and say that The Copywriter's Handbook has been an immense help with my journey as an email copywriter. You've been a huge influence on my copywriting education - thank you for showing me the way."
--Lachlan Haitana

“I have enjoyed reading your info for many years. You are one of the few no b.s. info sellers on the net.”
--Don Mitchell

“I love this email. I find it so valuable. In this era of massive information, brainless comments, and false data, I'm so grateful of being a subscriber of The Direct response letter and I wanted to say thank you so much.”
--Fernando Fer

“Bob you are such an inspiration – I can’t even imagine “Life without Bly” – these communications are so fantastic. Gods blessings to you and yours – my hero and my friend.”
--John K. Brubaker

“As always, you provide massive value at an affordable price. It is much appreciated.”
--Richard Townsend

"We just finished your interview and I want to thank you. I really enjoyed your talk. Also I have your newest copy of the Copywriter Handbook and I find it very informative, easy to read and I am enjoying it immensely."
--Brenda J Deakin

"As someone who’s been suffering the downside of success by experiencing ‘mission creep’ from happy clients, this one is particularly relevant. So, ahhh, thanks!"
--Larry Mannino

"After unsubsubscribing to every email list I have ever had the misfortune to have been on, I still enjoy your emails."
--Greg Gum

"Thanks for your email. I look forward to them every day. I am one of your biggest fans and could open a Bob Bly library with all of the books that I have gotten from you."
--John Kroehler

"I really like your pearls of wisdom coming through on emails."
--Nigel Stratford

"I have a lot of your books. Thank you for adding so much value to my life...You've fostered my growth and professional development. I am very grateful."
--Kyle Tso

"I've always admired your frankness and sincerity Bob."
--Howard Rosenberg

"Mr. Bly, I have learned much over the years by following your newsletter. Thank you for taking time to educate the rest of us."
--Les Larson

"I grabbed your new audible product . What a steal. Bob You are my favorite simply because I always learn something so practical that I hit my head harder than I should and say why didn’t I think of that . Glad you are there to help me fill in the blanks and keep me sane. Always a fan of your work. Your books helped me sell boxes and boxes of persimmons and pomegranates off the farm with free small Facebook and Craig’s list ads. The only downside of your techniques are the customers are mad at me . I am sold out for the season!"
--Jeffrey Rhodes

“You are not only a mentor, but truly a hero, Bob.”
--John Brubaker

"Bob, your insights continue to be a welcome addition to my inbox, especially during this crazy time. Hearing the wisdom from a professional hero reminds me that I REALLY need to listen."
--Mistina Picciano

"As always I love reading your wise emails and being inspired and blessed by your ever-present positivity in the world."
--Rev. Barbara Grace

"Keep up the good work you are doing. I always appreciate your e-mails."
--Bob Junell

"I like how you add a personal touch with your emails…. You connect well with your audience."
--Nigel Stratford

"I agree with all your marketing advice. You’re the absolute best!"
--Mike Anderson

"I am a subscriber to your emails as well as a buyer of several of your books. I just wanted to let you know how much I value the content of your mailings. Please keep up the good work..."
--John F. (Ted) Preston

"I read all of your emails. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and knowledge."
-Tom Torrez

"You are a gift to us small guys, too! Love reading your books and your emails!"
-Ed Hanada

I really enjoy your emails, you are a great writer ….. and this one really resonated with me."
-Nigel Stratford

"I enjoyed your email today about never retiring. It seems selfish on my part, put I do hope you never retire. It is a pleasure to read your well-organized books."

"I like reading your messages because I study advertising."
-Jean Petit Mathe

"True words of wisdom, Bob. Excellent emails."
-Thomas O'Malley

"You're one of my writing heroes. Mr Asimov is pretty good too : )"
-Kevin, from Canada

"I have used some of your books - and e-courses - over & again. Your books on copywriting and marketing served as my intro to both, while I benefitted from your course on high-paying corporate writing opportunities."
-Leah Zitter, Ph.D.v"You are obviously a man of great erudition. Thanks for this - I found a few words I'd never heard of."
-Howard Rosenberg

"Bob, I've been subscribed to your daily newsletter for quite some time - one of the few newsletters I try to read every day, even though I'm not a copywriter. You keep me thinking."
-Ben Miller

"I have loved all your books. Always a wealth of information."
-Gabe Rivera

"Thank You. I enjoy your emails throughout the week. Very informative with down to earth words."

"I learned a lot about sales copy from your sales page! Very different. Not at all same-old, which is exactly what I'm looking for."
-Shelley Malka

"I just wanted to tell you that the work you do is brilliant. I'm only starting out within copywriting but your content and material and insights have been of unparalleled value."
-Ujjol Rahman

"I am almost overwhelmed by the great library you gave me access to. For some time I seriously have been thinking of an e-book. Am just working on my website so the content is not yet clear. You really are a most inspiring teacher."
-Monica Ullmann

"Thanks for your emails. They are always thought provoking and entertaining."
-Rich Johnson

"Your work continues to influence me. Thanks again!"
-Chris Bryant

“Your Direct Response Letter has shaved years, possibly even decades off my career. You exemplify the epitome of what it means to be a high-performance copywriter. Thank you for giving back so much throughout your career. What you have done is remarkably ineffable.”
-Kyle Bell

"You walk your talk - are a true professional."
-Laura Venecia Rodriguez

"You are doing so much work to nourish our lives. May our good Lord and God bless you. Keep up the awesome work."
-Afolabi Rasheed Olamide

"I am not passing up anything that's FREE and undoubtedly worthwhile. I am now 80 years of age and I enjoy your e-mails and the benefits thereof passed to the youngsters. Please keep me on your mailing list and keep up your tremendous efforts to help us all through the weeds."
-James Borona

"Bob, you don't know how much you've inspired me to keep at my copywriting and information marketing. Also, I've got loads of your books on my shelf and they have been a massive help."
-Mark Elmo Ellis

"This is excellent! I’m so glad I continue to receive your emails. They’ve inspired me to think and behave differently….that is not an easy thing to accomplish. 'Thank you' doesn’t seem like enough to say but, it will have to do for now :)"
-Marc Laucksv"Thank You for this free e-newsletter. I could send you a thank you note every day for all you share with us in your emails. I always appreciate it all."
-Marian Liza Mientus

“Thank you! Received the book. Started diving in. It’s got the info of an entire marketing course.”
-Mike Zapolin

"One of my favourite sales and marketing experts is my friend and colleague Bob Bly. Bob is one of the most experienced – and successful – copywriters I know."
-Graham Mcgregor

"I've known about Bob for more than 25 years and have admired- and benefited from - his knowledge, insight and perhaps most of all, his generosity in sharing both. Much of it at no cost!
-Linda Byam

"Thank you for all the books you've written, and the immense value you've shared. You have been more than a mentor to me."
-Carolette Wright, E.I.

"Thanks for that glimpse into your writing world. I always enjoy your emails and you’ll find I’ve bought quite a few of your excellent offers."
-Ian McCall

"I love your emails. Always worth opening. Just ordered FYI, and didn't have to think twice. Always look forward to your products, and I buy out of respect for your expertise and tenure."
-Dobie Maxwell

Plus, they are excellent products and I have yet to be disappointed by any of them. "I feel every book and audio I have purchased from you has provided me at least a 10 to 1 return on average."
-Jeffrey Rhodes

"5 of the books on my shelf are books you’ve written and about 20 eBooks that I bought from you as well. I also have a CD course you recorded with some other guy. Worth every penny."
-Mark Elmo Ellis

"As a copywriter just starting out I truly appreciated the wisdom contained in this article. A great reminder to not take ourselves too seriously or fall in love with a promotion. Test, Test, Test will be my work method. I’m glad I came across this article now when I’m just starting out."
-Elwood Burger

"Bob, been a freelance copywriter for 3 years now and just picked up your secrets of a freelance writer book. A pleasure to read and a voice of calm and clarity in a world filled with hype and hoopla. Thanks for being so real."
-Björn Baumann

"Thank you, you are showing real leadership, guiding your subscribers through this, without a hint of “what’s in it for me."
-James Hirst

"As usual, this piece is right on. It's your typical lucid clarity dispensing wisdom and, in this case demonstrable truth (rather than opinion)."

"Awesome article, Bob. Your write up and topic ought to be known and revered throughout every industry. I’m serious. Thank you."
-Thomas Dioro

"This email message contains very intelligent concepts and outstanding real-life observations. Thanks"
-Gary Cunningham

Over the years I’ve probably bought a half dozen or more of your books used. They have been such a great value for the money, I am always on the look out for more.
-Bill Ishioka

"I’ve always said, and always will say, there's no “how to” author out there that exceeds the quality, actionable content you provide in your books and programs for the very fair prices you charge. You know that we’ve known each other for a while now and I’ve purchased a ton of your products. You always put your readers first."
-John Torre

"I own several of your books (digital copies) and I find them extremely valuable and worth the purchase."
-Sherri Friesen

"I am thankful for your many great books. Keep up the good work."
-Dan Swanson

"Bob, you are a class act! Since I've joined AWAI in 2012, and way before that I was majoring in Communications on 1993 and I saw an article you wrote in Writer's Digest, you have been my favorite Copywriter. And I see why you have been labeled "America's Top Copywriter" by one of the most prestigious publishers on the market for text books in colleges and Universities in higher education! Love your Direct Response Newsletter, I have learned a lot from you through that Newsletter, as well as purchases of your books and business forms!"
-Your biggest fan, Burton C. Bliven

"THANK YOU for writing this column. Thank you for being Bob Bly. I always enjoy your newsletters!"
-Mary Alice Murphy

"Your philosophy is excellent. I am very glad I found you. I appreciate your wisdom greatly and am amazed at your generosity in sharing it."
-Patricia R. Berka

"Read one Bob Bly book per week. This will help you make the transformation from where you are today to where you need to be. Guaranteed!"
--George Gonzo

"Bob, your incisive Emails brighten my day. And pique my own thoughts and memories."
--David L. Amkraut

"You are always an inspiration and a wonderful source of hope."
--Rick Miller

"I am grateful to and for you. Thank you for being a phenomenal teacher and sharing your hard-won, real-world experience and wisdom."
--Neil Dhawan

"You are on top of your league! I am very grateful following and learning from you for so many years."
--Peter Jovanovich

"Many thanks for this brilliantly crafted essay...It's come at the right time. And it's spurred my writing enthusiasm. Please, do not relent sending me the Direct Response Letters. They're my greatest source of inspiration."
--Ignatius Ngoma

“What you do is exceptional, and you'll be hard to replace even if you ever decide to retire. Exceptionally good people, those with unique constellations of talents & achievements, are hard to really replace...people continue to value your work, your books, your advice, your kindness, etc. To us, you are irreplaceable!”
--Juli Ann Weber

"Love your writing style Bob. So clear, so simple."
--Arthur Loewen

"You are certainly making a difference in the industry. I am starting my own freelance business soon and will no doubt be referring frequently to your helping material. Anyway, I guess I'm just saying thank you for all you do. Your example is helping me transition to freelance work!"
--Mark Francis, LLC

"You’re the only business advice writer that I follow and read regularly. I’ve done this for many years and always find your thoughts and experiences valuable."
--Steve Maxwell

"Virtually everything I know about marketing I learned from you. I went from 0 income to $1K a week in less than two months because of what I learned from you…and that was 25 years ago."
--Richard Dean Starr

"You cannot begin to imagine how valuable your message was to me and its perfect timing."
-- Madalina Hoffmann

"When I think of what you wrote, I understand the impact words like yours can have on another…it’s good stuff, and I’m sure you know that but perhaps you don’t fully know what it’s like to hear words like yours and truly know (first hand) how life-changing they can be. I do. And while you may never be thanked by those who your words have touched, I believe without a doubt that you’ve changed a few lives. I’m deeply appreciative of people like you."
--Marc Laucks

"Thanks for the email. Again, you have given very good advice. I have already implemented some of the steps you mention. The topics you discuss in these regular emails are wide ranging and very informative."
--Peter Griffith

"All your items are valuable and I appreciate your offerings for sale or for free and want to thank you for many items that are years old and I still use."
--Barbara Riiff Davis, M.S.

"I love this message. In fact Mr. Bly I consider it brilliant. But no surprise there, I love all of your writing."

"I thought you'd like to know that you indeed made a difference with your email!!"
--Christine Mifsud

"I highly recommend you read everything Bob puts out."
--Ben Settle

"Thank you for all your informative and interesting emails."

"Love your stuff and have purchased a great deal of it. And I've always been thrilled with the results."
--Mike Anderson

"Thanks so much Bob! Reading the E-book now. You have always under-promised and over-delivered! You are a treasure!"
--Norris W. Tingle, Jr.

"As a long-time professional marketer, it’s really fun to see your name come up here. I read a couple of your books many years ago and your advice formed the foundation of my thinking on marketing communications. You are still my “go to” source today and I regularly refer others to your work, in part because it’s getting harder to find good copywriters. Your work has stood the test of time and the proliferation of channels. Thanks for sharing your wisdom over the years. You’re a legend among people who care about great copy."
--Ian Heller

"Mr. Bly and his team raise the copywriting quality bar with every email!"

"Your reputation precedes you. Several times I have read of your kindness and generosity."
--Mark Raatz

"I don't always catch each of your emails, but when I read them, I find them instructive and satisfying..."

"Bob, I really love how you approach marketing. Your strategies are simple, yet highly effective. You have no idea when I use these strategies or tell other people about it(clients or friends)... most of the times their reaction is "HOW IN THE HELL YOU KNOW THAT!" . I simply tell them that I've learnt these from some of the best direct response marketers in the world , like Gary Halbert, Dan Kennedy, Bob Bly etc through their books and courses."
--Chetan Virhia

"Brilliant. Insightful. Instructional. Humorous. Thanks, Bob – for continuing to lead the way in your profession. You are a one-man industry – deservedly so."
--John K. Brubaker

"Sir, you say more in a couple of hundred words than most "experts" say in their books. Thank you."
--Jeff Donaldson

"I am one of your biggest fans, Bob. Your work and your teaching have meant so much to my career as a professional copywriter and speaker, and I appreciate everything you do."
--Mary Shafer

"Your insight and books have helped me become a proficient writer and I respect your skill and expertise."
--Bev Nesmith Williams

"I LOVE your writing...clear, concise and to the point."
--Sherri Friesen

"I’ve bought several of your books and e-publications and I have no complaints. None. I read all of your emails, usually as soon as they come in because I will typically get a nugget of valuable information from them, a reminder of something I’ve forgotten, or maybe even a chuckle or two. Thanks for all of your time and effort writing and sharing. I know you enjoy it and I’m sure just like me, most of us appreciate it."
--Joe Contrino

"I'm witness of your great talent and the way you write. And every book I've read from you is worth every single penny invested in it. I hope I have life and time to read them all!"

"I've read many of your books and articles and I consider you one of the authorities that I would aspire to be like. Keep up the great work."
--Jim ledingham

"Love your stuff Bob. Keep them coming. I hope to write copy as persuasive, simple, and clear as you someday."
--Arthur Loewen

"Having been a reader and buyer of your copywriting, writing, and marketing material for years, I can say without a doubt, you are one of the best writers around. Period. You are referenced and revered by all of the maybe more well known and self-aggrandizing marketers and copywriters. You are truly one of the best ever! The truth prevails, Bob!"
--Ed Hanada

“Thanks...your stuff is always worth reading and I pick up so much info it's astounding to me.”
--Goretta M Duncan

"Just a short note to tell you how much I appreciate your generosity, sharing, wisdom, thoughtfulness, and the time you take to make your subscribers feel like a "part of the family". Keep making a difference, brother. I do it in the maritime world. You do it in the B2B world. But when it boils down to it, not a lot of difference. Customer care is #1. Thank you for that."
--John Jamieson

"Your practical Gems fund my retirement. Always lead me to ponder questions I never thought to ask."
--Jeffrey Rhodes

"Thank you for all of your work. You are an inspiration to anyone looking to get into copywriting!"
--Rick Miller

"Please keep your thoughtful essays coming. They’re a bright spot in the heap of spam that is my in box."
--Malcolm G. Smith

"Just wanted to thank you for your Direct Response newsletter. Especially the issue on “fear holding you back.” I read every issue, many times twice, as soon as it reaches my inbox. And I print those which really hit me. I printed your fear issue, Bob. Thanks, again!"
--Larry Bernardini

"You have opened the door to another avenue of income that I am very excited about. Your work is exceptional—in depth of knowledge and in writing 'style.' I am very proud to be associated with someone of your integrity."
--Patricia R. Berka

"I enjoy your columns immensely. You give and then you take a little. But it’s all done in a matter-of-fact style that draws one in."
--Dan Wedin

"Thanks for the opportunity to learn more about modern email copywriting. I have enjoyed being on your mailing list and the great products that I have purchased from you."
--John Kroehler

"Thank you for being unapologetically authentic!!!! I love that you point out you offer many helpful tools and some for free. I’m nowhere near the writer you are now but I hope to be some day. I also hope to guard my time and stay true to what I love and enjoy just as you. Thank you for the many ways you continue to help me improve my skills!!! Thank you for your generous contributions to the study of the craft of writing."
--Cindy Sielawa

"Firmly grasping your outstretched hand through the wealth of your teachings, I'm on my way, step by step, to my freelance writing goals. My collection of your paperbacks, handsomely bound ebooks, CD's, and every tasty tidbit I nibble in your direct response letter qualifies you as MY mentor."
--Ruby Hancox

"Just nailed a $25,000 ghostwriting gig from a CEO in London thanks to your short but brilliant advice a few weeks back."
--Becky Blanton

"I'm already eternally grateful for you sharing your hard-earned wisdom (and when you respond to my emails ... OH MAN! ... pure awesomeness).
-- Neil Dhawan

"I've just gone through the Gene Schwartz Graduate Course on Marketing that Brian Kurtz gave away with his Overdeliver book. I loved the course and I think a big reason why was the way you conducted the interviews.
I'm used to modern podcasts where the hosts ask uninteresting questions and then butt in right when the guest is about to say something interesting. You were the exact opposite — you asked interesting questions, let the guests speak when they had something good to say, and followed up when there was more for them to say.
So I wanted to say thank you. This was a great course, and you helped make it happen."
--John Bejakovic

I LOVE your emails, and the books I’ve bought have been fantastic! I want to buy more! Your prices are great, and the books are worth every penny you charge.
--Becky Blanton

"This is just a short note to say that I really enjoy your emails. I can tell when they are commercials, but don't mind them, because you generally, also, give me worthwhile iinformation. I believe that is why you are successful. When I receive useful information in free emails, I am more likely to purchase additional informaton, and I have."
--Ritchey Marbury

"Bob, these are all things you have so calmly and consistently poured into those of us who subscribe to you. Thank you for being so down-to-earth and letting us peek into some of the private nuggets of your life. Authentic sharing touches something deep in the spirit of others, who can see bits of themselves in your story."
--Debbie Jeffers

"Considering all of the precious pearls that you freely share with us, I'm wondering how anyone would have the crust to do anything, but gladly collect them. Personally, I'm as passionate about receiving what you're passionate about giving!"
--R.C. Hancox

Brilliant and Beautiful. So "Bly-esque!!!!" May God bless you and those you love for all the wonderful good which you have done for others and will continue to do."
--John K. Brubaker

"I have found that your books and newsletter have been both helpful and encouraging. Thank you for what you add to my life both through the business lessons you teach and also the insights from life that you share. They are one of the big blessings I've found in life."
--Doug Johnson

"Bob. You are one of a kind. Very few people CREATE industries. Napoleon Hill did. Arguably Tony Robbins did. You – my friend and mentor – have done so. You have created and you are the greatest example in the world of the industry of helping business writers become better writers. A niche you dominate – and as long as you are in the game – you always will. I thank you for that – and also – I found out you put a link to my business on your site – and I am working right now with a client who found out about me due to that link. I am honored – and admire you so much."
--John Brubaker

"Amazing tip sir! You're awesome. I get so much out of your emails...sometimes I can't believe myself that I am getting it all for free."
-- Manav Singh

"You helped me make a good living during several lean years."
--Dick Barry"

"I appreciate it and your posts - as always. You continue to inspire and amaze me."
--Cecelia Pineda

"Knowing how to keep people 'tuned in' is why you’re so good at what you do and why people good at building viewing/listening audiences (where I mostly work) also build growing opt-in participation."
--Michael Hanson

“Bob Bly delivers the goods! There are very few people in the world of marketing, whether on the Internet or in print, that have honed their skills to the point that Bob has done. He is generous in what he has to offer and continually shows up with a new take on marketing strategies.”
--Tom Mitchell

"Thanks for helping out Bob. You are a humble, helpful, million-dollar copywriter (not everyone at your status helps out)"
--Gave Rivera

"Thank you, Bob. I enjoy your messages very much. Your ability to get to the point sans verbiage is worth gold. Your streamlined flow of logic and tight prose infiltrate the mind like an instantaneous intravenous injection. There is no clutter to process; no careless syntax to negotiate. And then there is your subtle humor, which occasionally sneaks in. My gratitude to you."
--Nina Edelman

"Best e-mail list I've ever subscribed to."
--Benjamin Santos

"Thank you, Bob! Great answer! Thank you for your great stuff!!"
--Linda Sherwin

"I'm always amazed at how quickly you've responded to the questions I've sent you."
--Suzanne Quigley

"I’m a Bob Bly fanboy! Your books, ebooks, blogs and enewsletters has been a one-stop education source for me when it came to understanding the principles of copywriting, communications, PR, direct mail and marketing. I can honestly say I have learned more at Bob Bly University than I did in my actual college years!"
--Jeff Oddo

"I have bought your programs over the last 15 years and everyone has been an excellent product. - no fluff like many other offers., just solid content. Please keep up your good work. You are making a huge difference in people\s lives."
--Arvind Mani

"After I heard you on the the Tom Woods podcast a couple times, you, along with other guest Ben Settle, immediately converted me in a copywriting/direct response fanatic! After listening to you and Ben I knew this is what I wanted to do--no matter how hard work it takes. I went out and bought your Copywriter’s Handbook immediately afterword and have been reading all the other greats like Halbert, Schwartz, Bencivenga, Makepeace, Carlton, etc. in preparation to start my copywriting business. But your massive suite of products on just about every aspect of how to make good money writing, marketing, and publishing has truly been invaluable to me and every professional writer and marketer who comes after you will owe you a gigantic debt of gratitude!"
--David Lowenthal

“I love the fact that, as busy as you are with your own clients, that you are consistently accessible and respond quickly to reasonable questions. It’s one of the many qualities I admire about you.”
--Bob Martel

"I too have asked you short questions in in the past, and you have always promptly and concisely answered them. And there has never been a book of yours that I have purchased where I didn’t feel That the value received far exceeded the price. So thank you!"
--Dave Gannon

"I appreciate you Bob .The gurus are busy and that is why they are gurus. If they have time to respond it is awesome and I feel like got an answer from the top of the Mountain . I always understand if you are to busy to answer. Hope your day is awesome."
--Jeffrey Rhodes

"I still have a first edition of "Secrets of a Freelance Writer" and numerous other titles of yours. "Secrets" actually helped convince me to pursue corporate communications, so if I calculate based on my 25+-year career, I have received more than the 10x value you talk about when selling and pricing your books and courses!"
--Jeff Oddo

"You are so faithful, practical, pragmatic, and approachable; definitely a powerful example for me, which is why I read your posts consistently!"
--Deb Jeffers

"Your newsletters are wonderfully enlightening and give a lot to us, your many pleased subscribers. Particularly absorbing to me is when you write about subjects such as the way you prefer to work and live your life, etc. Thank you for always generously sharing your wisdom and knowledge."
--Steve Haggerty

"Fabulous customer service... thank you so much. This is such a great resource."
--Scott Young

"Your Direct Mail newsletter is always personable and informative. You 'write to one person' and feel very genuine. Thank you for helping so many of us to improve our communication / copywriting / marketing / life."
--Steve Worden

"Thank you for the great value - and opportunities - you provide to all of us throughout the seasons! You are indeed a treasure and a blessing!"
--Cheryl Sharp

"I always read your email messages because they are not only informative but a joy to read. The reason is that your writing is so crystal clear, which I believe comes from clear thinking. Clear thinking begets clear writing."
--Lynn Little

"Your newsletter is the best! I see it as a way to learn about copywriting and about a copywriter whom I admire and respect."
--Jane Armstrong

"You write a lot of good books. I've purchased more than a few of them and they always generate ideas to learn from and implement."
--Mike McRitchie

"I have a crap-load of your eBooks. I also bought your recorded "Information Marketing" course. They are all beyond excellent. As a matter of fact, I've talked about your products and services considerably on my blog. Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks for "over-delivering". Most of the stuff I've bought online isn't nearly as good as yours."
--Mark Elmo Ellis

"Thank you, Bob, for your insight and inspiration during the 30-plus years I've been following you. I wish you Happy Holidays and a great 2019."
--Linda Byam

"I appreciate your words of wisdom and have enjoyed reading your ideas and content regularly. You operate at a comfortable level that is well-deserved because of your work ethic and seem to have anything and everything you want, should you want it. Money equals options in my book, and you seem to have many. Congratulations and happy holidays."
--Ken Budka

"I loved this article, it was spot-on Bob! Sound advice on how to deal with rude and demanding people. Hands down, you have been my favorite copywriter since 1995. I am very impressed that you freely share your wealth of knowledge, and courses I have bought from you were always highly affordable and packed full of practical knowledge, worth it's weight in gold. I can honestly say I have never been disappointed with any book, course or product I have purchased from you!"
-- Buton Bliven, freelance copywriter and member of AWAI

"Thank you for your dedicated, consistent delivery of these “free” gifts, Bob."
-- Debbie C. Jeffers

"I love getting your newsletters. Most all of your writing is very interesting and helpful."
-- Lynn Bulmahn

"I very much enjoy your essays so please keep them coming."
--Jennifer Lindley

"Great article as always. I always get something out of what you write! Keep up the good work!"
--William Murphey Jr.

"Way to go Bob! Your success is proven. Thanks for delivering your newsletters just the way they are!"

"Of all the email letters I get, yours is my favorite. I like the way you think and am glad you are willing to share those thoughts."
--Janet Miller

"Wow. I will never cease to be amazed at the entitlement that people feel regarding social media and marketing. You are dead on. I wonder if MC would be as bold if they were standing on front of you?"
--Camille Parker

"I enjoy the way you get to the point. I don’t have to guess what you mean. Keep on doing what you are doing. You are gifted that way. I will keep on reading because you entertain me while you inform me. You are one of a kind."
--Linda Tinney

"Keep being yourself! I'm glad you stick to what you do best...it's yours after all!
--Nick Moccia

"Two thumbs up! You have developed a proven and successful strategy that works for you and those of us who are your subscribers or customers. Keep up your great work!"
--Marshall Garland

"Thank you for your newsletter. It's just the nature of a lot of people out there to complain and not be grateful. You take time everyday to provide us with content on your trade, specialty and your experiences, which is invaluable. Keep writing and Keep Forward."
--Kelvin Peña Raymond

"You are marvellous! I love your middle finger posts – they make me laugh, sometimes for days afterward."
--Heidi Croot

"You're right, Mr Bly, so, go ahead with this nice newsletter. It's the more useful one I get."
--Penna Blu

"For the past 10 years you have been as much a copywriting coach as a coach in life. I value the mix."
--Richard Snyder

"Keep doing what you’re doing, Bob. Thanks again for sharing your excellent content."

"Your newsletters are always spot on. Don’t change a thing."
-- Lisa Bjornstad

"I love your emails just like they are. Thanks again for keeping your awesome newsletter as it is."
--Carlos Rodriguez

"I want to say THANK YOU!! Thank you for the tremendous value you add through your email updates and the very detailed and info rich books you write. You have saved me so much money. Before I discovered your work I used to think the only way to acquire new writing and business skills was through expensive courses. But I've found your $20 books often have just as much info packed into them as a $500 course. So thank you!"
--Jasmine Love

"Your weekly counsel is life-changing. I need a bigger desk for all the 3x5 cards -- folded into little tents -- that bear thought-bullets you inspire."
--Jeff Donaldson

"Bob. You are the best copywriter I know."
--Mark Secko

"People don't say this enough: I really am Thankful for you. And no, I don't read every email... but I always look to see if it applies to me and I read most of your emails. They are always well crafted and honest. I feel as though you are someone who I respect and admire. Thank you Bob. You are one of the people I feel most grateful for this Thanksgiving."
--Tori Hartman

"You have always stressed ethical behavior among other good qualities. I am getting a product up and going to build a list and I will gladly buy any of your products because I have always admired your hard work and knowledge. Please keep up the good work."

"Thanks Bob for all you do. I find your emails to be relaxing, encouraging and informative. Keep'em coming..."
--John Sickler

"I read your book and emails every day. Just want to say your emails are easy to read and straight to the point (like the page numbers mentioned in this email). Keep going and look forward to hearing from you more."
--Jason Wang

"Bob, your emails are always very informative. Even non-sales emails. I also know they are relaxing. My mind slows down and I relax while reading them."
--Larry Bernardini

"Thanks for putting interesting and valuable information in my mail box every workday. This is great stuff. What I do is automatically route your emails to its own folder and then when I have time, I read through them. It’s a great exercise in professional development."
--Dan Baker

"You're one of the few people I trust on the internet, so when you recommend something, I take notice (even if it's not a product / service in which I may be interested at that time)."
--Inga Brereton

"I'm glad you offer other products since there is a demand from your subscribers for most of those topics and we trust your judgment."
--Tom Padgett

"Your emails are interesting and instructive. There are many unread emails in my box, but I endeavor to read all your emails because of the catch!"
--Shadrach Anekwe

"Your e-newsletter is always the first email I read when I receive it . I also purchase your courses and printed products in both CD and PDF format. I found all materials relevant and immediately actionable. I’m a very happy customer. Keep up the great work."
--Scott C. Cornish

"I find your emails informative, pithy, and quite perfect."

"Your newsletter is both relaxed AND informative Keep up the good work."
--Charles B. Kovess

"I think your e-zine is informative and relaxed. I never feel like you are doing a hard sell on any of your products."

"I receive many emails. Yours, Sir, is as relaxed and informative as any I have ever read. Indeed, it's the only one I search for in the stack ... and miss when there's a delay. You set the bar quite high, and I thank you for that."
--Jeff Donaldson

"Never have I know you to sound desperate. In fact...to the contrary, you always sound relaxed. You probably caught DK on a bad day when too much email arrived. I read a book once called "You are Not the Target". I think that applies here. If I get an email and don't feel like reading it, it gets deleted or starred for future reading. Carry on Bob."

"Bob, your communications strike a nice balance between information and sales opportunities."
--Debbie Jeffers

"Yours is one of the few newsletters that I read. I think your email has a very relaxed tone and a good balance of comments and sales."
--Therese Larkins

"Your newsletter is relaxed, informative, and very useful. Obviously you have tested your content-to-promo ratio and created a system that works very well."
--Nathan T Warne

"I've been subscribed for years and open a lot of them so that's strong evidence I find them helpful. The fact that I'm taking the time to respond is further evidence that I value your notes. I find your tone informal and relaxed."

"You are so far from desperate and so over the top informative. As far as not relaxed, I would say that you come across as alert and professional and calm."
--Bob Beverly

"First, this was a great email. Second, I much rather continue to be a subscriber than not because you share valuable information. Keep doing what you do."
--Andra Standberry

"Your news letters are super informative and your style is professional but to the point."

"Yours is the one email I will read even on a very busy day. I enjoy it, and I learn from it."
--Marte Cliff

"If your e-newsletter was not informative, I would have opted out long ago. I not only value the information I get, I participate in your offers when they apply to me. I enjoy reading the books I have from you and re-read them on occasion."
--Steve Russell

"You have informative emails. I do read every one of your letters you send out to your list so I don't miss one little tidbit of info you have to say. Keep sending them , I'll keep on reading ( as long as its not the same one 4 times a day."
--Frankie Eck

"Relaxed, informative, wise and firm – this is how I’d describe your newsletter and this is exactly why I continue to read (and buy your ebooks and make money from your ideas)."
--Steve Maxwell

"DK is welcome to his:her opinion but I look forward to what you write, so much so I’m not counting how often I receive anything from you. Every time I do I learn or am reminded of something valuable."
-- Michael Hanson

"I like your emails. One of the few subscriptions that I've yet to delete a single email from w/o reading first. In fact, I've filed away a number of them for future reference."
-- Michael Rhoda

"Nicely explicated! Me, I think your frequency is great— and you don’t try to upsell in every email, though each has content that is valuable. I’m getting through The Digital Marketing Handbook this week. My verdict: as long as you have the energy, keep the Bly eNews coming!"
-- Timothy Hays

"I welcome your newsletters… and I also buy way too much! I learn something every time! I’m getting so smart you’d think I was rich, as well!"
--Bob Martel

"I like and VALUE your newsletters."
--Irv Blander

"Perhaps it’s because I share your technical background but I find you writing to be friendly, familiar, almost conversational. I often wish I could sit with you to explore the topics further. Regarding frequency, I look forward a daily dose of Mr. Bly. There are many newsletters that come multiple times a day warning me of missing deadlines and last chance for these once in a lifetime offers (that repeat every few months). The only reason I don’t opt out is that once in a while there’s something I really value – an idea, a pointer, an insight – and usually I can tell from the preview pane which ones to delete without reading. In contrast, you emails are thought provoking while being respectful of my time and attention. But you already know this because you follow your own advice and know your audience. Thanks for sharing with us."
--Tom Solon

"I feel that your newsletters have a relaxed tone and yet very valuable information!"
--Mary Harris

"I appreciate the work of Ben Settle and John Carlton, but I prefer your jive-less, more straightforward style."
--David Rose

"I find your emails, all of them, informative, important and conversational in tone. To me, this is the best communication."
--Pam Magnuson

"In your daily emails, you keep to a single (valuable) topic. Yes, your monthly newsletter has multiple threads - as it should ... it's a frickin' newsletter, for Pete's sake! And your daily emails are looked forward to. All I can say, as a subscriber of your emails and newsletter (for, like ... YEARS) is that I am beyond impressed how a prolific writer can constantly improve. It's like I can tell when your writing has gone to a new level - and that is the coolest thing ever ... and really inspiring (there's hope for me, yet)."
-- Neil Dhawan

"I find your newsletter, not only informative, but pretty useful. I think of you as the man who not only has all the answers but who has them all organized. Please, never ever stop sending your awesome emails!"
--Carlos Rodriguez

"I look forward to your emails, and my favorites are saved in an email folder named “Bly.” Keep ‘em coming, please!"
--Donna Batchelor

"I open your email everyday. I find it very informative and I've written copy for years. Always happy with any product purchased from you also. I appreciate that I can learn and keep up with what's going on the world of internet marketing/copywriting through your newsletter instead of searching for it myself. Keep doing what you're doing."
--David Fogle

"You are at present the only information marketer I know who practices what most of the marketing guys preach, especially with email marketing - give lots of useful information and add a lot of value, then include periodic offers without inundating the recipient. "
--Marianne Hagen

"You provide tons of great free info throughout the year. All the books that I’ve purchased by you and the info products that I’ve purchased from you have been well worth the price."
--AC Stafford

"Thank you, Bob, for the value you have provided, over and over in your many emails over the years!"
--Mike Chaffee

"Good Lord, Bob, start playing some baseball because you knocked this one clean outta the park!!!"
--Neil Dhawan

"Congratulations on all your success! I have at least one or two of your books at home and have enjoyed and appreciated your many articles over the years. You’re a copy legend."
--Christopher Case

"Mr. Bly you've hit the nail on the head responding to that dim-witted coward who rules Earth from her keyboard! You sir, are as honorable a man as anyone could hope to meet. Please, keep the hits rolling on out!"
--Doug T.

"I really enjoy your e-mails. I like your perspective and the insight you provide. Thank you!"
--Bob Maucher

"Keep your emails coming....I have learned a great deal from you. I too am “old” in LJ’s world...but still learning."
--Minell Eberdt

"Thanks for all these messages with so much help to make us better writers, for which others would charge a fortune! Delighted to have met you and grateful for all your help to make me a better writer and marketer of my skills."
--Olive Wolfe

"Great lesson! Thanks! Very useful not only for my business but for my soul!"
--Ilaria Cardani

"I have a confession to make: I am an addict. I am addicted to YOUR emails. I always get something worthwhile out of them. Thanks much -- keep ‘em coming."
--Marc Leek

"I've learned so much from you, Bob, and I look forward to learning more."
--Sunni Sukumar

"I love your reading recommendations Bob -- keep ‘em coming!!"
--Stephani Lord-Harman

"Keep up the great work Bob. You should be considered a national treasure at this point!"
--Dan Aulto

"Very excellent advice and it has always paid off -- with millions in sales for me over the years .. "

"I sincerely love reading your transparent view points, advice, & opinions. They're just great! You exemplify what's right (imho) and call out what's wrong - with just about everything. The tidbits and sage advice you share about life in general, and your personal life are refreshing. No fluff, no puff, no BS. In that "nice NJ way." Thanks and please continue; for many years to come!"
--Jurg Ramel

"Bob thanks for all the encouragement, great information, and communications. I appreciate all that you do."
--Randy Robinson

"Your information is incredibly useful and practical. Thanks for all of the fantastic information."
--Darwin Ruiz

"99 cents is giving it away. Thanks for the gift Bob because it would be a bargain at $20 appreciate your newsletter and you as a person. Thank you"
--Jeffrey Rhodes

"This was a fantastic email. I often have this debate with other web designers (I do it for fun, not profit) who insist that a one-pager is the way to go. You raise some great points here. Thanks for continually providing great content."
--Corrie Ann Gray

"I really enjoy the tips and tricks you offer from time to time and look forward to more of the same."
--Charles Tisserand

"I wanted to tell you, I appreciate you being on Facebook and giving more background about yourself and I love what you say. I am so glad I got to meet you personally in Florida many years ago. Thank you for putting yourself out there and just know you are appreciated by me and many others."

"Another invaluable lesson in life and business from Brother Bob. Thank you, Kind Sir. I always enjoy reading your experientially gained insights and thoughtful advice."
--Tom Torrez

"I think your email today, by far, has been more valuable to me than almost all of the countless emails I receive regularly trying to get me to spend my money. I have always received much more value from you and I have a few of your books too."
--Michael Hedrick

"As I’m skimming my emails and take the time of reading yours before archiving them I just want to express you a quick “Thank You” feedback for the interesting material you send all the time."
--Ingrid Boersma

"Thank you. In the last two or three years I have purchased one of your physical CD courses and 2 or 3 of your digital 'book' you sell for $30 or so. EVERYTHING had been exceptional value. That value was a fantastic lesson for me in and of itself, let alone the material purchased. I love the way you speak so honestly about copywriting and the info business in your emails. Keep up the good work, you are making a difference in my learning. Thank you!"
--Bill Burch

"I just want to thank you for all your insight and materials. I've purchased many of your books and have read much of your work. It has helped me to develop better skills and improve my effectiveness."
--Michael Duncan

"As always Bob, you always deliver and teach me something each email I get from you. Keep up the great work."
--Harold Green

"I am a long-term consumer of your information products. In the past, I have purchased your books and courses and implemented a few ideas. I continue reading your complementary Direct Response Letter subscription with gratitude. Truly, there is "power in one good idea" as your recent installment reveals. Thanks again!"
--John Christopher Bryant

"You. Are the Real Deal. You talk the talk and walk the walk. If there was an Everest for marketers, you’d be Theodore Roosevelt. "
--John McCarthy

"What you did shows the high ethical values and the value of your professionalism you live by. I am very glad to be your customer and to receive your newsletter. "
--Kelvin Peña Raymond

"Simply put: why are all of your books so good? Do you know what I love the most besides clear writing and headlines and bullet points? All the resource listings your provide."
--Antonio Small

"Your books and regular emails have been extremely helpful in so many ways. Bob, Thank You."
--Alan Whitson

"Thanks a ton Bob! It's an honor to learn from a master marketer and copywriter such as yourself. You are always willing to help and you are a true pro."
--Gabe Rivera

"I really enjoy your emails. . You are just serving people, even if they don't take action probably you are conforming them. I believe you are not on a clever justifying why these people should (or not) still buying your courses."
--Miguel Braga

Bob Bly's books -- written & edited by -- and e-mails are great. I've been writing and editing for decades, and yet I learn something new all the time.
--Larry Reznick

"I have been reading Bob and I think he is the best direct-response copywriter I have come across recently."
--Omkar Patel

“Bob, I truly believe you’ve done more for the profession of copywriting than anyone else alive. You’ve done it in an honest, straightforward, no-hype way, and that’s a rare thing these days. Thanks for everything you do.”
--Steve Roller, Copywriter

"Thanks Bob. Appreciate your various teachings. Especially those gems you have hiding in plain sight."
--Tristram Waye

"I’m not in the B2C field, but I appreciate that you always give sound and practical advice to your readers that is to the point."
--Paul Hadinger

"I truly enjoyed today's newsletter. You tell us 7 good reasons why you write - all of them excellent. I especially enjoyed the quote from the poet May Sarton. It gives me, and all writers, something to ponder. Thank you for your newsletters. I look forward to them each time one appears in my email box. Happy Writing."
--Betty Glaz

"Yes, you're helping people. That's why I follow you."
--Andrea Bassett

"Thank you again for all the help, encouragement, and advice you’ve shared in your books over the years. :)"
--Hilary Buckley

"Thanks for another great article. Great overview of pricing -- and I enjoyed how you handled common objections and framed your offerings. I'm still getting way more than 10X out of all your materials I've bought -- thank you!"
--Tony Zarembski

"Like many of your readers, I maintain too many email subscriptions. To maintain in-box control, I immediately assign most to the appropriate category for reading later; but not yours, Sir. I read yours immediately, regardless the subject. Not that you need it -- by a long shot! -- but please accept my thanks and congratulations for setting the copywriting standard for us all."
--Jeff Donaldson

"Your newsletter is worth reading. It gives ideas for other things that help. Reading your newsletter shows you are a great copywriter so your writing "accidentally" helps your readers to write better. Worth the minute or two it takes to read your newsletter with attention. (I skim through many other newsletters and usually delete them after a few issues.)"
--Leila Peltosaari

"I revel in how cogent and lucid you always are because such qualities are so rare in today's world, a fact I lament many times a day. So please accept my heartfelt thanks for all you do to keep excellent writing from extinction. I appreciate all your blogs, and I read them several times over as soon as they come in."
--Wendy Madow

"I look forward to hearing from you daily. I always learn something new!"
--Karen Briggs

"You showcase only the best!"
--Timothy S. Hays

"Thanks for your contribution to direct marketing. I've followed you for some time. You are a master."
--Carl Jordan

"You're an amazing man for taking the time to read my emails. I have to deal with some of the dullest people on earth to write this stuff and it is very uplifting to know that such an intelligent and accomplished person is out there. You're building my confidence."
--Genelle Brown

"Whenever I read your material, I realize how much I’ve forgotten and could be doing."
--Harvey Raven

"I enjoy reading your newsletters. Really. They feel personal even though I know they are going out to thousands of people. I have purchased several of your products and have gotten a LOT of value from them."
--Mary Benson

"Thank you for your immense contribution to our lives with your newsletter and various products, many of which I have purchased."
--Abdullahi Bello Umar

"I'm an email subscriber and have purchased a few of your info products as well. The content is always great and I appreciate how simply you describe everything."
--Jason Serapiglia

"You do differ night and day from the other info marketing guru’s out there, both past and present. The way I see it is you are a “doer” and not a “dreamer”. No flash, just cash so to speak. A person that doesn’t need the “dog and pony show” to sell their stuff. I put you into a distinct group of the “got it” rather than the “want it” crowd."
--Michael Nix

"Thanks again. You are always good at separating the wheat from the chaff (or the “wheat of winning” from the “chaff of chumps”)."
--Paul Hadinger

"Thanks for your ever rewarding and educative writings. I am so glad my path crossed yours in my life time. You don't know that you are my mentor I never met in person. I know I must meet you one day. I have not bought any of your books yet. I will surely buy. My ambition is to be a good copywriter like you. Thanks for every thing Bob."
-- Chinedu Ilo

"Your simple style speaks to my core. Thanks again, Mr. Bly. For what it's worth, I find your messages inspirational."
--Jeff Donaldson

"Love you Bob! I've been reading your stuff for years and I wholeheartedly agree with your email below. You are a true veteran who stays so fresh and relevant - I'm always excited to see your latest email. Keep em' coming!"
--Elin Marie

"I find your writing, the information you share, and your approach to life inspiring."
-- Derek Bly

"I learn a lot just by being a subscriber to your newsletter. Yes, I do buy e-books from you, but your newsletters are truly inspiring. You set an example of how someone engages in “live communication” with his subscribers. It’s not a “canned communication” - you are there and I feel it."
--Janis Ihrig

"Thanks for all your emails, you are the only person who sends me enjoyable emails, so I always read them (and sometimes buy)."
-- Sharyn Aiken

"Thank you very much for the quick response and I truly thank you for the information and will use it wisely. You have a great one and I glad finally I found a person who I can trust."
--Danny McClatcher

"Great tips today! I'm reading some of these same tips or "how to's" in your books, Copywriters Handbook and, Getting Started As A Freelance Writer. I like both books, they are packed full of information. I also like that you included other author's quotes or explanations in your writing. Thank you, Bob!"
--Randy Robinson

"You are my mentor! Thank you, Bob; just in case no one has told you yet today, you are a gift."
--Julie Patterson

"I’ve enjoyed reading the newsletter emails you’ve sent me the past few years. Keep up the good work. I get a kick out of your reactions to readers who take issue with you, often in ways that I agree are foolish."
-- Mark Lerner

"I appreciate your straight-forward actionable advice in the copywriting world."
--Kathy Farah

"Thank you very much for you wonderful insights and experiences. So grateful to see your name in the inbox. You truly provide tremendous value to people and their lives."
--Tom Dioro

"Reasonable, direct, concise and clear: just like your sales materials. Your writing style shows me repeatedly what it means to communicate effectively, and it inspires me to emulate you."
--Chris Fray

"There may well be better value online but once you were recommended to me I stopped looking online for marketing information. I do have other books and material by other marketers but I have way more of your books and e-books than any other marketer for that very reason the quality of information and value for money that you provide is hard to beat."
--Roy Hutchinson

"Good article. I’ve bought a number of things from you and have always been very happy with the information."
--Timothy Johnson

"You are so dead on. I love your logic and common sense approach. Which by the way is often lacking in business."
--Blake Houser

"To me Mr Bob Bly everything you are doing in the Ezine is very valuable. Tips, your very own life experiences, marketing strategies from your experience and everything else you offer, priceless."
--Aby Rodriguez

"Your e-zine is excellent -- it's an enjoyable read and always useful."
--David Carter

"You're awesome! I've loved all the content you've sent for years. Thank you for making your books so affordable. I get at least 100xs the value every time I pick one up."
--Diane Boerstler

"I just read your email - as I do every one you write - and realized I haven't thanked you in a while for everything you do for all of us. You have given us another outstanding year of education and inspiration and everyone who receives your emails should be flooding your Inbox thanking you. Most importantly, to me at least, is that you make us question ourselves and what quirks are lurking underneath preventing us from moving forward in a big way. We're all different - coming from different places in life - but I'm convinced you speak to all of us. Armed with what you give us we have only to turn on our own switch."
--Genelle Brown

"First, your newsletter is already great, just like America, with a sweet balance of useful info and resources. Easy to read, perfect length, engaging. You already give us so much. Second, I like the idea of your "undying gratitude" (although not necessary!), so I thought long and hard over this one. If I HAD to suggest something related to a business goal, it's to become a better writer. There are thousands of resources on marketing (I think I have most), but few people consistently write as well as you do and I'd love a hint as to how you do it, how to add zest to a piece of copy, that kind of thing. Thanks for all you already do."
--Stacey Morris

"Thank you for your sharing your feelings, Bob. You always deliver a smile to my face when I read your writings."
--Tom Torrez

"Insights into how you run your life are as valuable as any of the good products you merchandise. They always make me stop and think about what I need to change or do going forward."
--Leo Calabrase

"You are an excellent communicator and a great mentor to so many writers and those who aspire to become one themselves."
--Alan Raicer

"Your work ethic is a true inspiration to people like me. (I often refer to you as the "Issac Asimov of copywriters" because of your out-put of material. Amazing!) I know how busy you are, but I did want to say, "thanks" for being such an inspiration to me and creating the best resources on writing I have ever seen. God Bless!"
--Mark Elmo Ellis

"Just wanted to say I liked your article in the Target Marketing Mag. Your article on Generational marketing has made me rethink the way I segment my list, and approach my customers and prospects."
--Tom Patel

"Just want to say thanks for the many years of emails of wisdom -- you are an awesome contributor!"
--David Povilaitis

"Bob, thank you so much for this email. I appreciate your list of books, and your reason for reading novels. I always thought it was a waste of time to read novels, but you made valid points why to do so – 'Fiction Stimulates Imagination.' I’ve read 'To Kill a Mockingbird' more than once, and I bought 'War and Peace' but haven’t read it. Now I will. You’re great, Bob. Thank you for all you teach us."
--Marian Mientus

"Bob Bly is an outstanding direct response copywriter and marketing professional who has made millions for his clients and a few for himself. Recently, Bob wrote about those creepy robots who inhabit the sterile halls of artificial intelligence and how they may be destined to make us scribes persona non grata in our world of commerce and trade. I couldn’t resist the opportunity and wrote the following to him. If you have a product to sell or a story to tell and a budget which will allow you to walk with a giant, Bob is absolutely the best writer I can think of for the job."
--Robert A. Mullen

"Thanks so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to write these articles. They are helpful to us when we are fed so much pablum and fake news."
--Herman Fickewirth

"Thanks for being the inspiration you are to the world of writing professionals."
--Bill Makley

"Thanks again for a well written and incisive piece. This kind of writing is above top notch."
--Kelvin Peña

"Keep up the excellent tips Bob because some of us who are a little or a lot older certainly appreciate you and your thoughts!"
--Herb Anderson

"Bob...years ago I bought your materials from articles in magazines...you mailed photocopied material. Since then I've bought your ebooks, soft-covered books and read your work whenever I get a chance. I'm still delighted each time I see your emails and read your thoughts. No kidding, your wisdom has made me a TON of money over the years..and helped me through some very difficult professional times. Your 90/10 piece did that today. Take care and hope you have a Perfect Workday."
--Mike Collins

"How valuable your email is (again) today! Thank you for all!"
--Jacques Dufour

"Thanks for your awesome newsletter. I'm finding my way along a rather unconventional career path, and your work is invaluable to me. Your publications do so much more than help me grow professionally; they empower me to create a life of my choosing. That is an enormous gift. Thank you."
--Melissa Robinson

"Everything I have read written by you has not let me down. I know this training will bring my copywriting to new heights."
--John Makohen

"Great email and very thought provoking. Thanks for brightening my future with all you have given me."
--Mike Noyola

"Wishing you all the best - heck, you ARE the best. Thank you for your awesome newsletters. I always read yours first."
--Dee Anne Stiles

"As always, Bob, you are still the man. Thanks, I always enjoy your messages. They seem to come when I really need a pick me up, from feeling down. Now I'm ready to take on the world of copy."
--Hal Green

"I've learned a lot from all of your daily emails and materials. I'd say that your daily emails, essays, books etc. contributed a lot to realize about the power of direct-response and the importance of adopting marketing systems, measurement and methodology, so I really want to thank you for sharing."
--Daniel Rios

"As always, your column is filled with wisdom and common sense. I always look forward to them."
--Tom Martin

"Keep up the great tips as I find them enlightening."
--Michael Piper

"Bob! I love your emails! I read (almost) every single one."
--Athena santora

"Thank you Bob. Your newsletters and your books are so practical. I have a folder called Bly and everyone of your newsletters get sent there. Have an awesome day."
--Jeff Rhodes

"Sir, your Direct Response Letter has provided me more useful information over this last year than any other subscription I hold. Please accept my sincere thanks!"
--Jeff Donaldson

"You have consistently refreshed and provided valuable information to me (and many, many others) over these 25+ years that I've followed you. Your post today spoke to that part of me who needed to hear that particular message."
--S.J. Araujo

"This message was outstanding. Absolutely outstanding. It outlines many of the concepts and principles which I am striving to implement in my professional life. Your message was very encouraging, and it filled me with hope once again that I may hopefully achieve just a small percentage of the level of competence and expertise which you have accomplished."
--Gary Cunningham

"So far, you, by far, have been the most useful teacher in my pursuit of a freelance copywriting career."
--James Thole

"I want to thank you for helping me with my career. Your generosity is very much appreciated."

"Just wanted to share that I enjoy reading your periodic emails, you share plenty of valuable information for free, I've enjoyed each purchase I've made from you and thought every one was well worth it, and when you share offers from colleagues like the one below it always seems on-point and well-targeted … wanted to say thank you and encourage you to keep doing what you are doing. You are providing a ton of value and it is appreciated..."

"I enjoy reading your newsletters and your books and have for years."
--Don Mitchell

"This article contained considerable insight and intelligence. I'm learning. I watch you carefully from afar because I have a growing respect for your analytical reasoning about decision-making which continually validates your good judgment about important business matters. You have developed a methodology that sustains success consistently. It's different. More importantly, it actually works."
--Gary Cunningham

"I have only been a subscriber for a short time. In that time I have grown to look forward to recieving your email. I read your handbook each morning as if it were a bible. Your new book is great and I will get the other 3 in the series as I finish one. I can't fill my kindle with books and never read. It is kighter than boxes of books I told myself I would one day get too. I just wanted to say thanks for making my morning reading interesting and educational. I don't just find copy writing lessons I find life lessons in your wisdom."
--Johnny Makohen

"I love your common-sense psychology."
--Ron Ryan

"Thank you Bob, I love your e-mails. Not only do I read every single one of them as they come in I also have three folders to save them in after their reading - Bob Bly - content I can use in the future as is, Bob Bly - need to order in the future, and Bob Bly - great yet I can't use. Have already signed up for your affiliate program as I believe I can earn some income based on your work."
--Gary F. Restall

"Thanks so much for your priceless articles. I love your books … and I love the fact that you make it clear the essentials of copywriting and business never change. Can you tell I’m a huge fan? Thanks for all you do in helping us newbies to become better."
--Caron Darbyson

"I don't always agree with you! But I always find your viewpoints worth considering, and I learn from them. Thanks."
--Dave Roberts

"The more I get to know you (through your writing), the more I like you. And unlike MF, I do buy your products once in a while. Thanks for everything you do."
--Steve Roller

"I always get a good chuckle out of these emails. I love it that you don’t pull any punches with these folks. You don’t suck it up or blow it off. Always a straight shooter. And this email went out to MF, no doubt."
--Lynn Kennedy Baxter

On point again, kind sir. Thanks for illuminating what I always strive to keep in mind when I'm conveying MY words to others. Thanks for your regular musings, Brother. Always appreciated.
--Tom Torrez

"Good advice for life in general. Thanks for your daily emails. I do enjoy them!"
--Edwin Soler

"This is probably my all-time favorite Bob Bly message. I read all your emails and own and have read several of your books."
--Hannah Martine

"All of your writing Bob Bly, is 'the gifts that keep on giving'."
--Barb Johnson

"Regarding the information I've received/ordered from you...it is all appreciated, clear and to the point. What I particularly like is you show me how to do something, rather than just tell me what the problems is as so many authors do. That I appreciate!"
--Herb Anderson

"Thank you for all the content you've put out, I've learned a lot from you (and your newsletter is one of the few things in my inbox I look forward to reading)."
--Claude Jordan

"I know you write very well; witness your many successful books, brochures, and all. If you didn't, you would have been out of business years ago. You give sound advice, and teach how to copywrite effectively."

"I have followed you for awhile but have never written you until now. Today's email made me smile, high five my laptop... Thank you for writing. You are teaching me that I need to just write what I know and get it out there."
--Laura D'Ambrosio

"Spot-on! Great email, Bob. Really enjoyed reading this. Thanks for everything you do, and keep it coming."
--Bill Mueller

"Another gem! I want to say thanks to YOU because I just had a major milestone. I submitted my first job (a $200 blog, but still) to a new client who is a TOTAL STRANGER who I met by sending her a Bly-inspired intro letter and then the copywriting info kit, highly inspired/copied from the book I bought from you! Keep on being awesome and showing me the way."
--Andrea Bassett

"Bob – you REALLY are the King and the Ultimate Role Model for people who write for a living. My wife and I -- and the many tens of thousands you have so positively influenced – are eternally in your debt."
--John K. Brubaker

"Yours are the only emails I read consistently and they never disappoint me. Thanks again for the inspiring work you do day after day."
--James G. Salmons

"Thanks Bob, for the valuable knowledge sharing with struggling copywriters and that is FREE too. Thank you."
--Nusrat Shahnawaz

"Thank you for today's post on using something just because it's new and cool. It obliterated our IT Guy From Hell, which I've been trying to do for seven years! I'm sure my employer will receive that information better from you than from me. I turned him on to your emails but I forwarded it to him anyway just to make sure he read it. The money he's wasted on following the suggestions of this jerk is distressing! Again . . you made my day! (Maybe my next seven years!)"
--Genelle Brown

"As usual, you've provided good information that I hope to use going forward. Thanks again."
--Tom Martin

"As an engineer turned copywriter like you, it WILL BE my honor to shake the hand of the single most influential copywriter on my copywriting career so far. And that’s not an “air up your shorts” statement… because your influence is not just the mechanics of copywriting. More than those writing tips, as plentiful as they’ve been (online and in your texts) are the non-writing influences. Your business guidance and demonstrated success with a no BS approach proved to me that my existing skills in that area could be an asset rather than a detriment in copywriting. And perhaps more important are the multiple thoughtful and considerate email exchanges we’ve shared – including one about the value of time with kids in December 2015. It was a great reminder at an apropos time for me. Those email conversations, combined with seeing your self-comfort with your talents and foibles, have given me the confidence to take the risks I have with my copywriting in the last 12 months."
--Keith A. Trimels, P.E.

"I really enjoy your daily emails! Been a subscriber for years and have learned a lot from you."
--Joe Gerhard

"So glad I subscribed to your business emails. Always helpful....interesting.....or just fun."
--Judy Rocker

"I love your writing everyday I read it. Keep up the good work."
--Ron Wilson

"I sincerely appreciate the sharing of your knowledge and experiences. Everyday I get an email from you makes me a bit better. Multiply that by the number of people on your list and that is quite an impact you have made in the world."
--Michael Noyola

"Years ago, I got the crazy idea to just 'call you up' to get your advice on a business idea I had… We had never met, but I was so sure you could help me that I took it upon myself to make an unsolicited phone call.
You could have hung up, told me to go to hell, anything, and I would have deserved that; instead, you graciously took valuable time out of your day to give me your opinion.
Oh, by the way… the advice you gave me was to 'not' do what I had in mind. I followed that advice, even though at the time it was not what I wanted to hear. You were dead-on correct, ha ha."
--Les Larson

"I admire the Hell out of you, Bob. Your work ethic, your love of the written word. Your relaxed, practical outlook on life. And, even though we’ve never met, I get a warm and happy glow when you mention how happy and successful you are in a) your chosen profession and b) the way you chose to do it. Kudos."
--John McCarthy

"Thanks for all the years of sage advice, insights, and information. Always a pleasure reading your emails."
--Tim Diering

"You are an inspiration to many -- and one of the best headline writers out there (I keep opening your emails)."
--Liz Willis

"Thanks Bob..as always ...I appreciate your help and response. By the way, all your material I've purchased has been very valuable. I plan to keep on buying more...very much worth it."
--Gabe Rivera

"You’re a “5-star” in my books, Bob. I’m sure negative reviews of you are few and far between."

"Bob, I have ordered a ton of stuff from you. Every single info-product was easily worth 5x the price."
--Angelo DePalma

"I like the books I’ve purchased from you, and consider them all a good value. Thanks for sharing your wisdom and experience."
--Daryl Gerke

"I have found your books valuable, priced fairly, and excellent reading."
--Norris Tingle

“For what it’s worth, I consider your sage advice to be the intellectual equivalent of owning a Toyota! If JD Powers graded marketing experts - you would be the top choice.”
--Mike Anderson

"I must confess that your write-ups are captivating and straight to the point. Thanks for this piece to guide me on how best to write for my clients. I thank you immensely for that."
--Shadrach Anekwe

"Bob is terrific.. I’ve known him for 10 years and his material is always good. I’ve bought a number of his programmes myself and have always found them useful. He also has a guarantee on everything he sells. So you can get a refund if you are not happy."
--Graham McGregor

"I read your blogs. And I also TRY to apply your insightful nuggets."
--Deb Freetage

"I enjoy and learn from your emails."
--Bill Davis

"Loved your article "Become a Better Writer". You always have a clarifying point in your articles. This article is a great way for me to start a new day! Thanks you for your continued contribution to my success!"
--Milt Trosper

"Great email Bob, not least because it lives the very point it makes. And a cracking example of using story-telling to get it across. I subscribe to a few e-newsletters from marketers and copywriters, but most of them are dull as dishwater. But yours always feel human and full of simple, down to earth wisdom. For which I thank you."
--Archie Clifford

"Bob, your emails almost never go unread in my office - but today's was one of the best, most useful, and most valuably remembered of any of them .... since I first subscribed (and started buying your CDs and DVDs) something like 10 years ago."
--Jo Kelly

"I have enjoyed receiving your emails and have gotten a ton of value from the products I've bought from you. Thanks for all your help."
--Jonathan Rivera

"I've been reading your emails and following you for several years, and I always enjoy your messages."
--John Verbrugge

"Bob, another gem! Take care and thanks for bringing sunshine and wisdom into my day."
--Andrea Bassett

"Your messages on writing are often workmanlike. I mean that as a compliment. You talk about writing the way a carpenter might talk about measuring, or sanding, or staining a finished piece. I appreciate that tone. Your voice is both unassuming and substantial to me, and that, in my opinion, is a powerful combination. I look forward to your emails. Thanks for helping me learn every day."
--Buddy Lee

"I really must tell you that I do indeed enjoy your emails. There is always something interesting and I like your style. I have been reading your stuff; books too, for quite some time now but I really have no requests except; keep up the good work."
--Anna Balmos

"Thank you very much for the practical advice, inspiration and encouragement you give those who have the privilege to realize your wisdom and experience. Please keep on writing your great works."
--Michael Popovici

"Thank you so much for your wisdom-filled emails. I am learning so much."
--Rev. Barbara Grace

"You are a master marketer Bob. Thanks for all your help."
--Gabe Rivera

"Again, hope all is well with you and just wanted to respond to let you know that your messages are helping those of us who are following in your footsteps and trying to carve out a niche as freelance copywriters. Although I don't always respond, I read every one of your messages."
--Anthony Sills

"I have been aware of your copywriting expertise for a number of years and have benefited from your self-study guides. And I continually pick up useful information from your Direct Response Letter. Your candor puts a smile on my face. And, speaking as a professional writer, your words of wisdom are a continual source of refreshment."
--Jessica Hausman

"First: thank you for your newsletters. I have learned from them, and appreciate you creating them. I also recently purchased your Copywriter Toolkit, and – although I am not a copywriter – find it is saving me a great deal of time as I retool my consulting business."
--Barbara Eilert

"I have purchased your material before and found it very valuable and worth the modest investment."
--Jeffrey R. Orenstein

"Greetings from Kenya! This is to inform you that I am a passionate follower of your training and advice on Copywriting. You are my Invincible mentor in my mastermind group. I have a burning desire to be in your league in copywriting. Thank you once again for what you are doing in empowering people like me."
--Elizaphan Ogechi

"I've had a couple of short conversations with you re - your emails. And it was most gratifying to get a quick and thoughtful response to my comments or questions. I have replied to a couple of well known marketers, after being assured they read and would respond to every email, only to get 0 response. Very disappointing. And it cost them a subscriber. On the other hand, you are a true marketer who understands and cares about his readers. We all like that. Even though you must often be tired, and have other things to do, your comments are very much appreciated. Thank you again."
--Barry Desautels

"Thanks for this Bob! I enjoy and learned alot from reading your emails."

"I look forward to your newsletters and find them very helpful. I was taking inventory of the contents of my freelance writer's library and determined that I have at least a dozen of your ebooks. I now have the challenge of applying the knowledge that they convey as you intend it. Thanks, again."
--John Kroehler

"You are a rare gem in this industry."
--John Jamieson

I think it's wonderful that you reply to email and I'm glad you plan to continue the practice. One of the reasons I follow you is that you're a real person - not some arrogant jerk who says 'I'm too busy to respond to anyone.' I pretty much mistrust advice coming from that sort."
--Marte Cliff

"Great article Bob. It's rare that people of your status take the time to personally respond to messages. One of the reasons why I keep reading your newsletter."
--Colm O'Regan

"Amen to what JI and RM said. You are a treasure. And there is absolutely NO NEED to respond or acknowledge this note. Our relationship is already good in my view."
--Tom Reid

"I love it... a real human reading... vs those marketers who ask for feedback and never reply.... yuk. you stand out. No need for you to run surveys etc as you stay on the pulse. thank you"
--Wendy Gardner

"Bob your book "Write and Grow Rich" helped me got more clients than I could ever handle... and your book about the financial service industry inspired me to specialize as a financial copywriter. Thanks to your advice Im well on my way to DOUBLE my income this year... and Im confident I can double it again in 2018. Thank you so much!"
--Pascal Schafft

"Hi there. I am sure that you are flooded with emails, and yes I want to confirm your point. You, who takes the time to engage with your readers are like a real human being behind a highly-acclaimed, successful man, like the beating heart behind sometimes untouchable, royal blood. And precisely this is what makes your name, your products and your recommendations so valued. You probably are not even fully aware of the subtle impact and long-term effect this has on your fans who eventually turn into clients, into sales into what not... And your humbling personality... A unique set-up- far and in-between, and much appreciated."
--Nancy Majer

"As always, thanks Bob. Your personal touch in responding sets you way apart from the other "celebrities" who have neither the time or the desire to do so. No need to respond, although I know you would."
--Steve Stroschein

"I so totally and without reservations agree, and take your advice to me. And feel the same as you do and answer everybody. I so admire you. Please keep it up as long as you can."
--Len Ochs

"Bob - It is a rainy day here in Phoenix, so I decided to catch up on my unread emails, and I read this gem. WOW. You are spot on. I have a great deal of respect for you as a copywriter, but this is a bit of philosophy that I printed out and plan on reading every morning.Thanks for sharing this important message."
--Ted Pawlikowski

"Just a quick note to tell you that I loved your essay from yesterday and especially appreciated your three guidelines at the end. Thanks for that essay, and for all of your wonderful advice and instruction. I appreciate being able to learn from you."
--Mary Westenbroek

"I just wanted to let you know your message today really did resonate with me. Also, I appreciate the example of your clear, direct prose, and conversational style."
--Daniel Brooks

"Thanks for your marvelous work. I always enjoy your newsletters and learn from you."
--Lynn Kennedy Baxter

“I felt compelled to let you know how much I enjoy your Direct Response Letter! I've since invested in various eBooks you've offered over the years (and always receive great value from them - thank you . The tips you provide are useful and appreciated.”
--Violet Meuter

"I always enjoy reading your post. Years ago, when I aspired to be a copywriter, I attended a conference, (in Florida I believe) you were one of the speakers. Anyway, know you have a fan in Washington state."
--Laraine Fleming

"Your genius outshines all others! Thanks for this email today."
--Neil Blacklock

"I so enjoy your Direct Response Letters! Please be sure to keep the Letters coming! I have a few of your books and have found them very worthwhile...many thanks!"
--Helene Unger

"I like your books because you don't promise people to become a millionaire in 6 weeks and a billionaire within 3 years."
--Laurent de Vargas

"I admire your body of work and your insights, Bob. I REALLY love your books! (I recieved "Magnetic Selling" just 6 days ago. 1 month waiting for it...And I find it just brilliant...). And your website is...well, it's a real treasure. Thank you Bob."
--Rafa Aranda

"Thanks again for your newsletter. As always, your insights are right on the money."
--Len Bailey

"I think that this is one of the most profound and useful things I've ever read. Essential reading for every self-employed person, and a sure antidote to all the "passion" guff that's out there."
--Denis Thornton

"I enjoy your occasional departure from our topic and appreciate your contemplation and thoughts about life in general."
--Dave Helm

"Bull's eye! You're so good at this, sometimes it hurts."
--Steven Culpepper

"I have enjoyed items from you in the past (items I purchased and that you have offered as free). This email prompted a response because I agree with what you are saying. So many uninformed (subjective statement) opinions get released as fact. Thank you for reminding us to get our facts straight."
--Juin Charnell

"I am a new subscriber to your daily email and first wanted to say thank you for the complimentary reports you provide to subscribers. As someone who is new to the world of copywriting (I'm currently working my through AWAI's core course) and online marketing in general, I am sure your reports will be very helpful to me as I continue my educational journey."
--Mike Haslee

"I love your books Bob! That has no relevance in relationship to the content. I own at least 10 e books and use them all weekly if not daily. BUY BOB'S BOOKS, YOU WON'T REGRET IT."
--Hank Whittier

"I enjoy your occasional departure from our topic and appreciate your contemplation and thoughts about life in general."
--David W. Helm

"Your information products are incredible values. Customers who fail to get several great ideas worth many times the cost of your ebooks have simply not read them."
--Angelo DePalma

"I am a great admirer of your work. And your dedication to make it accessible to ALL at affordable prices. Thanks for all you are doing."

"I really do appreciate all of the good information you share in your newsletters."
--Jake Toney

Thank you, Mr. Bly! I had no idea you were including this bonus with my purchase! I do not take such things for granted, I assure you. Hope this doesn't sound too corny, but I find your newsletters, products, and sheer attitude toward your profession and us would-be practitioners not only rich with value, but also extraordinarily encouraging. Speaking for thousands who may not take the time, I sincerely thank you for your generosity and the time you invest to share it with us. I am fully aware you do not need the income ... it's clear to me that your products and services come squarely from the heart. Thanks again. Godspeed in 2017 and forward!
--Jeff Donaldson

"Your sacrificial offering of your knowledge, skills, experience, 'street smarts' and sharing for others in need show a noble heart and a humble spirit."
--Michael Popovici

“What you advocate is brutally simple for people who can write. It's a service that is much appreciated, sir. You point the way to financial independence and freedom most people in ordinary lives can only dare imagine.”
--John Sparks

"Thanks Bob for taking the time to write these great emails."
--J.Michael Palka

"Just want to say thank you for all of the excellent advice you share and wishing you all the best in 2017!"
--Kammy Thurman

"You are so smart!! While I am only doing my thing--writing a book--I love to get your messages. And smile."
--Mary B

"I so love your emails ... and wisdom. It is like sitting at the foot of the Wise Elder who imparts his hard-won knowledge, based on real-world experience, with the rest of the eager Tribe. The real value lies in you sharing information that I may not even know (think) to ask about. Thanks, Chief! Stay Amazing..."
--Neil Dhawan

Thank you for creating and for sharing your expertise and wisdom to assist me in improving my copywriting and in growing my fledgling business. Appreciated. I also very much enjoy your writing style and honesty."
--Tom Torrez

"I wanted to write and thank you again for all your wisdom and for teaching us all so thoroughly. You have been my favorite teacher and the one I've learned (and continue to learn) the most from ... your honesty and caring for your students shines through what you teach, which puts you miles ahead of other instructors IMHO. I love visiting your Facebook page, reading your email, and I will be purchasing more information products from you in the future, as my needs expand."
--Kate Stelmaszek

"I now own four of your books and am so glad I bought them. They are incredibly insightful. You give me permission to learn and research how I feel most comfortable, but often worried was too time-consuming. (I agree with you that in the end, one saves time.) You also help me to structure my day and work on projects so I do not feel overwhelmed. Instead, I feel in control and ABLE. Thank you for all of your books and help."
--Rose Fife

"You. Are. Amazing. No words are sufficient to describe how I love your essays! I think of you as a brilliant hardworking individual that is full of talent, good spirit, and creativity! The beauty is, that you utilize it so eloquently! Oftentimes when I read your emails I find myself nodding in agreement othertimes, I burst out laughing......bottom line, your pieces are stimulating, thought provoking, educational and practical. It is always so fun to read!"
--Chaya Spitz

"Bob, thank you for the great emails you write for us. You spur the imagination, which can quickly wear out from dealing with people by the time you reach my age! Thanks again for all you do!"
--Genelle Brown

"I'd just like to say how much your work has been helping me as I make a move from only writing for my own needs to writing for others - the change was much greater than I expected but has been great fun. Your website, essays and articles, plus my now rather creased copy of your Copywriter's Handbook have been a real boon."
--Andrew Wilson

"Very rarely do I write someone to tell them my opinion of them but after reading your emails for a couple of years, I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy reading every single article of yours. Not only are they informative on copywriting, your articles are an inspiration for anyone trying to succeed. Have not purchased any of your materials yet. If I do decide to plunge in a career in copywriting, all I need to do is go back into all of these emails I have saved of yours and start purchasing and applying what I have learned from you over the years. You have a knack of connecting to people by explaining how things are in life when you are your own boss and not making it sound too easy. There is a mindset needed to succeed in life and one aspect of that is to show gratitude and to compliment someone when it's deserving. Keep up the good work and keep writing those emails."
--John McMonagle

"I would like to thank you for the great gems of wisdom you send out in your letters. They are helping me to focus and improve my writing craft."
--Fortune Nkosilathi Mateta

"Thanks so much Bob. This helps a lot. Every bit of your email content that I receive is valuable..I cannot stress that enough. Plus your products are great prices!"
--Gabe Rivera

"You write damn good. And I relish reading and learning what you say. Thank you."
--Jared Ball

"I love these tirades. You really show how copywriting can be used for more than just selling.
In this case, as someone I also respect used to say 'to put a pain in his brain'..."
--Leon van der Walt

"A brief thank-you for your daily messages. They are very helpful and informative, and you will see a return when I order some of your books soon.
I am consistently amazed at the ungratefulness of some of your correspondents whose messages you reproduce and comment upon, and even the latest guy who criticized your hiring of a technology specialist to hook up your stuff. I agree with your response. Maybe he could do his own surgery, too, because you can get the instructions on YouTube for that as well.
Thanks again for all the enlightenment and here is one fan who does appreciate all you do."
--Gregory A. Hession J.D.

"Continue to read your newsletter with religious devotion . . . I don’t know how you do it."
--Lee Euler

"I was reading a book of yours recently, How to Write & Sell Simple Information. It's full of great ideas and every time I review the book, I learn something new."
--Herb Anderson

"World renowned copywriter Bob Bly, consistently creates profitable le step by step programs, that help steer you towards the success you desire.
Bob, skillfully unpacks his wealth of knowledge to guide you every step of the way.
Thousands have taken the step to succeed through Bob Bly’s winning programs - Why wait? You can get yours today!"
--David Justiss

"I just wanted to thank you for such a great job on 'Secrets Of A Freelance Writer.' I am about one quarter through and already see how Being on Upwork is not the best use of my time for feeding the family. I also have a copy of your copywriting book which is next on the reading list."
--Ray Burton

"You have consistently been a reliable source of information in this new writing career I find myself pursuing and I thank you sincerely. I really like the way you run your business."
--Ron Guiley

"I have purchased and listened to an audio set of yours and learned a lot from you."
--Mark Secko

"I have ordered your stuff and it is excellent. Thanks so much for having REAL Value with your courses!"
--Mark Ellis

"I love your stuff Bob... I got into copywriting through the some of the "No BS" stuff ... but as I work mostly in the B2B space I've found your books and guidance give WAY more direction ...and I appreciate your newsletters."
--Jason Stevens

"Thank you for providing all the free valuable content you offer. I also buy your products. I have great admiration for you and the success you have. I really enjoyed the few hours we AWAI members got to spend with you a few weeks ago for the workshop intensive. I filled a legal pad with notes."
--Randy Cook

"When I read your stuff it makes me feel like you’ve pulled up a chair next to me and are teaching me something wonderful. You never disappoint. You always deliver the goods! And I always walk away smarter and happier. There’s magic in what you do. And I believe the secret to your success is that the “magic” goes home with the reader."
--Mike Anderson

"I wanted to let you know that I have been following you for the last few months and really value your advice. I decided to make a career change from high school English/Reading teacher to freelance writer and your books and emails helped to give me the courage to make that change. Thank you!"
--Amy Tufano-Moran

"Loved your ‘Target Marketing’ article. Hit the nail right where it does the most good! I also want you to know how much I admire your consistent provision of relevant articles week-after-week, as they all contain ‘real stuff’ that is both apropos and extremely useful in helping the rest of us out here hew a straighter line to the successful marketing of our own written materials and professional services. I have purchased at least 40 of your email offerings and put them in labeled binders that I consistently pull out to review when I hit a flat spot in my own written work. I think the education I have received from you has surpassed anything I may have ‘wasted’ my time doing, going to college classes in the day time and working nights doing janitor work and driving fork lifts in canneries! Many thanks, and...keep up the great work!"
--R. Thompson

"Amen, Bob! Good column, wonderfully supported argument, absolutely correct."
--Tim Shay

"I read all of your essays and newsletters. I really enjoyed this one in particular! The topic of long vs. short copy is something that I have questioned many times. Thanks for adding a deeper level of clarity to the subject. Your wisdom and sophisticated insight into writing copy, is the very reason that I own so many of your books.
--John A. Huguley

"By the way, your products and books are great. I lost track of how many of them I bought. Over the years I've made tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars, with ideas presented in them. Dollar for dollar, I can't think of anywhere else a business person could get a bigger return for such a small amount of money invested. I hope you don't plan on retiring any time soon!"
--Andre Palko

"Thank you for your e-newsletter. I appreciate hearing any words of wisdom from the king of copywriters. I bought Secrets of a Freelance Writer years ago and it started me on a very circuitous route to being a copywriter. Thanks! "
--Bill Ireland

"I want to shift my business more to the type of professional copywriting you specialize in. I’ve read “Secrets of Freelance Copywriter” so many times over past few months that I think I almost have it memorized. Hungry for more."
--Chuck Muth

"I enjoy your books on writing. They've helped me see that a person really CAN make a living writing. And that's good news since I would love to get to that point one day. Thanks for the daily dose of inspiration, Bob!"
--Cory Tucholski

"Your product provides more value than the price you charge. Thank you for the excellent service."
--David Wiley

"You are my copywriting hero."
--Marjie Strickland

"Thanks for listening and for ALL the wisdom you freely share! It is much appreciated..."
--Andie Standberry

"When I finally get around to reviewing my emails, I open yours -- or Ben Settle's -- first. And then decide whether anything else looks interesting enough to open."
--Richard Lacey

"You make so much sense to me. Thank you for your blog. I very much enjoy it and get a lot of value from it."
--Maureen Farmer, President, Word Right Career & HR Consulting Inc.

"Thanks for all your information. I look up to you a lot and have read a bunch of your books. I'm just starting to really get going in my business. You have a lot to do with that, so thanks."
--Jamie Cassata

"Your method and procedure for going to the market with a new information product is as simple (not necessarily easy) as I've discovered. It feels like the most reasonable and efficient approach any businessperson could deploy. It works, as your business evinces, AND it's simple (a requirement of mine). That's necessary and sufficient in my ledger."
--Gregory Barros

"I would have enjoyed meeting you. Your books, reports and newsletter have been tremendously valuable to me – always on my short list of professional reading, as long ago as the old Writer’s Digest days."
--Greg Gunter

"Thanks so much for your encouraging words today! What a wonderful reminder to not get caught up in what you can't do, but focus on what you can accomplish. So many of us hold ourselves to impossible standards and torpedo our own success and productivity. This seems to be particularity true of writers, who tend to overthink things instead of taking action. I would like to add something to your all-too-brief list of things you're good at. In addition to being an excellent writer and good dad, you are also tremendously generous to fellow writers with your wisdom. I appreciate the many, many things I've learned from your books, webinars and newsletters. Thank you."
--Joy Buford

"I always enjoy your articles and viewpoints. And thanks for sharing your failures, indeed, they may have contributed to your successes. Keep up the good work and five hundred pats on the back. Never fear, there are some of us out here that enjoy your work a lot."
--Alice Shepherd

"One of the best lessons I have learned from the 20 or-something books and booklets I have purchased from you (and constantly refer to as I write) is the willingness to re-read and re-edit marginal material. You’ve taught me not to freak-out, or worse, quit just because I turned out something that morphed itself into a dud by the time it hit the editing room floor. Re-writes and persistence does pay off…thanks for the direction and encouragement your writings have provided me over these past few years."
--Ralph Thompson

"Just wanted to send you a quick note let you know that "The Direct Response Letter" is terrific. A short, simple message that always serves me well. I just wanted to thank you for your insight and advice.
--Jude Scinta

"Fantastic email, Bob, thanks for this. Your directness and honesty are always edifying and refreshing!"
--Bill Mueller

"Keep on rocking these emails. You're a shining light on a murky internet."
--Leon van der Walt

"Your comment is like an arrow that is well placed and right on target! So much on target that it reminds me of Robin Hood's famous legend shot at a bulls eye which had an arrow directly in the center of the target. His arrow split that arrow in half. That's what the value of your comment is like!"
--Herb Anderson

"Your book "Don't Wear a Cowboy Hat Unless You Are a Cowboy" arrived in yesterday's mail. I cannot wait! I find that you always have a positive twist to your columns and I relish those nuggets. Thank you so much."
--Mary Harris

"Like many people, I get too much junk/spam. It's tiring. But then, often, I get your emails saying just what I need to hear, when I need to hear it."
--Michael Morales

"Today's newsletter was excellent and just what I needed! Thanks for taking the time to share your wisdom with everyone!"
--Lisa Tynan

"You don't know me, but you have been an important part of my career. I was a terrible copywriter trying to do direct mail and then online (starting in 2000.) Without reading your stuff I would have failed miserably. Instead, using your ideas, guidance and example, I was able to build a successful business of my own and help others do the same. I've helped sell over $150 million online since 2000 and have worked with over 6,000 internet based businesses either directly or through products/services. I don't believe I've ever said thanks, so here it is: THANK YOU."
--Kevin Bidwell

"Thank you for your informative newsletters. I find that they are very helpful and often cover many topics other than copy writing."
--Tom Cornwell

"Bob, not only do you not rip people off, your e-books are worth at least 100X what you charge. I know because I own most of them. You sleep well nights and earn mid 6 figures from copywriting and publishing during the daytime and you love what you do. Pretty good deal."
--Bob Martel

"I read your mailings every time looking for good advice. Thank you, Sir."
--Ed Aslinger

"Bob Bly is my copywriting hero. You will not find a more knowledgeable expert or exceptional teacher than he."
--Bob Massey

"You're writing and advice has been pivotal in my life, and I now hope to transition into a full-blown writing career in this area. So, there you have it. Thanks very much for your advice and encouragement."
--Ron Guiley

"I appreciate your straightforward manner. I am impressed with the spectrum of ideas that you generate. And you call yourself a curmudgeon, but, in all honesty, you bring me hope. That's probably too sensitive for a "curmudgeon," but it's the truth. Thank you for being so generous with your experience and ideas. You have no idea how much you have helped me. I look forward to reading more of your emails. Thank you"
--Rose M. Fife

"I love receiving and reading your newsletters. Over the last two years I've purchased everyone of your books on the subject of copywriting and freelance writing. I really like your latest newsletter below. Much appreciated!"
--John Huguley

"Your books and Web site inspired me to explore copywriting. Thanks for your contributions to this field of copywriting, and to my future."
--Eric Nielsen

"Your letter today is another gem. A lot of logic, common sense and time-proven information. If you reach just one young, start-up copywriter you could very easily influence the life of someone you may never meet and never know. Amid all the clicks and keyboards of today's digital world, it's nice to know that words alone, from the right source, can have an impact that will last a lifetime."
--Robert A. Mullen

"One of the main reasons I ALWAYS read your e-mail, no matter what the subject, is because of the gems (IMHO) that you send us in e-mails such as this one. I have purchased a couple of your CD courses on the Information Marketing business and been very pleased. I appreciate the 'No bullshit' approach you take. Reality is a refreshing teacher. So thanks for these continuing insights into your world, and best to you! Keep 'em coming."
--Bill Burch

"Good advice and wake up call. You are so matter of fact and down to earth with your advice and opinions. You make me think. Thanks!"
--Jane Armstrong

"Once again your message was on target for me. Thanks for writing, publishing, and consulting in your field of expertise. You crush it Bob!"
--Chris Bryant

"First let me mention again that your appearance on my podcast was really incredible. Your insights were thought-provoking and entertaining, and you offered concrete advice that many aspiring copywriters can benefit from in a big way. It was a really popular episode, and got great feedback from listeners. If you're available, I'd love to have you back on my podcast anytime. Any topic you would be interested in discussing would be great."
--Josh Margulies, www.FastTrackFreelancer.com

"I've admired your work for many, many years. You can be as grouchy as you'd like; doesn't bother me a bit."
--Michele Engel

"Just keep writing and doing what you do. I continue to learn from you and I’m still growing as a writer because of your influence. I see your newsletter as a weekly blessing providing inspiration and practical ideas for starting new projects and for boosting my income as a writing professional.
Hardly a week goes by that I don’t mention your name or refer someone to one of your books or your website. In short, you have given me creative ideas, encouragement and guidance that continue to have a profound impact on my career. I can’t thank you enough."
--Roscoe Barnes

"I liked the newsletter. Ended up reading the whole thing. BTW, a couple of years ago I asked you about what my experience would quality me for in internet marketing and you said, "Sell medical information." After two years of learning and writing and ....rewriting.. I expect to launch the site in a week or two. What a journey it's been already, and I feel like I still have everything to learn. I wanted to thank you for the advice."
--Ron Guiley

"I requested, and received, the four resource books from your website. Thank you for being an ongoing influence in my development as a copywriter."
--Marjie Strickland

"I send KUDOS to you once again. I have been intrigued by your method of generating revenues using continuously created new low-cost valuable Info-Products which are sold through highly influential sales letters leading to automated shopping carts. Many Info-Products which are on the internet today are greatly overpriced, but you have wisely chosen an alternate course. It's very impressive.
I assume it creates satisfactory cash flows. Hopefully, I will be able to implement a similar concept for myself based upon a different subject matter. You have my permission to use my comments as I have undying admiration for your work."
--Gary Cunningham

"I appreciate the work of people like you - the old guard. You still take pride in what you do and realize that reputation is fragile and only as good as the last thing you did. Thanks for never compromising and remaining true to your principles."
--Rich Johnson

Bob, you rock Man. I have purchased many of your products, and they are always well worth the cost. Your newsletter and email are never deleted until they at least get a speed read. The ones that are most relevant to my library go into the Bob Bly folder for future reference. I appreciate the humor, the sage advice, the vents, the commentary, and the occasional pitch for your products. Good OPTEMPO and balance. Thanks for helping me get started on my info-marketing journey without wasting a lot of money on over-hyped bullsh*t... Your material always delivers value."
--Steve Messer

"Thank you for your speedy and honest responses, I appreciate that. By the way, I remember speaking with you some years back and you were helpful to me that time as well. Also, I intend to purchase your book. I'll keep you posted."
--Guido Colamarino

"Pretty much always like your newsletter. I always learn from them and anticipate them in my inbox. Your recent article was very insightful and I need to take some of that advice and run with it. You are a voice of reason and inspiration to this rookie!"
--Jane Armstrong

"I enjoy & benefit from reading your e/ms depending on the topic. You are an expert in your field and I applaud you for your many copywriting/marketing accomplishments. To put it in RCA terms You are a Master's Voice!"
--H W Glascock

"Excellent tips and sources Bob! Thank you for always providing useful content."
--Connie Diaz de Teran

"It is easy to see why Bob Bly is regarded as one of the greats of direct response marketing. His book on irresistible offers is direct, to the point, engaging, easy to follow and contains an astonishing amount of useful information - just like a good direct response letter. There is great stuff on every page and not a single wasted word. Any aspiring direct response writer will benefit from three or even four cover-to-cover reads."
--David Leffingwell

"I must say...in the 3 years I've been studying Copy, and purchasing material from various folks, your books,ebooks,reports and CDs, without exception, have been some of the very best content, with the highest value, at extremely fair prices. Ultimately teaching me an awful lot! THANKYOU"
--Larry Elkan

"I’ve always admired your work and have appreciated your support over the years."
--Gary Hennerberg

"Thank you for continually being a beacon of savvy, virtual support Bob!"
--Max Rouzier

"I have a number of your books and you deliver 100%."
--Charles Katz

"Yours is the only newsletter that I open and read as soon as I receive it. I have it routed to a special directory so it stands out from the crowd - I get about 30 or so other email newsletters - most of which I merely glance at. Keep up the great work and keep the books coming!"
--Christopher Zalenski

"Bob I recently purchased your book: How to Succeed as an Independent Marketing Consultant. It's exactly what I needed. Going to put this quote in my operating manual. Thanks for all you do!"
--Martin Hamilton

"You've been an inspiration to me as I grow my own copywriting business and I find your approach one of the clearest, simplest, and 'doable' processes in the every widening world of copywriting education."
--Patricia Moyer

"I'm a huge fan. Fellow engineer (mechanical, though) working on a career change to copywriter."
--Daniela Llanos

"Every one I know follows you now. They agree with me about your genius. Thank you so much for your contributions to our education - and imagination!"
--Genelle Brown

"Just a short note to say how much I enjoyed your recent newsletter. As a student of direct response copywriting and marketing, I understand how essential it is to know all you can about the product that you're trying to sell ... and research is the key. Now I know a more efficient way to get this research thanks to you! Bob, thanks again for sharing your marketing wisdom!"
--Emette Massey

"Bob, you are so generous I fear we may take you for granted. The May 2 edition of your Direct Response Letter reminded me why I always open your mail: rich nuggets of helpful info that I can put to good use right now. Thanks -- again "
--Douglas Glenn Clark

"Thank you for the daily emails. I always find something of value to add to my business knowledge."
--Mike Noyola

"Thanks for allowing the download. I enjoyed the read. Some great tips on advertising & understanding the difference between wants and needs. Critical to success. Thanks again."
--Barry Desautels

"You have really inspired me over the past few months, and I appreciate what you have achieved for yourself and your family's benefit. My goal is the same for my family. I have learned a lot from your emails and salesletters...and I will purchase from you in the coming weeks."
--Jerry Kuzma

"I got a good kick out of your 4th point insight--still chucking. And thanks for the valuable software information! Your newsletters are indeed superior to all almost all others. Thanks again for your continuing valuable contribution to free enterprise--a seemingly fading concept in our stupid socialistic world!"
--Ken Brooks Johnson

"Bob Bly, I want to be you when I grow up as a copywriter. Thank you for consistently being brilliant and teaching me how to be just as brilliant as I develop."
--Max Rouzier

"Thank you, Bob! Your reports, books and other information is informative, practical and appreciated!"
--Herb Anderson

"Let me say I'm a huge fan. I've bought many of your books and ebooks (and will continue to do so). Thank you for your constant guidance in that way!"
--Michael Pilolla

“Your material is always so good, and so helpful, there's always something I can put to practice use the exact same day I read it! I tell everyone about you, and your newsletter!”
---Lan Turner

"I’ve enjoyed and profited from your writing on how to make a living writing in the commercial world. Thanks for the instruction and inspiration."
--Michael Brough

"Thanks for the tool kit (and recently the customer service e-book), my wallet just slipped open so easily. I've just challenged myself to use your ideas to make money before I let myself buy another book so when my next order rolls in, you'll know I'm on my way. I enjoyed the 29 steps e-book and it's inspired me to open up The Copywriter's Handbook I bought a few months ago. I look forward to learning and applying your wisdom."
--Andrea Bassett

"Even though we’ve never formally met, in MANY ways I consider you a mentor to my career and appreciate how you’ve helped my growth."
--KA Trimmels

"Thanks for the tool kit (and recently the customer service e-book), my wallet just slipped open so easily. I've just challenged myself to use your ideas to make money before I let myself buy another book so when my next order rolls in, you'll know I'm on my way. I enjoyed the 29 steps e-book and it's inspired me to open up The Copywriter's Handbook I bought a few months ago. I look forward to learning and applying your wisdom."
--Andrea Bassett

"Bob, your advice has helped me immeasurably over the years. I still read your newsletter religiously."
--Tony Peterson

"What's great about your products is that they are always priced reasonably with valuable information."
--Gabe Rivera

"I do hope that you take some satisfaction in seeing your teachings make a positive difference in the lives of the people who buy your products – they seem to be making such a difference in mine."
--Chris Donnelly

"I've been meaning to thank you for offering your products so affordably and being willing to answer questions. Your how to publish a book series is giving me the kick I needed to work on a book proposal for a book on plant toxins called Why Plants Kill, so I was especially grateful for that."
--Helga George, Ph.D.

"A charming reminder, Bob, to focus on what we’re good at when helping others, as we also (hopefully) focus in our work. Thank you for another in a long string of pearls! You’re the best…"
--Doug Hedlund

"I admire the way you write, directly to the person reading your material. As well, your writing is the most clearly written communication I've read in a looonng time."
--Annie Walton

"If I ever get the opportunity to meet you in person, I will shake your hand. Keep up the great insights."
--Keith A. Trimels, P.E.

"I hope you understand how much you have helped so many people with your information and wisdom. Important."
--Scott Martin

"I enjoy your candid blogs and information very much! It is easy to see why you are a success - you are smart, transparent, know what you want, and how to get what you want!"
--Mark Secko

"Love your stuff! Have purchase several resources and really look forward to your down to earth insights. Keep it coming!"
--Pat Redmond

"I truly do like your emails and your products.... I have several and do use your information and advice."
--Mike Johnson

"Just wanted to take a minute to thank you for your daily Direct Response Newsletter. As an aspiring copywriter in my 50's, I can relate to many of the problems and issues you write about. I always take a few minutes each day to read and digest your newsletter. As a cancer survivor and someone who is looking to replace my current job and income as a freelance copywriter, I am always interested in hearing about marketing tips and ideas for getting new clients, so please keep the great content and products coming! Thanks again!"
--Eric Dell

"Yes, I did like your message today. I have always appreciated your integrity. Congratulations, and continued blessing on your work."
--Jana Doak

"Hallelujah! Love your emails...they always make so much sense :-)"
--Eleanor Goold

"You have written about important thoughts in this article. I have noticed that you have an excellent service which seems to entail a continuous stream of highly beneficial Info-Products at very reasonable prices. It is a wise business practice which I am planning to implement in a different field. Thanks."
--Gary Cunningham

“Your products are my favorite when it comes to freelancing and getting clients and routinely give me the highest ROI.”
--Pascal Schafft

"I read almost everyone of your E-mails and have for several years. You provide sage advice on how to write copy and well as on fundamental lessons in life. Thanks for all you do.. I honestly don't know how you find the time. I look forward to your 'daily mail'."
--Paul Hanson

"I have purchased several of your ebooks and your paperback books and they are being a big help in my online journey. I love happy endings. I believe you to be an honest and very talented man. I salute you, Sir."
--Ed Aslinger

"I really appreciate your information!! I bought a few of your books and I am so grateful I found you. Honestly, there are so many who try and take advantage and make that big ‘hit’, as you say and price gauge their clients. It is refreshing to read your emails and learn more about you. I will keep buying your information because I know the quality you provide and your ethics, values and morals come through in your writing – how refreshing!! We know what we are going to get and it is fully guaranteed as well – a win/win situation from my perspective!! Thanks for the great information you provide Bob and for your time!!"
--Laura LeBlanc

"Only wanted to say ‘Thank you’ and I appreciate that you take the time to send out quality information in these emails. It helps and encourages me as I continue to build my copywriting business."
--Peter Rufa

"Keep up the great work and thanks. Have an outstanding 2016...because that's what you are helping us to achieve."
--George in Calgary

"I read every issue of your DRL and I deeply appreciate your work."
--Jacques Dufour

"Thank you Bob [and Amy] for all your weekly inspiration and your awesome books. Your writings have catapulted me into a prosperous copy writing career,as well as, a future Kindle author."
--Peter Jovanovich

"I appreciate your writing and continue to learn from you."
--Hannah Martine

"Thank you very much for this most useful and valuable information--which is characteristic of your newsletters!"
--Ken Brooks Johnson

"I have purchased many of your books and e-books over the years. And I always find a valuable nugget or two."
--Mike Anderson

"Thank you for your educational and enlightening articles each week. I look forward to them as a chance to learn from one who’s been there."
--Thomas Martin

"You're good. I hope all those junior writers, lurking in the hallways, realize the help you offer."
--Robert Mullen

"I have bought some of your products and follow you on your emails and LinkedIn - thanks for the information and honesty! Keep up the great work..."
--John Eichten

"Your emails blow me away. Mucho gracias. In fact I LOVE your emails because they are GREAT copy for me to study. You have it spot on!"
--Richard Clarke

"Thanks so much for this email Bob. It's incredibly valuable when professionals with some actual depth of knowledge and experience speak out against the ignorant hype that gets posted on the net every day."
--Ken Biller

"I always enjoy reading your emails, but today's brought an extra big smile. Thank you for continuing to provide a worthwhile voice to the marketing and PR world. I appreciate all I learn from you."
--Shirley Mott

"What you are sharing of your life and your expertise in Copywriting is a treasure chest of jewels....you are giving us tools to learn from and to implement in our lives today. Keep us focused and inspired and thank you for your time and enormous energy."
--Vicky Jeter

"That is why I read your blog Bob. you are very good (expert) at what you do. I want to learn from the best only!"
--Mark Secko

"I really appreciate your wisdom and your ability to share what is real to you."
--Janis Ihrig

"Loved this message. Just what I needed. (love your attitude. You are always right on.)"
--Dr. M

"Just a few weeks after I quit my job to freelance full time, my worst fear came true. My biggest client called me to say, 'Sorry, we're out of money.' Thanks to Bob's "Get Clients Weekend" training, though, I knew just what to do. I compiled a list of 128 marketing consultants who I knew were desperate for copywriting. I whipped out a short sales letter, then spent a day hand-addressing envelopes. And just a few days later my phone was ringing with prospective clients who were impressed with my 'old school marketing savvy.' Now I'm making more as a freelancer than I did at my last job as a programmer, and my wife can't believe how much happier I am. Bob, without you I would never have had the confidence to leave the 'Dilbert cube.' Thank you!"
--Josh Earl

"As usual a great read. I like the tone of voice of you messages and thats why I read every email you send. That is the reason why I ought multiple ebooks of you. Thanks again."
--Ingmar Bertelsen

"It's no exaggeration to say that your teachings and example have had a significant positive impact on my life. I really appreciate it."
--T Paul Buzan

"This year alone I've purchased roughly 10 or more of your books and/or other products. Not only are they everything (or more) than advertised, they're affordable! I'd much rather see the FedEx guy coming to my door with a myriad of Bob Bly books/products on a variety of subjects, than just ONE book written by any other well respected copywriter. Where should you go when you're in the market to buy an exceptional product at a fair price? www.bly.com!!"
--Debra Farrimond

"Thank you for your presence in my day through the daily emails as well as your writing in general. I am appreciative of your skill and offerings."

"I enjoyed this message tremendously! But then I always read your emails when they hit my inbox. Your words of wisdom always considered – and welcome."
--Judy Blaeske

"I have a reference library of your books and information products related to this topic, including How to Write and Sell Simple Information for Fun and Profit, The Internet Retirement Marketing Plan, and Internet Marketing for Writers. These are all excellent resources. The thing that has me stumped is choosing the right niche topic and audience. And it all goes back to what you said today: consumers will seek out a cheaper product and often one that is sold by a respected publisher, rather than taking a chance on a more expensive ebook from an unknown."
--Mark Soroka

"You offer great products at fair prices. I have yet to find one that's below par - and I have a number of them. Thank you!"
--Steve Stroschein

"Love your postings - thank you for so much great advice on numerous subjects over the years, especially copywriting. People sometimes say 'free' advice is worth what you pay for it, but in your case, I'd vehemently disagree. You make a wealth of information very affordable, and have helped me launch my retirement career. I'm very grateful..."

"I greatly enjoy your emails and the words you share about an area I greatly wish to improve in. Your to the point, yet entertaining words are the style I wish to emulate."
--Carlos Garcia

"I've said it before and I'll say it again. I love your newsletter. It's the only newsletter that I read from top to bottom, every time. It always contains useful, fun, thought-provoking and applicable information."
--Hannah Martine

"And that's why I read your stuff every day and buy the books I need. I trust you. This was an excellent post too, but then they always are."
--Barb Johnson

"I appreciate the kind of inspirational role model and educational source you've been for me for over a decade now. I learned a lot from you."
--Ugur Akinci

"I always like to read your emails… how we can learn from everyday life events and nuisances and use balance in our own daily business. Your straightforwardness, integrity and your good habit of keeping in touch with your subscribers is a breath of fresh air… Thank you."
--Alma Reeves

"Thank you for your letters! I find them very valuable."
--Lars E Granskog

"You deliver great quality - consistently. I’ve often recommended your products to other people over the years and can always tell them without hesitation that you deliver phenomenal value. In fact, in the direct response course I teach at the San Fran School of Copywriting, your Copywriter’s Handbook is required reading."
--Amy Posner

"I appreciate your perspective and value your writings. Please keep my free subscription flowing into my email inbox."
--Chris Bryant

"I never fail to get something out of your newsletters. It is never wasted time. Keep up the good work Bob."
--Jason Williams

"Thank you so much for sending the “15 commandments”, along with all the other tips you so consistently send on such a regular basis. When I turn my computer on in the morning, I let it sit there and ‘cook’ until all the ‘emessages’ are loaded. The next thing I do is scroll through them to see if you have sent anything…if so, (and usually it is), that’s the first one I open. I find in your thoughts either an inspiration, or a straight forward route to acquire additional information, and/or possibly avoid some of the ruts-in-life’s road! Thank you so much!"
--Ralph Thompson

"Bob, this was a priceless reminder of the basics we sometimes get too busy to keep a firm hold on. It is now a permanent fixture on my Desktop, which I will review daily along with my bank account and the weather before I start working. It's a perfect jewel of wisdom in an increasingly not so perfect world. Thank you!"
--Genelle Brown

"I read every one of your missives. Have been for years. This was the best. Thanks, and keep 'em comin'!"
--Gerry Hanlon

“Bob, your more expensive courses are worth multiples of their prices. Your customer service is unparalleled. I would recommend your products to anyone looking to break away from their 9 to 5.”
--Keith Sims

"It is easy to see that you are a real expert in the field. While I have done a good deal of writing in various genres.I am a newbie to copyrighting and have a lot to learn. Your blogs are beneficial to me. Thank you for sharing such good information."
--Robert Wilkerson

"I read your every email and recommend your writings to various people! Keep up the great work!"
--Scott Moss

"Thank you for your newsletters, they are part of my ongoing education and always get me thinking about opportunities."
--Kat Leffler

"Your messages keep me encouraged and working hard to meet my goals. I like your insight into various topics that are down to earth and make so much sense."
--Ron Kliewer

"I have been a student of yours for years. I have received many gems from you and have made quite a lot of money with them."
--Corey Durrer

"I just love reading your emails-your insights are always so on point-and the reminders you give to us all are well worth seeing. For a 'Cranky Curmudgeon', you are something else."
--Bill P.

"I love reading your emails – their clarity, precision and content are remarkable. You truly are a master writer. :)"
--Eldo Barkhuizen

"I really appreciate you sharing your genius and the humble manner in which you deliver. Your humor blended in from time to time is an awesome extra bonus."
--Alpha Zed

"Your emails are ALWAYS opened and read. When I first check this email account, I actually LOOK for your emails! I have found each one to have value for me. I have also purchased several of your books. You are not only a Master Copywriter, but a Master Teacher. You are a true inspiration. And with 10 years of university study, it is difficult to inspire me! Thanks and keep up your first class work."
--Dr. Jack Agnew, JD, PhD

"Just reading your emails reveals many gold nuggets that are free. I value the time and effort you put into writing for these sometimes ungrateful readers. Thank you."
--Peter Griffith

"I have a quite a few of your books. You are a fount of wisdom. I love picking your brain, even if it's remotely. I learn a lot from you."
--Stephen Connors

"No one provides more helpful, insightful and actionable information than you do. Thank you!"
--Terry W. McKenna

"When I check my email, I look for your address first because I know what you send is valuable. I have learned so much from you. Feel I’m getting a Master’s degree in business writing, between your daily emails and your ebooks. Thanks again."
--Barb Johnson

"Nice little app. I've downloaded on my iPhone and it works great. As for the marketing dinosaur, in a marketing world that changes so rapidly I think it's wise to focus on what *does not* change, and I find much of your advice pretty timeless when it comes to selling products."
--Davide Materazzi

"Your work is having an impact on people in many different professions. And I feel honored and privileged to have connected with you over the years."
--Roscoe Barnes

"I have purchased a few programs from you over the years and gotten great benefit out of them."
--Michael Shupp

"You enlightened me and I thank you. I respect you highly and own a few of your books. Keep up the good work sir!"
--Stewart Whittier

"Firstly, can I say I am a BIG fan! Seriously, love your work :) Secondly, I have immense respect for everything you put out there and believe it's always for our advantage to be listening to experts."
--Arfa Saira Iqbal

"Thanks for listening, being available by email, and for all the great insights I get from your newsletters!"
--Karen McCamy

"Excellent info & insights Bob, as usual ;) You are the real deal my friend, always enjoy and learn from your posts."
--Alan Racier

"I’ve been a professional copywriter for over 35 years. When I started out there weren’t books like yours. I wasted years thrashing about trying to find what works. Your books are invaluable because they give step-by-step guidance to becoming a freelance writer, information seller, etc. If I had your book on freelancing then, I would have made a lot more money sooner. Fortunately, I have it now."
--Alan Graner

"Personally I know I will never be a professional copy writer, but I have been glad to pay for your teaching material and it has helped me improve my writing skills in general. From writing letters to my mother, to individual sales letters that have helped me close some significant deals. I like your style, Bob. Thanks."

"I've bought plenty of your stuff, and I can tell you that nothing you put your name on has ever disappointed me. I still consult The Copywriting Handbook because it has made me a better writer, period.
--Bill Haynes

"What better way to learn than from someone who is successful, practices what he preaches and is willing to share their experience, expertise, and knowledge? Plus you make it available without charging an arm and a leg. Just the other day I bought your e-book about working with small businesses. It was an 'aha' moment within ten pages. I have a big library of your e-books and I have learned and continue to learn from all of them. And going forward they will serve as valuable reference resources."
--Judy Blaeske

"Thanks Bob - You are a guy I've never met, but respect a lot. Perhaps it's because you come across as one of the least passive-aggressive writers out there. I can always count on your BS meter to be sharp as a guillotine."
--Thomas Trimingham

"You are the most generous professional I've ever known when it comes to sharing tradecraft. I not only got started in copywriting because of you, I've won awards by putting into practice your "tricks of the trade." I appreciate you! In our industry, you are a treasure, my friend."
--Bob Massey

"Bob I've been on your list for years, bought a bunch of your stuff and have always appreciated your generosity of content. Thanks."
--Andy O'Bryan

"Keep writing. I enjoy and learn from your writing. I also admire your speed at writing."
--Jeff Zadzilka

"The fact that top-grade publishers are willing to publish your books proves your writing is of exceptional quality. I, for one, think those books of yours I've read are superb – well written and their content invaluable. Please keep 'em coming... :)"
--Eldo Barkhuizen

"Over the years, I've purchased and fed on many of your books, and they have inspired, taught and helped me grow as a direct response copywriter. Don't ever stop. You're a true inspiration, and a great example of what dedication and hard work can produce for those of us who choose and follow this vocation. Keep it up my friend."
--Richard Hughes

"For the record... I love your books and am delighted each time I see another one published. Keep rockin' Bob. You're an inspiration!"
--Joshua T. Boswell

"As usual your experience is right on Bob! Your emails are awesome and a great read, loaded with usable solid information from the trenches. Thanks for the insight."
--Tim Johnson

"Your “Direct Response Letters” are at times funny and amusing on how people really think about things. People who are young don’t always know what certain words or places in time that have crossed us older people, mean. That is the gift of getting older and as a young person when I was growing up, there were many things that I knew beyond my years. It is always a pleasure to read your Direct Response Letters. I have saved everyone that you have sent from the beginning from contacting you initially. Thanks to my neighbor here in Winnipeg, MB, Canada and the American Writers Association, I would never have known who you were and are.
I like the kind of person you are and although you may not teach directly, but you have given people a gift in itself to learn from you even if they have direct contact with you or via e-mail. Thank you for being a great teacher and human being!"
--Corky Karen Goldberg-Schmautz

"Perhaps the following deserves an email of its own, but I want you to know how much I enjoy and look forward to reading your essays. There's always something to learn, to chuckle over, and sometimes disagree with. But you keep me thinking and wanting more!! Thanks for all you do to keep this industry sane, grounded and well informed."
--Ruth Sheldon

"This is truly a valuable article. Why? It provides insight into a major trend that might not otherwise be apparent to most copywriters and authors. I have noted that your information products, including your newsletters, not only provide instantly and highly usable information (and at an incredible value!)—but also future insight about major trends which is added valuable. And this article is an excellent example of that. This article was of particular interest to me because it validated what I have recently begun to experiment with--software book writing. At first I was skeptical but I am a risk taker and always keen to major trends. This article validates my initial evaluation. Amazing timing. Thanks for your valuable contribution to the copywriting and publishing industry."
--Ken Brooks Johnson

"Just a quick note to express my appreciation of the webinar you did today. I pay close attention to your landing pages through the various offers you send my way and try to learn as much as possible from them. That helped drive things home today as you went over the elements of the landing page. As always I found your information relevant and helpful. Thank you!"
--Julie Marsh

"I am a believer! I have a number of your products: Ultimate Direct Response Secrets Online and Offline and B2B Marketing University. Out of all the stuff I have (which is more than anyone I know, 15 years of study and thousands and thousands of dollars ) these are ones that I listen to over and over again."
--Timothy Johnson

"Thank you for emailing your excellent advice and pointing me to the resources you have created from your vast experience. I have three of your books and am grateful for you sharing in an abundantly gracious way."
--Michael Popovici

"I appreciate your newsletter! It's packed with value!", which is true."
--Joel Nielson

"As a person entering the world of Copywriting, I often struggle with the value of my thoughts. I like reading your emails because I can relate your profession to my current business of machining. My ability to create income making things out of metal comes from 30 years of learning. My customers are paying for my knowledge. I hope to close my business and use my mind to create copy. This will be a process that is possible for me because of people like you. Sharing this type of info is critical to my growth. Thanks for your insight and products. They are both a part of my future."
--Robert Martinez

"First let me thank you for all the newsletters over the years. Sharing your expertise and thoughts has been most helpful and is highly generous. Also I have bought a few of your programs which are a great value for the comparatively small amount charged. Again, thank you, sir. This note to you is long overdue on my part."
--Steve Haggerty

"I just wanted to let you know that I love your newsletters and I adore your honesty and common-sense approach to everything."

"When your emails arrive , it is like a helpful note from a friend that wishes me well and wants to support me in having a better life. THAT is the only type email I have time to open these days."
--Ron A

"Again, thanks for your newsletter. It's one of the few marked as 'important' automatically each time it arrives."
--Alfredo Carrión

"That's easy; you're contemptuous. You believe that people should earn their way by performing. You're old school, and that's what it takes to make it the old school way. There is no free ride, and you're honest enough to sound the bullshit alarm when someone tries to say there is. That's one of the reasons I read your emails; you actually have something worth saying."
--Pete Reed

"I have been reading your emails for a few years now. In fact you are one of the few I actually read. I just wanted to take the time and say thanks for your efforts in providing quality information."
--Adam Malkin

"This e-mail contains valuable insights that will keep newcomers to copy writing (like me) from wasting valuable time trying to jump on the latest bandwagon... or chasing the latest shiny object. Everything you write is written with the idea of always mastering the fundamentals. Thanks again for sharing this very valuable insight."
--Chris H. McMorrow

"The real value of a Bob Bly book is this: Countless thousands of aspiring content writers and marketing wannabes are stumbling around in the dark. Sadly, many will still be groping for light switches six, nine and twelve months from now. Your books are beacons of light. They pierce the darkness, light up the landscape and provide instant guidance. These wannabes have a choice: Keep stumbling around in the darkness, or get busy learning from an industry master--and start earning a living today."
--Matthew (Robb) of Washington, D.C.

"Your books and advice ROCK!"
--Becky Blanton, TED Global Speaker

"I have studied a few copywriters took in their info, because that is how you learn this business - info from this, info from that. One time I almost spent $500 on a copywriting course, but you were in the back of my mind, I said to myself I have Bob Bly why would you do that, that's the man you really trust, in other words I felt I would have betrayed you if I would have bought that course. I didn't by it, if anybody I would spend that kind of money with, it would be you. I am impressed by your career, so I buy your info products and I'm learning from them now, it's not easy- because you always come up with another great product after I buy other products from you, but you are Bob Bly and if I'm smart, I must roll with you if I really want to learn this business. Out of all the others, I chose you. 3 decades in the business you have, your a GOD, and everybody knows it- we just wish we were on your level."
--Joe Jacobs

"I have been a follower for several years now. Thanks again for your willingness to share your experience and knowledge with those of us who are yet green to the business."
--Jim Keller

"You? An ancient copywriting relic?? I think not. Now, I may be slightly biased here. I have a pretty extensive library I call Bly’s Words of Wisdom. Sure, once in a while I check out other consultants when they offer something that might benefit me and you know what? Very few measure up -- from the quality of the lead that lands in my inbox to the actual content. And as far as current information goes you leave many behind in the dust. Mr. Bly … you, sir, rock!"
--Judy Blaeske

"What a joke. You are a one-man industry, as far as I am concerned. You are the greatest resource/expert in the world for writers who want to get paid to write. Period. End of sentence. Critiques from people who are not qualified to shine your shoes are not worth the proverbial plugged nickel – whatever that is. My professional life would be far less rich if not for you – and truthfully I have only dipped my toe into your pool of a great content a couple of times. Thanks for what you do – and for the many thousands of your clients, followers and users."
--John Brubaker

“Bob, you are a legend. You’re also the Master of the Direct Response Universe.”
--Paul J. Ramirez

"Today's article about higher prices is interesting and may be helpful to me later. Please keep up your excellent work."
--Lloyd Prentice

"I want to take a moment to relay to you how much I enjoy your newsletters. They're informative, entertaining and refreshingly free of hype, hooplah & hot air. I've also purchased and benefited from a number of your products over the years. And I suspect I will continue to do so for years to come as your products always overdeliver on value -- they're worth way more than the small investment I make to purchase them. Thanks again from a lifetime fan and customer."
--Paul Buzan

"I have been subscribing to your e-mails now for a while, and I must admit, I really like your candid, upfront, no-nonsense points of view. They make sense. (Actually they are my favorite newsletters and I learn so much from them)."
--Linda Hoeksma

"Your straight from the heart honesty gives us all pause to think. Your authenticity sets a great example for everyone. Keep up the good work. I appreciate you for yet another positive, cogent reason. Thank you."
--William Summerlin

"You are right on. You are worth every penny you can get. I've been following you for a while. I have had a chance to speak with you personally, read your free stuff on-line, follow you on FB, etc.... You think of yourself as curmudgeonly. I do not. I find you likeable and approachable, and very eager offer relevant input. Giving away your stuff free is not fair to those who paid for it. If you choose to have a sale, that's another thing. I agree with you 100%."
--Stephen Connors

"I try to restrain myself or I would be replying enthusiastically to all your posts. I think one of the best ways writers can learn from you, for free, is to simply study your sales letters and blogs. From there a person can see all the elements that weave together to make the copy one persuasive whole. Best free education there is and it's not theory. It's the reality of successful marketing right in front of our eyes."
--Lynn Winslow

"I have been a big fan/student for years. Although I get a lot of enjoyment and/or insight from just about every thing of yours I read /buy , this "tell it like it is" email made me smile. I can just imagine you writing it with your eyebrows scrunched up as your head shakes from side to side in "whaddya think I am, nuts?" fashion. Keep 'em comin'. And thank you for everything."
--Gerry Black

"I have 'followed' you for years; bought your wonderful books; and you have been a big part of the inspiration for my Elder Midwife project. I appreciate everything you share and wish you and yours a MOST wondrous 2015! Keep On!"
--(Rev.) Barbara "Bobrie" Grace

"I feel compelled to write you from time to time, mostly to let you know that you provide so much value and wisdom to people like us. As you know, and I have shared with you, I (and your followers) think the world of you. You are unique, wise, and sensible, and give excellent advice at all times. Who am I going to turn to when I need to learn about copywriting, business, and life in general? The master himself --- you!"
--Ed Hanada

"Your messages: Superb, practical, professional, thought-provoking as usual."
--Paul Hadinger

"Bob your emails always offer great content. I have recently gotten off of many of the guru lists. I now look for proven people in their fields. I also look for valuable content as well as the products they are selling. Thank you for keeping it real."
--Dannie L. Sheldon

"I found your posting informative and interesting. I like how you tell the truth about the copywriting industry. I’m always look forward to reading your posts!"
--Richard Smith

"Just quick note that I have found your material very useful over years. And I reference it often."
--Alan Thederahn

"Keep doing what you're doing. You're really good at it. I am learning a lot from you just by reading your newsletters. I could probably take a swipe at copywriting myself, but at this point I think it's wise to stay with what I know. You have paid a lifetime of dues just like I have in comedy. Fortunately for you, your payoff is much greater financially. I am scraping by, and that really stinks. Money has never been one of my strong points, and I'm really hurting right now. I should have paid more attention, but woulda, coulda, shoulda. Kudos to you. You did it right."
--Dobie Maxwell

"Thanks for your email, Turn up your marketing B.S. filter. I have always found your information on copywriting to be effective and on-target. Thanks for the warning and advice. I think I own all of your books and refer to them regularly. I appreciate your willingness to share. I'm a fan, you are up there with Herschell Gordon Lewis and Ogilvy in my book. Solid, accurate, in tune with reality. Thanks again."
--Jon Thompson

"This is just a quick note to thank you for your logical, real world, down to earth emails. I always read them, while I delete many others without even opening them! I also buy and read your books, and keep them close to my desk so that I can reach for one easily. I know that it always seems to be the people who want to complain, who are the first to pick up a pen – or certainly worse – reach for the keyboard. So at this time of peace and gift giving, I just want to give you the little token present of saying thank you for the gifts of knowledge, experience and common sense that you send out throughout the year."
--Brenda Hunt

"Sincere, succinct, actionable and truthful. That is what I like about you Bob, and why I eagerly await every email from you. Good stuff."
--Patrick Brian O'Neill

"I absolutely love your articles and, in the past, have posted several on Facebook. Thank you for your gutsy and insightful information. I receive a lot of emails, however yours is one of the few that I read and save."
--Kimberly Morris

"Clarity is your greatest gift. I'll take the unvarnished truth any day of the week. Thanks for all you do. I really appreciate it."
--Mark Kratzer

"People might say that you're "old school" and such, but that's what I appreciate. You make things plain, and that works for me."
--Terri Scott

"I find your blunt approach a quite refreshing change from the milquetoast communication style of most marketers. It's one of the main reasons I continue to subscribe to this newsletter. If I ever make it in this business, I plan to emulate you as one of my role models."
--Joe Martin

"I believe I took your course about earning $100,000 as a freelance writer many years ago at the Learning Annex in NYC. It was a wonderful class even though I didn't go on to write for a living at that time. Now I'm in retirement mode and I've been thinking about how much I love to write and of course, your email popped up, with the link to your book. It reminds me it's still possible. You are the absolute best and your ezine gives me hope every day. Thanks for that."
--David Goldstein

"Bob- I love you for the unvarnished truth. Thank you. Keep it up, please."
--Sandy Fox

"I've said it once … I'll say it again … I bow at the feet of Bob Bly. Thank you for telling the truth."
--Wes Murph

"Personally I’d rather get the ‘blunt, unvarnished truth’ than some politically correct dilly-dallying nonsense that gets me nowhere fast. So your brand of ‘unvarnished truth’ is so refreshing and necessary!"
--Marie-Claude Ethier

"I want the truth Mr. Bly, and always know I will get it from you. That's why I purchase your writings and read every single post from you. I trust you. So, thanks. I don't want foo foo dust and cutie stuff. I want the truth."
--Barb Johnson

"Rather know what I need to learn. Always appreciate when you cut the bull & save me time. Thanks."

"Amen on today's post! Give it to me straight! Love your stuff!"
--Bill Shaw

"I love it when guys like you make no bones about what's right and wrong in marketing today. There have been plenty of things that ou have pointed out over the years that I was guilty of doing or not doing correctly, and I appreciate the blunt kick in the pants."
--Steve Mash

"Has anyone told you lately that they LOVE and APPRECIATE the fact that you cut through tremendous amounts of BS and share valuable information with us, your readers/clients? For the record, I love and appreciate receiving your newsletters! I have learned something from every product I have purchased from you. Thank you Bob!"
--Laurie Moore Skillings

"... like no other. Thanks, Bob, for your email about setting goals. Or, more accurately, not setting goals. I always felt guilty about the fact that I don't set goals. "You're not a planner," people have said. And yet, I have gotten some things done, and done well. Now, thanks to your email, I know why. — I was focusing on the project. Thanks for the morning smile."
--Cynthia Rurak

"Bob, this was a GREAT essay — and the timing couldn't be better, with all the talk about New Year Goals coming up. Thanks for showing me there's nothing wrong with proceeding the way I've always done, which is exactly what you describe!"
--Laurie Schnebly

"I highly value the content of your writing (as do multitudes of others) – as shown by all the ebooks I've bought from you over the years. :)"
--Eldo Barkhuizen

"I have purchased 6 of your books and about 7 of your E-books. They are the best references I have on my shelf. I even have your Creating Info Products CD's which are excellent. (There are a few more I want to get, but I'm saving my money. Ha ha!) Thanks ever so much for writing some of the best advice and reference books I have ever read. They are a HUGE help."
--Mark Ellis

"Great post! I am hungry for more books and products from you, and have purchased many of them from you already. Please keep doing the great work that you do! You are humble, trustworthy, and at the core of the truth when it comes to direct marketing etc. Thank you for all of the incredible work that you continue to put out!"
--Ed Hanada

"Thanks so much for your wonderful newsletters! I am really gaining from them and am trying to decide which great product to buy- I'm thinking of treating myself to your freelancing guide."
--Kaila Weingarten

"Thank you very much for your gift. I already read a good portion of it and I can tell that you invest a lot of your yourself in designing your products to far exceed your customers' expectactions. I firmly believe that providing customers with the utmost quality is the most competitive advantage any business has. And, it is, not doubt, the sure ticket to customers' loyalty. Again, thanks and wishing you continue success in every business venture you undertake. I can not wait to get my CDs."
--Ana Pough-Perez

"Brilliant post as always Bob. Your free info is better than most products you have to pay for."
--Jason Williams

"Your emails are one of the very few I ALWAYS open! THANKS for your time and efforts!"
--Dr. Jack Agnew

"Just wanted to write to let you know how much I enjoy your everyday doses of brutal reality. I appreciate your outlook, as always."
--Will Eifert

"I enjoy your e-mails and the wealth of information that you provide at no cost."
--Joseph Tramontana

"This is why I let you into my mailbox everyday... and look forward to your messages You say the things about writing, professionalism, and integrity that need to be said.You are awesome... a little grumpy sometimes... but still quite awesome."
--Ann Marie Buddrus

"I know that you are a very busy man but I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for today's newsletter. It was filled with useful information and actionable items. Thanks so much. Your generosity is appreciated."
--Jackie White

"Bringing the light of day to these issues, which numerous professional copywriters face from time to time (or in the your case on a regular basis) is needed, and very much appreciated. Consider yourself doing a much needed service not only for yourself, but as Richard Nixon alluded to many years ago, for: 'The silent majority'. Bob, as a high profile and respected copywriter, your opinions carry a lot of weight, and command a great deal of respect within our industry. When you speak about or address an issue, people sit up and take notice. Please don't ever stop talking about what's right. I assure you, many of your fellow communicators are nodding in approval, smiling broadly and telling themselves, 'it's about time'."
--Richard Hughes

"Your columns are MOST informative and persuasive! Thank you! Consequently, I have purchased a number of your offerings!"
--Nigel Armstrong

"Your emails are refreshing for their honesty and good advice. Your daily emails are a real encouragement. Thanks for what you do!"
--Doug Johnson

"You are a writer and a damn good one at that, do not know too many who are better than you are. I would have to say you are the KING in your industry. This peace you wrote was from your heart was very truthful, too bad other people are not as honest as your are in their feeling and thoughts."
--Chuck Finch

"This is a general thank you for all your great information over the years. I have a few of your books (copywriting, technical writing) and I enjoy your emails – always clear, tightly written, and informative. Thanks for all your contributions to the 'business writing' profession. You are a voice of reason – down to earth and practical. You produce so much –and always well polished. Thanks again for your productivity, excellent advice, and willingness to share with colleagues."
--Vicki Meade

"Loved today's post, because it makes absolute sense. That's why I enjoy reading your posts so much, you don't try to B.S. anyone."
--Mark Ellis

"Thank you for your materials and tips showing us how we can continually improve as writers and as people as well."
--Keziah Nganga

"Most of what I know, I gained through books and online sources. Your newsletters, books, articles and Facebook posts are helping me through this time. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you. Thank you for putting down comprehensive instructions for the rest of us to follow."
--Liz Morley

"Thank you for this email. I always learn something from you."
--Aghper Jan

"That's why I joined AWAI. Your presentations were superb at BootCamp, and it was good meeting you in the foyer and on stage! Your emails stand out and are the only ones I read. Hope to see you again soon.
--David Tomen

"Hope all is well. I so enjoy receiving and reading words from you."
--Charmelle Scott

"I read your stuff every time I get it in an email. Everyone else I delete. Thanks for your copywriting nuggets of success!"
--Mark Ellis

"Well said Bob! I appreciate your advice and find the breadth of your experience to be top notch. This is shown in your daily writings as well as your awesome products."
--Timothy Johnson

"I like your style, man. You stick to your guns, your beliefs and principles. And I totally agree with your point of view (regarding the pitching of books and services)."
--Mike Powers

"You're one of the last direct marketers … with class! I bow at the feet of Bob Bly!"
--Wes Murph, www.WesleyMurph.com

"My goodness Bob! You truly are an inspiration.Thank you for the information you sent to me for A.S.K. I’ve always valued your incredible knowledge."
--Joanne Bastante-Howard

"I have been highly lucky to find you, your emails, your books and your support. I highly appreciate that luck. Keep up the good work."
--Pierre Gagnon

"This is such a great writing. They have a lot of nerve, right?!Some things I never thought about but I am so glad you handled this as professonal as you did. Your list of what to consider if I was to speak at a no pay event is wonderful, sooo helpful."
--Gwen Robinson

"I enjoyed your article. You are the voice of reason in a sea of promoters who fill my email box with expensive get rich quick course offerings. I read a lot and had already come to the conclusion you stated about books possibly being a better deal. I appreciate the affirmation. Keep up the good work. I never feel like I'm getting sold a scam when I read your emails! Thanks for that."
--Valerie Hainley

"Thanks for this. I needed it. I buy too many things that not useful at all. You are so right about the books being great instead of all the "courses". Keep it going--always look forward to your daily helpful messages."
--Barb Johnson

"You always have a wonderful way of cutting through the crap and sharing thought provoking, useful information. Great job in today's article."
--Don Loyd

"Your hard work and hours building your knowledge base and translating them into great writing has overwhelming value that needs to be compensated! Thank you for your insights... priceless yet full of value."
--Kelvin Peña Raymond

"I always enjoy and receive benefit from your emails. I especially enjoyed this one for some reason."
--Don Loyd

"I've been in business since the late 90's, following this path, and have sold millions and millions of dollars of software, training, products and services. I love your work, and have purchased a number of your e-courses as well, which have helped me fine tune and develop my own techiques."
--Lan Turner

"I rarely miss reading your newsletters because their content is consistently helpful, informative and thought-provoking, even on the few occasions when I don't agree."
--Dave Vranicar

"I enjoy your daily emails with tips and advice, it really encourages me to keep trying."
--Jeffie H. Pike, CPA

I have your book The Marketing Plan Handbook sitting right next to me here at work. I use it regularly.
"I don't follow a lot of people or businesses, but I do follow you."
--Julie Billington

"Awesome material, I just purchased a copy of your ebook and looking forward reading it. I own several of your books and it really helps me improve my writing. You are making a difference."
--Steve Williams

"It just occurred to me that you are practicing the Potlatch Principle Bob: " I give you more than you give me. " At your stage in your life and career Bob, you could probably begin to kick back and coast and just serve your own desires. By thinking and seeking to genuinely Help others, you are bringing Blessings back to you and your family. It may also build up your bank account on the other side as well!"
--Herman Fickewirth

"Great message Bob. I like the fact that you don't go along with the crowd just because everybody else does. Some people don't think too deeply about what people are saying to them. You obviously do."
--Wes Fahlenkamp

"Even if I discard all others, I always read your emails because they are always valuable."
--James Salmons

"These little blogs of yours are pure gold. Thanks. Hatless in Colorado."
--Bob Mullen

"Excellent. Excellent. Excellent! (Did I mention this was excellent?) I have seldom read such practical and straightforward words such as the ones you just wrote. A big tip o’ the hat!"
--Jack James

"Darn it Bob, I can't help but read your Newsletters, because they have something of value for my business almost every time! You've got me as a fan for life. Have a Blessed day. Your friend in Ca."
--Herman Fickewirth

"Thanks for all you do to share your expertise. I value it tremendously."
--Joy Buford

"Thank you for all your hard work and due diligence. For caring enough to provide incredible insight into each subject matter. And for being you. I value your correspondences with me. Again, thank you."
--Colleen Belsey

"I commend you on everything that you do. I am SO glad I found you! I would be extremely foolish not to execute your ideas as my net worth will skyrocket because of you. I have been your customer for over 2 years. I have been receiving emails from you periodically (and you answer my questions personally) as I have purchased quite a few of them in the past and each one of them has been very useful to me. I have learned a LOT from them and they are well worth the value of my investment. Through your books and related advice and contacts, I estimate the value of your information for me, at least, to be well over $100,000."
--Darlene Brichetto

"You're different. Decent. Kind. Generous. Competent. And well liked by those who know you. I haven't forgotten our first phone conversation and the good advice you gave me with the time you took to give it. It will always be treasured. The last decade has been tough for us. But we've learned that some of life's most valuable lessons come from the pits of adversity, and can be learned no other way. And from that can come glorious happinesses. But it requires gratitude for even the tough stuff. You've never failed -- as long as the value of the experience exceeds the cost of acquiring it. Your points and advice are well taken. I'm going to reconsider what I've been doing in giving away too much with too little in return."
--Clarke Echols

"Keep shooting off your emails – I enjoy them immensely! There’s even a dedicated directory on my computer called “Bly Blogs” where the best of the best go."
--Jack James

"Bob, I love your newsletter because it dares to tell it like it really is!"
--Mike Anderson

"Please please keep doing what you're doing. You make me believe that I can make it work for me to. Thank you so much for the great work you have done creating books for freelance writers!"
--Julie Marsh

"You are fantastic. Keep up the good work. Don't quit. Your material, and books are great. I'm constantly learning and improving due to your books and other materials."
--Raymond Roberts

"I liked your letter very much. I appreciate all you do for me and other aspiring copywriters. Please don't give up writing books."
--Rod Downing

"Personally, I've bought (and love) "The Copywriter's Handbook" and "87 Tips of Outrageous Business Success", plus a couple of your on line manuals. I also enjoy your e- newsletters. If there's any consolation, take it from this nobody that there are people out there who buy your outstanding books and terrific, informative newsletters. Keep up the great work, ignore the haters! Thank you for what you do."
--Tim Maher

"I completely agree with your email newsletter today about "Are you starving to death with a loaf under your arm". I've purchased a number of your books and special reports. I've created a 3" binder of your reports and in some cases print out the email newsletter. I can always find great information in your communications or books. I met you two years ago at AWAI Bootcamp where you signed my tattered copy of "The Copywriter's Handbook" and you took time out to talk with me. Those are moments when free is priceless and I greatly appreciate what you do. Being a content writer for my employer and trying to launch my freelance business, I'm asked why it can't be for free also. I can't agree with you more about today's topic. Thanks for venting my frustrations for me. My philosophy is "The Power of No" and if you want it for free use Google. Great article today Bob! Keep pushing on!"
--Shawn Maus

"Nothing is free...and sometimes the freebie is worthless. There has never been anything that you sell that is NOT worth it. The price you charge us astounds me because you could have sold it for twice or more and yet you offer it so reasonably. I do not have money to buy anything since I have no clients yet or picked up any real good fees for small work that I do. I use your materials because I think you are trying to help us be better writers. I was so disappointed I could not attend your latest workshop. I wanted to soak up all you were willing to share. Expenses keep me from growing better as a writer sometimes. I made a point of attending the B2B Intensive since I live in Phoenix, Thanks for all that you shared there also. Keep doing everything your way and we will try to emulate all that was offered to us. Thanks, Bob, and Happy Birthday!"
--Terri Smuda

"You are the best value in I-net Mkting. You always tell the truth. You always have a different angle."
--Bob Wilson

"I've always considered your advice and the sharing of your experiences priceless. Every book, pamphlet, or report I've purchased from you was well worth every penny spent. You have always over-delivered. After reading about your current experiences in "Are you starving to death with a loaf under your arm?", I have to say you are grossly under paid and under-appreciated. So, let me add — I personally appreciate everything you have done to educate me and improve my lifestyle. THANK YOU!"
--Gary Litchenberg

"Thank you always for your perspective. I purchased your copywriter’s handbook a few months ago. After reading it, I rewrote one of our company’s recurring emails. Conversion rates doubled instantly. Please do keep writing books. And please charge for them, too. The fussbudgets who devalue information so much they believe it should be free aren’t going to become the great copywriters of tomorrow."
--Noah Beane

"What an excellent piece. I remember sitting in university classes and listening to students ask questions, which, if they had paid the least attention in that very class, they would not have had to ask. I sometimes think people ask questions because they received praise and attention for asking them in grade school. I believe a question should be as thoughtful and thought-provoking as the answer it is seeking. That’s one point I have to make. Another is that I used to teach copywriting and at some point I always told my students that if they wanted to make a living at copywriting, they should buy a copy of “Selling Your Services” and methodically do everything you tell them to do in that book. What I admire most about you is your thoughtful focus, and your gumption. Perhaps you should sell an info product on the value of – and how to get – gumption. Now go out and buy a bigger hat."
--John Friesen

"I recently had a question about lead generation and was almost going to query you, when I realized I had your e-book on that subject on my computer. "It's in the book!" I've received a lot of good advice free from you, Bob, because you offered it. I've also invested in a ton of your how-to books, e-books, courses, seminars, and white papers, and always thought they were worth 10X the price. I don't know where all these people came from who feel they are "entitled" to something for nothing. Maybe it's a generation thing. Keep doing whatever you are doing; it is highly valued and very much appreciated by those of us who 'get' it."
--Bob Martel

"I find your information to be quite valuable and I have a ton of respect for what you have done and continue to do."
--Greg King

"I not only have read some of your books, but re-read them often. I find them invaluable to review especially when it has been a while and I want to clear my thoughts and help organize the project I am about to work on. I would tell anyone smart enough to listen, to read and re-read all your materials. For all you have shared and referred readers to, I give you my sincere, 'thank you!'"
--Jim Angel

"Thank you very much for your clear and honest email this morning. I am guilty of having starving to death and you really made me think. We need more copywriters like you who tell it like it is than what we want to hear. Look forward to more brutal honesty."
--Griffin Lilly Jr.

"You can go on being a curmudgeon all you like, I for one appreciate your writing and have bought at least one of your programs online. Another of the writers out there about making a living online, who is well-known and popular, has a book that is hard to read. Yours is not, but maybe other people have encountered before that same problem of the book being dull and hard to read and are finding it hard to motivate themselves to pick up the book and read it all the way through due to past experiences! Keep on keeping on! We need folks like you! And thanks for sharing the knowledge."
--Danelle T. Hills

"Your books, material & experience.... have VALUE to anyone who reads and applies the principles. It's not "buy it because it pays my rent, (although it really is..) it's all about "what's in for me"--the recipient of this VALUABLE info."
--Willie Edwards

"Don’t forget, Bob... you always hear from the complainers in the world. They have the loudest voice. The people who value and appreciate your content are the quiet one’s. There are many of us. For every complainer there are 10 appreciators, at least. Online it’s a largely unappreciative world because too much is free. (Another example of the new 'entitlement mindset'.) But the quality of much of the free content is lacking, but free consumers don’t notice the lack of quality."
--Greg Schmid

"Thanks for all the great free stuff you give away in your newsletters, the sales letters you send (all of which are in my swipe file), and for the great information you give in your products as well."
--Michael Fiala

"Damn. How do you continuously write great stuff? Your emails are one of the few I have continuously read for years. This one is damn near perfect. It reminds me (a paid piano player for years) what I feel like when I see Bruce Hornsby play Spider Fingers... his prestidigitation makes me want to cut off my own fingers. Haha. Thanks Bob for all the great years of education that a college only dreams of delivering a student (and I have bought a lot of your products)"
--Steve Kayser

"I appreciate all of the great information you sell. It has helped me immensely."
--Ron Grisanti

"Thank you for another superb newsletter. Your newsletters provide multidimensional benefits. By continuing to provide high-value content, they become a baseline for evaluating the value and validity of other sources of information. They also provide insight into potential new initiatives to inspire action with a reasonable level of confidence."
--Ken Brooks Johnson

"I just want to say thank you SO much for all of the great content in your newsletter. I read it without fail (can't say the same for much of my other email) and I'm very grateful for all I am learning and stimulated to learn based on your writing."
--Floyd Dillman

"Ten years ago i bought your book on copywriting, ever since then , i never looked back , i always made my money through freelance Copywriting, brought up my kids, even written my own book all from the knowledge from your book. THANK YOU."
--Shahfizal Musa

"Your messages invariably always leave me HOWLING with laughter internally (I usually get them at work so howling out loud would be kinda unprofessional!) I only laugh because its true and your blunt, sarcastic delivery tickles me. I always enjoy and appreciate your nuggets of wisdom. Thank you!"
--Denise Renee

"I like your style and the information you provide. Keep up the excellent work."
--Bill Conway, Jr.

"Just wanted to write a quick thank you for your newsletter topic today, “Not one marketer in a thousand knows this secret”. It was one of those topics that came at just the right time for me. Sometimes it’s easy to get paralyzed worrying about getting promotions right all the time, your advice put my mind at ease and thawed my writer’s block! As a beginning copywriter & mother with limited time, I love your books & advice because you get straight to the point and your information is always valuable. Thanks again!"
--Kristen Boye

"Just a quick note to say what a simple, but profound lesson today's email from you contained. This is valuable advice and contrary to what ad execs on both sides of the table recommend. Thanks for the reminder of where the truth lies for those who are trying to survive the start-up phase so we can grow. You provide refreshing value -- for free or very reasonable cost -- and I just wanted to say it is appreciated. Take care and keep up the good work!"
--Paul Kemp

"You are in the "bulls eye" of the target on this topic. Thanks for the advice. Keep up your excellent work, newsletters and messages, as I for one, appreciate your information."
-- Herb Anderson

"There are obviously teachers who can do and do teach. You being one of them. That’s why I read your letters and invest in your publications. I’ve a nice Bly library, thank you very much. I learn from them and keep it as a source of valuable references."
-- Judy Blaeske

"By the way, your insight into B2B marketing is one of the reasons my business has been so successful for the past 20 years. I practiced what you preached. It is so rare to find a copywriter who understands a technical niche market like mine and knows how to write for engineers and scientists."
-- Denise Chew

"Thank you for this column. It is greatly needed. All writers should follow your advice on this subject. Thank you for sharing your words of wisdom each week."
-- Sharron Smith

"Bob Bly is internationally famous as a copywriter, speaker, and author of several best sellers. He is undoubtedly one of the best and most successful copywriters in the world today."
-- Ted Nicholas

"I usually delete 90% of what comes in on email but not yours. I always admire how you just tell it like it really is. Keep writing!"
-- Jewell Portugal

"Thanks for your Direct Response Letter. You always provide food for thought, and action."
-- Lowell Allen

"My friend, YOU and YOU ALONE are the reason I became a professional writer...winning state, national an international awards (for myself or my clients) along the way. I never dreamed that career would be possible until you made it accessible. I am eternally grateful for your generosity in sharing your skills and wisdom over the years. It changed my life."
-- Bob Massey

"Thanks, as always, for your emails, Bob! I read them the instant they come in."
-- Steve Maxwell

"I've thoroughly enjoyed everyone of your ebooks I've purchased."
-- Steve Stroschein

"The fact that ANY of your subscribers would ask for a discount on what is ALREADY the best deal to be found in the info marketing arena is beyond me. Thanks (again) for offering products to us up and comers that are informative, hype-freel AND reasonably priced."
-- Stan Jackson

"I happen to look forward to, and greatly appreciate, the fountain and wealth of information shared and made available."
-- Colleen Belsey

"Another excellent post!!! Great job. Thanks for taking a stand on things like this. You continue to be my hero :)"
-- Joshua T Boswell

"I felt compelled to write and tell you how much I like your way of thinking. In post after post, we think so much alike. Keep up the good work!"
-- Wally Mountz

"I have most of the books you have written and with age for many of us hopefully comes wisdom."
-- Sippriana West

"I'm an aspiring copywriter and I've followed you for years and have a number of your products. The Copywriter's Handbook sits on my desk and is one of my favorite go-to resources. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience. My life as a writer and marketer is richer for it."
-- Seann Valen

"Anyway I like the way you write and I enjoy your articles."
-- Paul Warner

"Thanks for sharing this with me. I'm looking for a coach right now, and your material has helped me narrow down my choices. I appreciate it."
-- Tony Zarembski

"You're dead-on with what you're writing as always. Many thanks for telling it like it is. Not many have the guts."
-- Dobie Maxwell

"I think Bob Bly never fails to talk sense. I have followed him for decades."
-- Drayton Bird

"Hey Robert Im not sure if you'll get this, but I want to thank you for the tons of information you've published. Ive treasured, reading 3x and memorizing all key points, The Copywriters Manual. I'll be sure to collect everything else you've written down the road. You're an excellent man and your my #1 nonfiction book writer. You've changed my life."
-- David Abreu

"Thanks for your email, which always contains copywriting goodies! :) God bless you, and happy new year to you! P.S. I consider you my main copywriting mentor, and I have followed your newsletter and read your books since I started my career in 2002."
-- Erlend Forsund

"Bob this little email was filled with nuggets - which is why I m a customer and why you are one of the few emails I read regularly... thanks"
-- J Derer Layton

"I enjoy all of your newsletters, by the way. Always something to learn. Thanks for your generosity."
--Steve Maurer

"I may have told you this already, but it's worth saying again: you're one of my heroes in the copywriting world. I didn't understand copywriting for years, couldn't wrap my mind around it as "real" writing. Your books and your multiple special reports helped change that. Thank you!"
--Kendra Francesco

"Thanks again for all of your incredible insights. I never ceased to be amazed. Just when I think I've got it all figured out I then discover more and greater degree of insight when I read you articles! Even your promotions are educational in themselves."
--Ken Brooks Johnson

"Have to say Bob that I read, enjoy and look forward to your emails each week. And I particularly liked this one :) Keep up the good work and Happy Holidays!"
--Gary Nichols

"You don't need therapy, you are therapy. I found your email and responses gave me a good laugh, a great way to start the day."
--Gillian Daniels

"I love your candor and read all of your e-letters. I’ve also purchased several of your products and at least one book, and have learned so much from your wealth of experience as a copywriter. If you weren’t willing to share your knowledge, I—and your readers and admirers—would be all the poorer. I’m more than happy to pay for your expensive experience, and I’ve never begrudged you one cent of what you charge, which is really very reasonable. As a professional, you have every right to put a value on what you know, and I value the information you offer all the more because of the time and sweat you’ve expended to acquire and package it for others’ benefit."
--Leslie Elion, J.D.

"I just read your response to your customer "LB". I have never written to you before and just wanted to say I have been reading your material for several years now and I do it when I need a real "pick-me-up. I find your material truly inspirational when I am feeling a little negative and am stuck in an unproductive state ... it's better than a good cup of coffee. So, thank you for your sharing useful and helpful information so often. You do have the right motive .. and yes I do have a Masters in Psychology :)"
--Stanley Collins

"I read your emails with interest, so much so that I regularly ignore others to catch up with yours! Keep up the good work."
--Adrian Boulton

"I've been reading your e-mail blog for a couple of years now (perhaps longer), and I have purchased several of your books. I find that you are passionate about what you do for a living, willing to share just about everything you have learned, honest, principled and generous of spirit. I sense that you genuinely care for your readers, and you treat us with respect. I do not feel manipulated by your sales pitches, even though you write advertising copy -- the objective of which is to cause people to purchase things -- for a living!
--Jonathan Losk

"I get email from 100s of online marketers. Most, like you, have good information. After being on your email list for a few years, and having purchased a number of your products I just want to say that you are the most selfless, generous information marketer out there today. Your information is great and you don't charge much for it. And you give away tons of great advice. Thank you for all your advice over the years. It's obvious to all your loyal and appreciative readers how much you care about us and our success."
--Dr. Susie Homire

"Off topic but I think your are the Hemingway of email writing:). I read your email even though I'm not into copywriting anymore because, it's just real simple and direct."
--Matthew Johnson

"I am a long time reader and purchaser of your products. I have subscribed to your blog for years and have always appreciated the quality and amount of information you offer so unselfishly. Thank you."
--Lynn Winslow

"Bob – clearly you, and most of us, know you do NOT need therapy or a sedative. You need KUDOS! Geez Louise, your response was very cordial and gracious, considering the audacity of someone—no doubt much less successful than you—who tries to tell you what you’re thinking; someone who feels compelled to help YOU understand what YOU meant – aw lawdieeeeee (giggles)! Further, they had the temerity to dole out more. But at times, people ask for it when they take ignorance to another level of presumption, rudeness, disrespect, impudence, and inconsiderate boldness. Thank you for “taking her to school!”
--Debbie Jeffers

"NO ONE shares more valuable content and deep insights for ridiculously low prices than you."
--Bill Merrow

"I find your newsletter and your products enjoyable to read or listen to, but most importantly, filled with valuable, actionable information. I’m attending your Info Marketing Boot Camp in January and look forward to meeting you in person."
--Christopher Spaulding

"If you asked me who the number one 'sell yourself' master in the world is,I'd have to say it is, without question, Bob Bly."
--Michael Masterson

"You are awesome! I will always come to you first for the products that I need. You have class, integrity, brilliance, naturally gifted, and you are second to none! I am impressed with and appreciate your prompt response."
--Adella Pugh

"Once in a blue moon, you get the chance to meet a living legend, one of the great men who has shaped his chosen field.In my unending pursuit of powerful marketing, I came face-to-face with just such a man. Robert Bly is America's Top Copywriter and a genius marketer. He's authored over 70 books for McGraw Hill and others, and gets paid more per word than nearly every author in America. Like all great men, he is a teacher and mentor extraordinaire. He freely shares the secrets of turning marketing into money."
--Dick Larkin

"The best writing teacher in the business!"
--Tom Peric

"Bob, your stuff is always so good that even though I'm retired now, I have to read it!"
--Gary Bencivenga

"You are someone I've grown to admire greatly. You share your knowledge with and encourage people in achieving their dreams, trying new things, and learning tricks of the trade. It's a rare 'guru' in our world today who is thoughtful and kind enough to help up and comers find the path to success. In my opinion, you are the very best. I'm grateful to you."
--Linda Capriotti

"During the past 20 years, Bob Bly has become one of  America's leading direct response copywriters. He has probably done more to teach other writers the craft of effective and persuasive writing than anyone else."
--Roger C. Parker

"After considering a number of high-level marketing professionals and reflecting on the matter for several weeks, I made the decision to ask Bob Bly to share the stage with me for my Twin Keys to Wealth-Building Conference. The reason I chose Bob is because I am convinced that he can deliver more tangible value to conference attendees than any other marketing or Internet expert on the planet."
--Robert Ringer, best-selling author

"I love your e-mails. Read every single one of them as they come in."
--Dr. Paul Hartunian

"I have huge admiration for your work. You're one of the few guys out there selling real information -- and selling it at a reasonable price! I think what you're doing is head and shoulders above others."
--Mark Joyner

"I receive so many e-mail offers -- too many -- but Bob always delivers a product worth having. The marketplace for writing and marketing products has become over-hyped; in that environment it's reaffirming to see that Bob continues to stand for a level of quality that matters -- and happily, at a price that works. "
--Peg Prideaux

"Watch Bob Bly very closely. He's a very intelligent marketer who knows how to get results and bring in the money!"
--John Kidd

"I have enjoyed all of the books that I have read of yours. I appreciate your no nonsense, take-it-to-the-bank advice that you deliver."
--Nicholas J. Loise, RSVP Chicago

"The Handbook and your bonus are first class. I'm very pleased. You never disappoint."
--Louis J. Wasser, Copywriter

"The product promos you've been sending have plenty of content. I look forward to your e-mails, because they are great idea generators. And your price points are very reasonable. I'd rather pay from $29-$97 for one of your products than the $299 - $500 I've been dishing out to others. Your current business model is brilliant and fair."
--Stanley M. Jackson

"I am delighted every time I take one of your recommendations! You haven't steered me wrong once, and each of your products has been well worth every penny invested."
--Pat Johnson

"I learn a lot from your e-mails even when they point to other products or products you sell. I like learning. Keep it coming."
--Pat McKenzie

"Yours are one of the e-mails that I do enjoy and I order from you as often as I think I can use the help."
--Joe Alagna

"I eagerly anticipate your e-mails -- all of them. I've made several purchases. You offer a lot of great advice and insight free. You offer a lot of [other] great advice and insight at very reasonable prices, typically with immediate delivery. Personally, I wouldn't want to miss the opportunity to consider anything you think might be helpful."
--Linda Byam

"You develop a helpful product, describe it in detail, make it easy to access online, post a reasonable price and offer a money back guarantee. Personally, I thank you for your contribution. I've purchased many of your products. And I've made returns. You stand by what you sell, plus."
--Lynn Roberts

"What we receive free from you and others has the potential to ignite countless ideas - priceless ones on occasion. The opportunity to in turn purchase something from the 'sales' e-mails is complimentary to you sharing so much priceless info with us -- your willing subscribers. Press on and keep allowing us to benefit from your years of experience however you share it."
--Eddie Stephen

"To me, the product promos you've been sending have plenty of content. I look forward to your e-mails, because they are great idea generators. When an e-mail marketing message from you comes in, I follow it to the pages and then read and digest the sales copy. That alone is a goldmine to me. I love your grounded hype-free style. People should just model your approach and they would be wealthier for it. Thanks a lot for all the good stuff you've created over the years."
--Tom Varjan

"The products I've ordered from you have been so good I've recommended them to others [and] your price points are very reasonable.Thanks very much for the content, the lessons, and the model to follow."
--Winnie Anderson

"I get great value from your free materials, so I have no problem with your commercial content coming to me too. I've also received good value from the products I have bought from you."
--Helen Wilkie

"You're the master at sales and marketing copy, and your sales pieces are great examples of precisely what you teach in your e-zine! Everyone should be reading your sales letters and tearing them apart, so they can sync-up what they learn from your e-zine and read in your sales letters, and apply the lessons learned to their own efforts."
--Michael Fiala

"I look forward to your e-mails and new product offerings because I have learned such a great deal from you. And, I plan to continue learning from you. Your products are very reasonably priced and of extraordinary quality."
--Sandy Crouch

"Of all of the Internet personalities I've been in contact with, you and a handful of others are the only ones to have actually given me your time rather than just autoresponses. You've called me back and answered some questions - for free - and that has turned you into a human being in my mind. Do I always want what you send? No, but want it or not, I trust you and appreciate you. I like hearing stories of your experience because it continues to humanize you. I appreciate tips and hints, because I know you're the real thing. When I get something from you, I know it's from someone who really has been there."
--Rob Swanson

"Thank you for sending out your e-mail newsletter. There hasn't been a single issue you've sent out that I didn't learn something... even if it was something I'd 'known but forgotten.' I read every single issue, not just the ones with the tips and secrets. I've probably learned just as much from those e-mails promoting a product, seminar, webinar, or other offer. I study your headlines, leads, and approaches the same way I do when I receive a control mailing through the post office."
--Len Bailey

"I always learn a ton of stuff from you from your newsletters and e-mails. I often read your sales letters even if I'm not interested in the product -- just to study the sales letters. I really appreciate the very fair and reasonable price points of all your products. I think you're more than generous with sharing your expertise and I truly appreciate it!"
--Ann Hasselquist

"You've always over-delivered on the products I've purchased through them. And you offer great content far more than ads. s coming. Your e-zine is one of the few I actually read!"
---Kammy Thurman

"I never know when something from you might just be the information I am looking for. Your prices are very reasonable, especially when compared to other content sold on the internet. Besides, most people don't realize the real value you provide is the information being filtered through your many years of experience. I'd much rather get information from an experieced professional than from someone who's 'vast experience' is 5 years marketing on the net."
--Richard Sayer

"I have bought a lot of your info products. The price is the most reasonable of what anyone is asking for their info products -- $27 to $99 is so affordable! Especially considering the information is probably more to the point and more valuable than 99.99% of what is on offer, out there on the internet. Keep up the good work and don't change a thing!"
--Christine Loff

"You're both a smart and a fair businessman, Bob, and the astute student can learn much from you."
--Jay Joy

"Mr. Bly, are a master copywriter. I always enjoy reading your copy, even when I'm not interested in that particular product. The more you send, the more I learn."
--Nancy Coop

"I enjoy receiving all of your e-mails and I've purchased a few helpful products because of them. But, I look more at those offers as an opportunity to build a huge swipe file that I know came from a master copywriter. I actually save all the e-mails and even bookmark the landings pages."
--Shonda Taylor

"You are my favorite copywriter on the market and I knew about you first before any of those others showed up on the scene."
--Jennifer Holmes

"You are truly one of the greats in copywriting. Your e-mails are worthy and eagerly read."
----Robert Heiney

"I recommend very few copywriting e-newsletters. One is Gary Bencivenga's. Another is Bob Bly's."
--Clayton Makepeace

"You are presenting valuable information I might need. I'm glad to hear that it's available. And your prices are always reasonable. Your sales messages give me an opportunity to study your techniques, your voice, language use. how you close, etc."
--Pam Magnuson

"I find your e-zine to be the most informative! I'm just starting out in copywriting, and I've benefited tremendously from your articles and felt you've been very generous in giving helpful information to a rookie like me! I'm really "hungry" for all the info I can get - which was not available a few years ago.I've always gotten the impression you want to help others, which is rare in this day."
--Judy Hill

"Your sales e-mails are edifying...I have ordered 2 packages from you because of the masterly script and the low price. So, thank you for all I get from being your subscriber."
--Azam Lackhani

"Your e-mails have always been informative and your products educational and inspiring. Thanks for all you do.".
--Ken Harrison

"Over the course of my years online I have subscribed to a free e-newsletter or two along the way, but no one--really no one--has impressed me as being more talented, approachable, interesting, or generous with his time or talent than you. Whether or not I am interested in purchasing a particular product you are promoting in any given newsletter, I always read through the copy because your words are so worth the reading."
--Roberta Edgar

"Just a quick note to say how much I appreciate your e-mails and your very informative web site. I'm not a copywriter, but much of what you say is also relevant to other forms of writing."
--Tom Woodhatch

"Love your stuff... you're one of the few folks I read and actually listen to on the internet. "
--Walker Bagley

"Your e-mails are some of the few I always read. I enjoy the content, and you offer so many useful products that I have to restrain myself from buying all of them."
--Melody Brooks

"Congratulations on all of your internet marketing success. Your programs are so much easier to digest than the others and are fairly priced. I attended a very high cost seminar this past summer. Although they presented some very good to excellent information, it missed the mark for me and many others because it wasn't presented as a blueprint. I need a step by step guide to becoming an information marketer. I think you have accomplished this with your recent programs."
--Ellen Schultz

"I must say that in the 14 months that I have been studying copywriting, you have never let me down. Nine times out of ten - when I needed a real answer to a real question concerning my approach to an assignment - my answer was found in your published materials."
--Kelley Pujol

"I currently receive your newsletter and have some of your current e-books and have found them very useful in getting my career started."
--Laura McNeil

"I appreciate your straightforward style. It is the closest to my natural inclinations. I've been uncomfortable with some of the heavy direct mail-speak. Reading your books and articles has been enlightening."
--Alice Zyetz

"I own several of your books, which I love, and will continue to order products from you in the future. I truly look to you as an authority on the copywriting business. Thanks for all of the great products you have provided over the years."
--Laura Tscherwinski

"I just recently got a CD that Fred Gleeck and Bob Bly recorded and I thought it was great. No BS, no fluff, just loads of content. I get the sense that Bob is a straight-shooter, and he doesn't have time to waste jerking your chain. In addition, the product was cheap -- a good value."
--Robert Michon

"You are clearly a master, one I admire greatly. You always create super-useful products for those of us building our copywriting careers."
--Mistina D. Bates

"You're GOOD! I'm really enjoying your ebook, 'Taking Your Copywriting to the Next Level.' I'm really enjoying the read. Your crisp, clean style is much like what I prefer to use. In addition, I really enjoyed our brief conversation yesterday and your sage advice is greatly appreciated."
--Clarke Echols

"I’ve been studying your copywriting strategies and techniques for a bit over a year now, and I have to tell you that your books and advice have allowed me to begin my lifelong dream of making a living writing."
--Travis Heermann

"Congratulations on an awesome program ... I finished all 5 CDS. You really got my motor going."
--John Ganis

"Just finished listening to your Internet Retirement CDs. Really GOOD stuff -- and it feels very doable! Thanks!"
--Carline-Anglade Cole

"Hi, Bob. I have been enjoying your newsletter, plus bought the Copywriter's Toolkit - very helpful! Thank you!"
--Carolyn Wilby

"Thanks again, Bob, for all paving the way on developing my DVD info product."
--Doug D'Anna

"Bob, you have always been such a great source of inspiration for me in my career as a professional writer and publisher. I learned a lot from you. Thank you for sharing your experience, knowledge and business wisdom with your readers so generously. Keep up the good work."
--Ugur Akinci, Ph.D.

"There are several things I love about Bob Bly and his information products. First - they are easy to use. Bob's writing style is very direct (pun intended) and easy to understand - no unnecessary big words or obtuse concepts. Second, everything I have seen from Bob is his, or at least stuff he uses himself. He does not pass off 'other people's stuff' as his own, or endorse stuff he does not believe in. Truth is a Bob Bly trademark. Third, the stuff works. I have been reading Bob's books for over twenty years and using several of his info products for the last two years - all with great results."
--Mark Amtower

"I am one of your customers. I buy your books and read your newsletter. I've gained and grown tremendously from your sensible advice and experience. I've watched with great interest the information products you promote through your emails and on your websites. They are obviously designed to provide online marketers with the tools they need to succeed in today's markets."
--Susan Heller

"Every time I read your e-zine, I'm amazed at the breadth and quality of the nuggets you share. Definitely three of the best-spent minutes so far this day. Thanks so much."
--Mistina D. Bates

"I know I can trust you, Bob. The consistency of your messages has had an impact and I just wanted you to know that. You remain in my Hotmail favorites list where I'm sure you will always be. Thank you, Bob, for being trustworthy."
--Judy Zaher

"Thanks for the great e-zine ... I love what you do!"
--Bob Negen

"I want to thank you for your emails, books & valuable articles throughout the years. Your book, The Copywriter's Handbook, helped kick-start my career in copywriting, advertising, direct marketing and marketing communications back in 1991."
--Lyle Wexler

"I really enjoy reading your newsletter and blog!"
--Steve, Germany

"I appreciate your excellent resources and lesson learned about attentiveness to online marketing detail."
--Eddie Stephens

"I really enjoy your messages."
--Steve Normington

"Bob, you've played an important role in my success as a copywriter. I keep The Copywriters Handbook and Secrets Of A Freelance Writer at the front of my 'golden bookshelf' and they provide relevant answers every time I reach for them. Also, your prolificness helps me keep things in perspective... When I've got 3 deadlines staring me down, I think to myself, 'I bet Bly's got ten.' Thanks for setting the bar high - and showing me how I might reach it."
--Kevin Rogers

"Thanks so much for all of the work that you put into e-mailing us helpful tips and ideas on a regular basis. And please feel free to sell more in your e-mails as well. I like it when you sell in your e-mails because it gives me great examples of excellent copywriting."
--Lane Snider

" I love everything written by you."
--Pam Magnuson

"Thanks for your pearls of wisdom."
--Grace Salas-Kovecsi

"You have my sincere appreciation for your helpful information, insight, and inspiration during the past year."
--Linda Byam

"I saw you in 2006, March at Perry Marshall's event. Enjoyed and learned much from your down to earth style of speaking. I also admire how you quickly turned a potentially embarrassing mistake in your recent e-mail into a marketing opportunity. I'm just on page 13 of your 50 page report and already have picked up 3 specific, useable ideas for increasing sales. Thanks so much."
--Tim Olson

"I love getting your regular e-mails. I have put my trust in your wise words since 1992 when I obtained your book 'Business to Business Marketing.' I do like down to earth writers who get the message across without all the 'bells and whistles.'"
--Jean Worth

"I really enjoy your comments and suggestions to writers. Keep up the good work."
--Bill Flentje

Thanks to your guidance, my Copywriting business has created a nice side income. In fact, I've even recruited my mom (a retired school teacher) to work on projects with me! We both use your Copywriting handbook and it's really drawn us closer together. I sincerely can't thank you enough.
--Peter DeCaro, Project Director, Person to Person Direct

"I love The Copywriter's Handbook ... Read it at every chance!"

"I've been reading your book Secrets of a Freelance Writer and am enjoying it and hopefully absorbing the knowledge contained therein. My next planned reading is The Copywriter's Handbook, which I hope will further educate me.Thanks for putting these valuable resources out there for us fledgling freelancers."
--Jim Lawrence

"I've enjoyed listening to your Internet Marketing Retirement Plan program. You and Fred have a great balance and are easy to listen to. The information was presented in a way that even I should be able to act on."
--Bart Teracino

"Thanks to you and a few other mentors along the way, I'm finally doing something I enjoy. Thanks for your help. Your Copywriter's Handbook and the Getting Started as a Freelancer were both helpful for getting me where I am today. I'm a huge fan."
--Brandon Clay

"I love your e-zine. It's one I read from top to bottom every time it arrives."
--Hannah Martine

"Thanks for the encouragement and the flow of information you provide to those of us who are newbies!"
--Susie Bryan

"I enjoy getting your e-mails and products. I have also read several of your books and I started learning copywriting to help market both my and my wife's businesses. As far as I am concerned, you are the best I have seen and I follow your advice religiously."
--Chad Burns

"I always look forward to receiving your e-mails; it brings me knowledge every time. All your products are wonderful...and at a price that most people can afford. I really love that! I admire what you have accomplished in your copywriting career and I would like to follow along your same path. As I see it, you are the 'King of Credentials. You set an excellent standard for people to emulate."
--Laurie Cauthen

"I really appreciate your low-key approach, by the way...I want to be you some day - 59 products, a loyal following, creating and selling new things constantly..."
--Scott Birkhead

"I wanted to personally thank you, yet again, for the way you share information. It has been a boon to my copywriting business and deserves a great deal of gratitude."
--Craig Hysell

"Thanks for all your inspiration. I always considered myself a "student" of the David Ogilvy approach to writing copy but am shifting to the "Bly method." I'm a huge fan/follower."
--Pat Darcey

"Your e-mails are a joy to read. They all improve my knowledge and understanding of an area I'm trying to learn more about. And the level of selling is entirely fair given you've got a living to earn too."
--Alastair Thomson

"I LOVE YOUR CONTENT. It's solid stuff, never too fluffy, never too braggadocios."
--Stan Jackson

"Your e-newsletter and products are already valuable to me. Your products are great, practical, and valuable to me."
--Teppei Suzuki

"Thanks for your continuous support and encouragement. The world needs more people like you, Bob. I strive to emulate you in my business and everyday life."
--Scott McDougal

"I am quite a fan of yours, and have been reading your stuff since the early 80's. I believe that if anyone can see through all of this fog, that you can."
-- Henry Langhorst

"You were the person I used as my model for guidance when I started
out as a copywriter."
--Gerry Black

"I want to compliment you on the good ideas in the Internet Marketing Retirement Plan. I purchased the program a few months back and just finished listening to it for the third time."
-- Richard Sowa

"I purchase every one of your books, so keep writing; I order them even before you finish them (chuckle). In fact, recently I purchased 10 of your books to supply the Harpers Ferry, West Virginia library with them – this was back in October of last year when I was staying up there temporarily."
--Catherine Franz

"I bought Getting Started in Speaking several months ago. Thank you very much for the book. The rules of speaking seminars and trainings are universal, but the art is to put them into simple words and clear ideas. By far it is the best book I have ever read on the art of selling. What is more, it inspired me to run my own seminars."
--Sergey Krechetov

"I'm an avid reader of all your newsletters. I own a copy of your Copywriter's Handbook. It inspired me to write. With a medical background and also an IBS sufferer, it was a great place to start."
--Belinda Asonganyi

"Among the many books available that I've surveyed, yours have been, by far, the most practical, motivating, and simply useful."
--Seth Crosby

"I treasure your advice and have bought your books and e-books."
--Alice Zyetz

"Thanks and keep your good ideas, newsletters, and information coming!"
--Duane Klein

"I enjoy your books; your writing style keeps me turning the pages, something that most books don’t do."
--Marc Laucks

"I want you to know that I appreciate the various offers I have received from your company in my e-mail Inbox over the past few weeks, and I plan to acquire more of your materials. I already have two of your books, and am soon to buy a third. "
--Jim Lawrence

"Your book has been, and will continue to be, the inspiration for my
--Michael Beaulieu

"Just finished The Copywriter's Handbook and Secrets of a Freelance Writer. Absolutely great. A source of encouragement for me to continue toward my goal of copywriting. Just wanted to say thanks for all the good, solid and simplified instruction."
--Jim Rickert

"I like your e-letter a lot. I've been reading your stuff for several years, and have several of your books on a short re-read list. The Copywriter's Handbook has given me inspiration and some good ideas as I'm nearing the end of AWAI's basic Six-Figure Copywriting Course. I recently purchased your Internet Marketing Retirement Plan CDs and am combining some of that information with some of Dan Kennedy's best tips on information marketing. By the end of this year, I'll be in a position to do exactly what you and Fred Gleeck aim at in the CDs: to 'retire' from paycheck-to-paycheck living."
--Bill Haynes

"I'm listening with a good deal of excitement to your Internet Retirement Plan CDs. I will of course be visiting your website and looking at your microsites to get some reality on this subject, but I gotta tell ya I'm almost afraid to because you're so damned persuasive I frequently wind up spending money when I least expected it. But then what should I expect from the best in the business, huh?"
--Jon Streeter

"I've read The Copywriter's Handbook and Business to Business Direct Marketing and liked them both. For what it is worth, your books do have impact. While no where near perfect, my latest mailer pulled well vs. the really bad stuff I used to write before reading your books."
--Mark Roberts

"Congratulations on nearly 30 years doing direct marketing. You've influenced me more than you know. I still refer to the Online Copywriting Handbook often. Keep up the good work, Bob."
--Paul Chaney, Bizzuka.com

"I've read one of your books, e-mails and AWAI contributions. I capture your e-mail and file it into folders. Thank you for your inspiration...your guidance...and, e-mail you send -- All have been (and, will continue to be) instructional."
--Jay Cadmus

"I’ve been a devotee of yours for several years, after I bought your Copywriters Handbook."
--Erik Deckers, www.we-intl.com/rfoil.html.

"Bob Bly's free email writing tips have been a valuable source of learning and insight for me. I'd rank him as the best copy writing coach in the country!"
--Mike Landrum, Speaker, Writer, Coach

"You have earned a high respect among copywriters and business owners for your simple approach and modesty. You already have solid core values to guide your actions. You are the only 'big-time' author who would give me the time-of-day when ask for a blurb for my new book."
--Richard Kelsey

"Good stuff -- easy to read and very helpful. Thanks."
--Will Parquette

"You're a Copywriting God!"
--J. Singh

"Thank you for your book The Copywriter's Handbook. It really helped me to figure out how to organize my copy. I was just reading it last night and the light came on! An assignment I was struggling on has been going much smoother. I will buy your updated version of the same book."
--Clyde McDade

"Thank you for your e-books. I really love both of them. I hope when I am more accomplished using the Internet for sales, I can be one of your affiliates. Your writings are of the caliber that I would be proud to promote."
--Ethel Black

"Thanks for telling me your strategy of 'making a little from a lot of products.' It's working wonders for us."
--Robert J. Ringer

"Thank You for writing and sharing your knowledge with me in The Online Copywriter's Handbook. I am learning so very much and my next move is to buy the book for my home library, and possibly never loan it out...so it never gets lost!"
--Goretta Duncan

"Keep up the good work, Bob. Love your e-mails."
--John Primeau

"You provide great value in your service. In fact, I save all of your e-mails because the products that you offer are always things that I can use. And your prices are reasonable and/or down right bargains! I purchase from you often. When I don't make an immediate purchase for the things I need from you, I save the landing sale's page for later. Keep up the awesome work. I always consider what you are offering because you are honest, straight forward, nice, and I trust you. More people need to take advantage of the wonderful products that you have to offer! Products that deliver what is promised and much more... I am sure glad I found you. I am to embarrassed to admit how much money I wasted before finding your site."
--Adella Pugh

"You've helped me a lot with your advice, and I always look forward to the books you have published -- investments well made."
--Joe Beim

"Bob Bly is among the top professionals in his field. He’s well paid for his expertise – approaching 30 years of experience. I consider him a mentor via his printed resources. Thanks, Bob; you've got a raving fan in me."
--Eddie Stephens

"Your books kicked my butt and got me out into the freelance world several years ago (when I was struggling along looking for a job and utterly failing to pay the rent) and I honestly wouldn't be anywhere near where I am today without them."
--Chris Haddad

"I subscribe to about 25-30 industry newsletters. This is by far the best I've seen. Congratulations!"
--Larry Connors

"Thanks for spending time with us yesterday evening, Bob. I was impressed by two things in particular. First, I was impressed by the obvious enthusiasm you still have for your work. After years of writing and dealing with clients, you still love the game. Your enthusiasm is catching. Second, I was impressed with your readiness to credit others for good ideas, achievements, and observations. You cannot be lacking in ego, but it’s not the self-aggrandizing kind. You are one of those people who don’t care who has a good idea, but who knows the important thing is to have a good idea to work with. This came through loud and clear. I hope I have the opportunity to meet you one day. And I hope you are planning on another teleconference."
--Stephen Booser

"WOW! Great service....this is why I order from you so often: great service and great products.....IT'S A GOOD DEAL!"
--Bill Cornell, Copywriter, Omaha, NE

"I LOVE this type of content in your e-mail newsletters! Thanks Bob."
--Keith Streckenbach

"Thanks again for sharing your expertise with other copywriters/marketers and myself. You have dramatically expanded my knowledge base."
--Mark Soroka

"Thanks Bob, and best wishes. Your help has been amazing."
--Elizabeth Strand

"I've bought a number of your info products and not only are they high quality they are practical and actionable. For example I build my copywriting estimates on those in your copywriting tool kit. My clients appreciate the clarity. Using the kill fee recently helped keep a project to completion - as well as helping me maintain a good client relationship. Your tips on revisions have resulted in great feedback when doing drafts. Those are the ones that immediately come to mind. I am a fairly new copywriter (in that I am still working in my full-time job while I launch my copywriting career) and both as a copywriter and entrepreneur your products have been and continue to be a valuable resource."
--Nicky M. Jameson

"Always a pleasure, an inspiration, and a powerful, practical advantage to read your stuff."
--Alan Zoldan

"I read your newsletter all the time; it is really good and you are so down to earth."
--Gia Robinson

"Thanks for all the great information you're publishing on growing and automating a self-publishing business online. You've given me a lot of ideas and knowledge."
--Lura S. Harrison

"Bob, you're so generous. You've just provided another good lesson for me in this information products business. Thank you sir. I really appreciate it."
--Ugar Akinci

"You are my expert of choice."
--Tomm Fennell, Headmaster, The Sharing Institute

"I have bought several products from you, all were well priced and valuable."
--Julie Brumlik

"Within 2 weeks after I finished reading your "Secrets of Freelance Writer 3rd Ed. - How to Make $100,000 a Year or More", I had a contract for $3,000 and a check in my hand for $1500. I have recommended your book to 3 other copywriters, who now have it and feel that you book outlines a clear path for developing their B2B copywriting business. I love your books and appreciate your recommendations!"
-- Michelle Murray www.B2BCopywritingQueen.com.

"Bob, for being so generous with sharing your skills and insights. Very refreshing to see and benefit from such generosity and competence!"
--Gil Credeur

"Thank you very much for the bonus How to Write Better and Faster. It is exactly what I am interested in. I teach English at the faculty of electrical engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague. I believe your e-book will be interesting and helpful for my students, who are going to be electrical and electronic engineers and will have to write technical texts. Your experience and recommendations are very significant for their future professional life."
--Galina Vitkova

"Your materials are nothing short of inspirational! "
--Joe Paul

"I am a real fan of Bob Bly and have purchases almost all of his books, e-books, and programs. Keep up the great work! Bob is the best as far as I am concerned.I am an AWAI Circle of Success member and I have purchased a lot of material from many different writers. I like Bob's the best. It is also the best value. I have never felt I didn't get my moneys worth when I purchased his products."

"I've worked in publishing for 30 years and now I'm branching out into copywriting (via AWAI course) and have already purchased several of your reports that I've found helpful. I believe my subscribers will enjoy them as well."
--Ned Burke

"You are a true expert and I can't tell you how much your "Become and Instant Guru" audio program (also with Fred) and "How to Succeed as an Independent Marketing Consultant" - ebook... has helped me! I really love your stuff. Keep them coming!"
--George Ritacco

"I am a big fan of yours. I buy your downloads almost every week. Have
just finished reading your new book The White Paper Marketing
Handbook.Thanks for making a better copywriter."
--William T. Shaw

"I have your two books The Copywriter's Handbook and Secrets of a Freelance Writer close at hand. They were both instrumental in motivating me to become a copywriter back in '02. I also listened in on the teleconference calls with you and Nick Usborne a few weeks back. Talk about a ton of info! Thanks for showing me the way, Bob."
--Eddie Adelman

"I was comfortable ordering from you and when the problem occured, I knew you would resolve it. Thank you again."

--Walt Bryant

"If you want to know how to write an e-book and market it successfully, get yourself a copy of Bob Bly's guide. It teaches you all you need to know, and costs less than twenty bucks."

--Nick Usborne

"Thank you very much for the all the great marketing tips and ideas that you have available on both your website and through your tele-seminars. It is fantastic stuff."
--Bernnie Malonson

"I really appreciate the material you put out. It's always well done and very useful. I make it a point to pay attention to your pieces in Early to Rise as well. You're a credit to the profession."
--Clarke Echols, Web Site Effectiveness Consultant

"I purchased your e-books How to Succeed as an Independent Marketing Consultant and Writing for Niche Markets - they are outstanding value - thanks a million. You're a genius."
--Jodi Bell

"I have been a 'follower' of yours for some time, straight from your site to reading your input at The Total Package with Clayton, as well as through other marketing legends along the way and I always welcome your wise words. I have learned a lot from the info I've read of yours."
--Michelle Kapty

"My name is Joni and first and foremost, I want to say I think you're brilliant! Thanks so much for all the amazing advice given free in your newsletter. I'm reading everything you're throwing my way and also implementing the things I'm being taught. I'm basically a beginner in the copywriting world, and I'm enjoying the hell out of it! I've always enjoyed writing and I'm being told by some pretty well known Internet Marketers, that I'm pretty good at it!"
--Joni Beadle

"I enjoy reading your column in Target Marketing. I have been to your website and have received a copy of How to Write Better and Faster. I've just started reading it but find it very informative. I'm an office manager for a small ad agency, and I often help with proofreading/copy editing. Your writer's resource page is tremendously helpful. Thank you for compiling it!"
--Alison Taylor

"I can't begin to tell you how really amazing it was to get a call from you direct. It seems that most ezine authors just want your money. And sometimes that's alot. Again thanks and I will let you know just how successful I am. I have purchased several of your books and find them very useful."

--Terrie McArthur

"I recently bought your ebook Writing Ebooks for Fun and Profit, and I wanted to take a moment to tell you how much I like it and it's companion special report Online Marketing That Works. In fact, the special report itself is so good that you could sell it as a stand-alone product. I read both pieces from front to back immediately and couldn't be happier."
--Sean Romanoff

"The Internet Marketing Retirement Plan arrived sooner than I expected and have enjoyed listening to it. In fact I'm about to listen through the program again while making some sales calls. While listening to the second or third CD I got a great idea for a product and talked to an expert about doing an interveiw with him that I will create a product from."
--Gary Neidert

"My wife and I pruchased your Internet Marketing Retirement Plan and are very inspired by it. We are working to set the system up and continue to be on your email list. I also bought your ebook on writing ebooks." --Michael Sizemore

"I absolutely swear by your book Selling you Service.....I have been implementing everything you mention in that book. It is so full of info and so many of the little things in there I have put to the test and so far so good!!"
--Michelle Kapty

"I have read a lot of these other so-called guru's eBook's on copywriting, and it's always the same reworded garbage. Your free e-mail I just recieved contained some fresh valuable tips that I have not seen anywhere else - thank you!"
--Robert Haas

"especially Secrets of a Freelance Writer."
  --Brian Blades

"I've purchased a fair amount of material from you this year and will most likely continue to buy product in the future. I just wanted to let you know that I'm putting it to good use. Thanks again for the great products and for your inspiration."
--Kevin Wood

"I met you last year, as you addressed the AWAI Boot Camp.  Your experience is wonderful and your ideas powerful.  I enjoyed it so much!  I was in awe of your delivery of gold nuggets every time you spoke. Thanks especially for your talent, wit and expertise.  Thanks for sharing it."
--Marjie Keating

"My response after reading jus tthe first few pages of your E-Mail Marketing Swipe File was, 'Sonafabitch, this guy kicks ass - again!' You did a great job on it ... a lot of good actionable 'meat' and no B.S."
--Tony Pappas

"Bob, call me a fan of yours, if you will---I visit your site and read your articles frequently."

"The bonus book, Copywriting: The Master Touch, is the most helpful publication I have seen on principles of direct marketing… clear and concise… filled with helpful examples. Best of all was to find out in your bio that you have written 70 books! When do you sleep?! This inspires me to get off my @#$% and write the book I have been intending to write since I was a kid. If you can write 70, surely I can write one."
--Jack Price


"Thank you for writing Getting Started As A Freelance Writer!  You have given me a whole new insight on writing, and with it, renewed hope for a stalled dream."
--John L. Mustain

"I enjoy your work and am impressed with your style and what you do.  Keep up the good info."
--Leonard Helzer

"Thanks for sharing your knowledge. You're obviously a seriously driven individual. Your success motivates me to continue to drive toward success as well."
--Charles Boyd

"I have been a subscriber for years--one of the few e-zines that I find consistently useful."
--Pat McCord

"I love your writing and particularly enjoy  your articles in Early to Rise."
--Paul Smith

"I really love your philosophy and teachings."
--Stephen Sutherland

"Unbeknownst to you, you have a been a long time mentor of mine since I first laid my eyes on your book The Advertising Managers Handbook. It was 15 years ago and your book was kind of the 'bible' to understand the mind of marketers and the corporate side as well. Fast forwarding15 years later, the agency I founded is doing well, still follows your principles; you are the man who inspired my career."
--Gal Borenstein

"I am a subscriber to your list - and let me tell you how invaluable of a resource your material has been ( I am a subscriber to many newsletters)."
--Jennifer Devlin

"Bob, thank you for what you have done, and are doing, for my career. Writing with you is the best thing that has happened. I’ll be in the audience when you get your Lifetime Achievement Award – I wonder if anybody really knows how far some of your achievements have reached."
--Conrad Hall

"Thanks for the great email. For whatever reason, I very much trust the things say about business and I'd like to learn more from you."
--Robert Hundley

"Mr. Bly, I want to thank  you for your direction…I am learning quite a bit from you material and AWAI…  Thanks ... God Bless you Bob Bly!"
--Carl Jordan

"Bob, your sales letters are phenomenal. I see at least three trial closes, bonus on top of testimonial on top of benefits, and time-saving, money-making advice make your offer superb. I learn from you simply by observing your style. Hell, you could write a tutorial on sales style and make another $29 e book in less than 5 days! You are amazing my friend and I recognize you as one of the few true masters of their trade."
--Dan Auito

"Bob, I coach high school debate and speech, so buying your latest book was a no-brainer.  And the bonuses that came along with it?  Maybe even more valuable than the book.  Consider this a testimonial."
--Jay Hepner

"You are a man who others look up to. Very upbeat with lots of know how."
--Ollie Biggers

"I enjoy your newsletters; they have good content. Without that, I would delete. Keep up the good work!"
--Dave Meholovitch


"I just finished reading your Writing For the Internet book. Plenty of good information there I can use. I am always impressed with your vast fund of knowledge when I read your stuff. You are a great mentor."
 --Terrie McArthur

"Bob, I think I have every printed book you have ever published! I just order the Presentations book with your fabulous bonus offers.  I will admit that presentations and public speaking are ongoing challenges for a great many and I have always found your books to be extremely helpful.  I plan to capitalize on your information and eventually launch my own publishing empire -- the corporate rat race is far too easy for the masses to accept. ;-)"
--Alexander S. Bosika, MobileMonday Toronto, Co-Founder

"Hope you're doing well. I'm a long time customer of yours and have also been on your email list for quite a while. I've always enjoyed your books and your expertise."
 --Tom Mulkern

"Thanks for offering the book again. I re-read the landing page pitch--and it just pulled me on and on--as it should. I admire your work a great deal, Bob."
--Sig Rosenblum

"I love your articles, tips, and suggestions. They have helped me break some copywriting roadblocks, and generate more new business."
--Brian Maroevich

"I'm a huge fan of your work and have read (and profited from!) several of your copywriting books. Thank you for the great ideas and insights you've given to us working copywriters -- reminding us to treat our businesses like real businesses, bill what we're worth, charge fixed fees wherever possible, and farm out anything that costs us less than we can earn writing in that time."
--Robert Hyman

"It was a pleasure to finally meet you at the Bootcamp this weekend, Bob. I really had the best time at your seminars, however. You really could be a comedian! Over the years I’ve learned so much from you, Bob. Please accept my thanks for all the 'giving back' you’ve done."
 --Apryl Parcher

"Your products are always such top-notch quality - that's your trademark - even the lower priced ones. And of course I enjoy your newsletter too."
--Nicky Jameson

"Your generosity continues to amaze me and I applaud you for recognizing that most copywriters starting out are watching their pennies. I subscribe to about a half dozen newsletters from various copywriting/marketing gurus and they all tout various products and when you make it big, I am sure investing $500 or $1000 is a drop in the hat, but the truth is, sometimes that investment is too cost prohibitive - making a good education just out of reach for many. Your value approach to pricing has taught me more than most of the other newsletters combined. You may be the Sam Walton of the copywriting niche, but if I am correct, he laughed all the way to the bank! "
--Jennifer Devlin

"Thanks for helping me find direction with my Internet Marketing Retirement Plan. With everyone on the Internet claiming to be an expert and promising to help people achieve their dreams, all I can say Bob is that YOU are the REAL DEAL! If there's ever anything I can do for you, please don't hesitate to let me know! It would be my honor to be a blessing to you, as much as you've been one to me so far!"
--Rob Mendez

"I just wanted to thank you for being at AWAI's bootcamp. I really enjoyed your presentation; In fact, you were my favorite presenter. Thank you again for taking time out of your busy schedule, to help newbies like myself."
--Robin Pease

"Not only does Bob Bly offer exceptional copywriting training, but he cares about helping you. Every copywriter needs to have his instruction. He saves you years of experience."
--Dee Anne Stiles

"It was so nice to meet you at Bootcamp. Well, I have to confess, it was a thrill for me. I've never been a person who was an avid "fan" of movie stars, but I'm that way about you. Thanks again for your time and kind words in Florida. It really was an honor to talk with you."
--Pam Magnuson

"I enjoy all of your advice and have purchased a couple of your books, but I greatly appreciate this particular e-mail. It's actually quite a refreshing message - one we don't hear everyday and should hear everyday."
--Lora Freeman

"And I just wanted to say thanks too. Your book Secrets of a Freelance Writer gave me the courage to go it alone, and it is one of the best decisions I have made. There's a story behind that, so if you want to have a conversation, just let me know."
--Rick Gregory

"Among the reasons I benefit from you is your wisdom. Thanks for living and challenging us to live above the hype -- not just in our approach to copywriting ...but our lifestyle as result of it."
--Eddie Stephens

"I bought a couple of your books - The Copywriter's Handbook and Secrets of a Freelance Writer. Your books are to the point and packed with useful information. I have read both twice and am starting on Secrets of a Freelance Writer for the third time. There is so much in those two books that I need to read and re-read them to absorb it all. Thanks for the valuable books."
--Thomas McCauley

"I had never heard of you before I saw your book Secrets of a Freelance Writer in B&N -- gave it the ailse speed-read -- and, recognising the utter sense you were talking, became determined as never before to explore my potential for enjoyment and freedom with reward. I can't wait to continue the journey. Thanks, Bob."
--Gary Dean.

"I just wanted to send you a short note to thank you for the killer presentations during Bootcamp this year - especially the one dealing with e-books. I always find your presentations extremely informative and entertaining; however, the income power of e-books and the variety of ways that you can find subject matter was an eye opener for me..... I definitely will be using what you taught in the future! For what it's worth, I came away inspired again this year and I wanted to say thanks. I've learned a lot from your time and effort at the Bootcamps that I have attended."
--William K. Reilly

"I’m just dropping you a note to say that your content is always so very good. I’m a new hungry copywriter and I devour all the info from those who I’ve judged to be ones I should learn from."
--Tiju Kai Garrett

"I have been buying the Copywriters Handbook of yours for over 15 years for myself and for my employees, and have found it to be an invaluable resource."
--Brenda Williams, Farm Credit Services of Illinois

"I just want to say thank you for putting out such great work and for being so kind to answer my emails. I've contacted you 2-3 times over the past couple years for a quick explanation on an idea or product of yours and you've always been quick with a response and of course very professional. There are two things I've always admired about your copy. First is how clean it is -- no wasted words, only what's needed to get the job done. Second, is the delicate way in which you sell without the hype (i.e. no Clayton Makepeace, although who can argue with his success?). So that's it: just a thank you for paving the way for us newbies."
--Bob Williams

"Just a note to say, basically, 'Damn, you're good.' Those tips were not only really helpful, but brilliantly written."
--Jon Streeter

"It was a pleasure to attend your presentations at AWAI FL. I learned a ton and truly enjoyed your insights, wit and sense of humor!"
--Eric Gelb

"Thank you for the tips and for the information and insight you have so generously shared during the past year. I always benefit from your e-mails."
--Linda Byam

"You were tops at the recent AWAI Bootcamp. "Living the Freelance Copywriting Lifestyle" was my favorite session. I laughed from start to finish. Your friendly style helped me relate to you and the key concepts. You gave me the extra knowledge and know-how I needed to advance my copywriting career. What’s more, three of your tips and strategies helped me land two new clients! Thank you. I can’t wait to see you next year."
--Eric Gelb

"Interesting article. I always admire your writing and thought patterns. Thank you for your interesting articles and for the work you do online. You really are one of the best."
--Charlie Page

"Thanks so much for the great Info Marketing Retirement Plan CDs I recently purchased. I've read and enjoyed a lot of your books and am gearing up to launch my own info marketing/copywriting business."
--Mary Kole

"You're right on the money Bob! I'm amazed at how well you keep up. You are indeed America's greatest living copywriter and information specialist. I love your style man!"
--Dan Auito

"I have seen you speak several times and have always been impressed. In fact I sent you a thank you email after the last AWAI Bootcamp that you asked to use a testimonial - I was honored. I make it a point to catch all of your presentations and the one that you and Don Mahoney gave at the last Bootcamp was killer! Your presentations, e-mails, and books have been priceless knowledge.The bottom line is that I have learned a lot from you."
--William K. Reilly

"I think you are a genius, and I admire all your books and classes. You really are the best!"
--Linda Reynertson

"Your articles are just as useful and relevant now as they were when I printed them out -- be it six months or two years ago. So, on behalf of your silent audience, I want to thank you for the ideas and great advice that you have shared with so many of us over the years. Your wisdom, time, and generosity are greatly appreciated by one and all."
--Susan Dale

"I continue to be a big fan. Thanks for your good work."
--Mike Mohan

"Bob, many thanks for all the great information you send."
--Peter Hall

"I have purchased many of your products - good stuff!"
--Allan Miller

"I just want to say how very much I appreciate receiving your tips and hearing your experiences. I learn so much from your newsletter professionally, and of course, I see a little of the mind behind the work as well. I enjoy both and marvel that you have a mind that continually comes up with so many simple and clever ideas, and how the abundance keeps flowing. "
--Christine Munkerud

"I do get a lot of pleasure and inspiration from your newsletter each and will continue to get it for as long as the Good Lord keeps me well. Thank you once again for contributing to my daily pleasures."
--Phillip Chadd

"I am really liking your stuff!"
--Candia Dye. M.A., RLC

"Bob's an amazing guy. Over the years, he's put together an incredible system for not only getting tons of clients, but for generating oodles and oodles of great, billable copy. "
--Paul Hollingshead

"I very much like your model and your consistent, straightforward, no-b.s. approach. And, of course, the clear writing that frames it all. I’ve sent folks to two of your products, Bob. as an affiliate, and will surely do that again and again."
--Gordon Burgett

"I’ve read most of your books, and they’re great – thank you for writing them."
--Christopher Skyi

"I first read from the book of Bly in 1990 and I'm still reading from him today. He's a fantastic speaker, coach and copywriter whom I greatly admire."
--Matt Furey

"Thanks for the wealth of information you continue to share with other writers across the world."
--Mark Soroka

"I really enjoyed your session for Mike Stelzner’s White Paper Summit last week. I found it really practical and useful for the work I do. Thanks for sharing."
--Alison Harrison

"Your Secrets Of A Freelance Writer book was the first purchase I made after deciding to hang my shingle. So your strategies literally laid the groundwork for my successful career. And for that, I am truly grateful."
--Jay White

"Thanks for the excellent resources you provide. I have purchased a number of your interviews with Fred Gleeck and have found them to be a great value."
--Leon Rawitz

"First of all, let me say how impressive all of your web sites are. I have been reading them all! I am glad I bought your book. It is very informative. I can see where I will be spending more money with you in the future. You have a lot of e-books that I want to buy."
--Roger Edward Cawthon

"Thanks for the insights. Your name comes up very often -- in a positive way -- when freelance writers discuss their craft and their business. I've always admired your success but realize you've worked hard and smart to achieve it. And I've always admired your understated persona."
--Brian Salisbury

"Keep up the great work you are doing. You've no idea how much you have helped me to understand the world of copywriting. Sign me up for your newsletter apart from your message board. I want to learn all I can about advertising and copywriting so I can make some dough.Yes, do whatever the heck you want Bob, publish my comments on your site. And keep on sending me such messages so I can develop and grow. You are a master copywriter."
--Archie Mehta

"I've followed your work for a good few years and I like the style of your copy. I just wanted to email you to say that I really loved this email! What a breath of fresh air! I read most of your copy from start to finish, but this mail had me hanging on your every word! It's rare pieces like these that remind me of my own love for the written word and its power."
--Sarah McIver

"Some time ago I read The Copywriter's Handbook and used your instruction to write hundreds of print ads, many of which produced the best response those advertisers had ever received. Also, I found your most recent newsletter, 25 Secrets of Lasting Value, to be a thought provoking refresher and an excellent example of worthy newsletter reading."
--Lloyd Smith

"Thank you for e-mailing this list of 25 tips about life and success. Virtually all of your points contain conclusions I also have reached about life and business. In addition, I still own and have read several of your books and they always provide value and seem realistic to me, which in an age of hype is saying something."
--Erik Strand

"I've been on your email list for a year or so, and I always appreciate your insights. I just want to let you know that I really appreciate this particular email, especially at this point in time."
--Cindy Kile

"Your advice is always clear, concise, and excellent. I just had to let you know I enjoy reading everything you send out.Everything you send out just resonates with me 100%. I know I will learn a lot from you."
--Sharon Quarmby

"I first read from the book of Bly in 1990 and I'm still reading from him today. He's a fantastic speaker, coach and copywriter whom I greatly admire."
--Matt Furey

"I am grateful for your guidance. You have made a difference in my life. Thank you."
--Vincent Schilling

"I've received your emails for some time and enjoy them; I've even bought some of your products."
--Charlie Kane

"Your personal attention to my efforts, and your kindness in helping me contact all the right people to make this work, has been nothing short of incredible. I simply could not have done it without you. Thanks to you, it was easy, and I am thrilled with the final product. I don’t just have an e-book, I have a business! This e-book will bring in profits for years to come and is a great stepping stone to my other products.I am going to recommend your site to all of my friends. I am more than satisfied. You have exceeded all of my expectations. Now, I am going to go and buy some more of your e-books and increase my personal profits, thanks to your expertise!"
--Roger Edward Cawthon

"Thank you again, Bob, for your terrific presentation at the Tampa event. You helped make it a very special seminar. If your schedule had permitted, you would have enjoyed all the incredible comments on your presentation from the attendees during the windup program."
--Ted Nicholas

"Your presentation was superb. I really enjoyed it and learned several things."
--Harun Bahri

"I always love your practical, specific advise. While everyone seems to generalize ... 'you tell it like it is.'"
--Edward King

"What a great pleasure it was meeting you too. I'm really glad you came to the seminar, you played a huge part in making it one to remember. I have great respect and admiration for how prolific you are as a writer. "
--Dave Peterson

"Love the information you are providing."
--Brad Henson

"The great thing about Bob's stuff is, I can't go wrong! I know no matter what I get it'll be informative and authoritative. Thanks again!"
--John Torre

"Your great book The Copywriter’s Handbook which is right between Kennedy’s Ultimate Sales Letter and Cialdini’s Influence on my Copywriting reference shelf…"
--Rob Northrup

"Like I always say, Bob Bly's life is an inspiration. What you share with readers helps keep you young and energetic. You don't know how much I enjoy reading your pearls of wisdom, Bob, thanks so much. You have contributed to my life positively through your writing. Just keep it coming and I am sure going to keep on reading you."
--Archie Mehta

"Thanks for your writing about this. You hit the nail right on the head."
--Carey Yang

"The other books are informative. But they all talk too much. And teach too little. Your books are in a totally different category. There is no one in the field as organized, instructive and thorough. You lay everything out like a master cartographer. "
--Morty Schiller

"I was delighted that we had a chance to talk. What I especially enjoyed about you was that your manner and your presentation were one and the same: helpful, friendly, and informative. When I meet someone whose work I admire, I run the risk of not enjoying the person. I am pleased to know you have a good heart as well as a good head."
--Virginia Avery

"Thanks for a great call. I learned a ton of information. Bob is the best."
--Kevin Wood

"I met you briefly at the Ted Nicholas seminar in Tampa last month. Loved your presentation. Very informative and entertaining too! I just read through some of your blog and love how you comment on an article or topic and ask your blog fans to give their input. It is very enlightening to see the varied response and reasons behind those responses."
--Dave Hope

"I marvel at the way your great ideas just keep coming! It's lovely to see an endless source of stimulating material. Just couldn't resist telling you so."
--Marilyn Pincus

"Your book is quite helpful and easy to read. Your works are always well organized, easy-to-read, and content rich."
--Laura Rodriquez

"You were the most memorable person from the three day seminar. Wow! It was a awesome seminar! Bob, it was obvious the you are a smart man and have learned & demonstrated the secrets in effective writing. Hope to have many more opportunities to learn as much as possible from such a successful marketing Genius...You are especially refreshing in these tough times."
--Brad Lloyd

"I really like all the stuff you put out, and most especially this one. Wish I had been told this as a young man, but it’s always good."
--Richard Adhikari

"Recently I purchased your e-book on writing e-books for fun and profit. It appears to be an invaluable resource, not to mention the great price you sold it for."
--Bob Ettinger

"Bob is inordinately smart, clear-headed and practical. A rare combo. Bob Bly is so good at writing and selling e-books you almost want to weep. He's also written about 70+ real books."
--Tom Peric

"I love receiving your Direct Response Letter - it gives me all sorts of ideas which improve my marketing and they're just as applicable here in the UK as well as the USA."
--Steve Orme

"I just wanted to let you know that I read one of your articles last night during a 'dark hour' and found it extremely encouraging. I appreciate how open you are with your business advice, and how accessible so much of it is. I bought one of your copywriting books about 10 years ago ... it may have been the first writing book I ever bought. Made it all seem possible."

"I'm just starting out in copywriting having just finished a degree in English Literature, and everywhere I turn I see your name! I've been reading a lot of your material and I just wanted to get in touch to say that I think you're absolutely brilliant. I hope to one day be, like you, one of the first names people think of when they think of copywriting. Thanks for being an inspiration!"
--Amris Kaur

"Thanks once again for your exceptionally valuable content. You're consistency and credibility is unmatched."
--Ken Brooks Johnson

"In addition to your CD programs that I've purchased in the past, I also enjoy your reports and newsletter. I always learn something from you. Thanks for your hard work and the incredibly valuable content."
--Jim Chandler

"I really enjoy your emails and reports. Thanks for the important work you do."
--Judy Wright

"You provide so much value that I am always eager to buy products from you because I know I am getting more than my money's worth. Each time, every time."
--Kevin Wood

"Great article Bob, thanks, very well written and a potent message."
--Susan Forster

"Thanks Bob for the great content. I now understand your recent actions to give away more valuable content. I have studied additional material/programs including one of yours and now realize the critical value of maintaing trust. I get it. You will always be one of my preferred sources of credible information."
--Ken Brooks Johnson

"I am so glad I signed up with your informative newsletter updates as well with your blog. I originally came across you and your services via your BLOG SCHMOG book. Thank you for your time."
--Glenn Varner

"Thanks for the bonus. I love the way you market. You make it impossible to refuse an offer. As soon as my new website is up, I will join your affiliate program. Bless you for the opportunity."
--Jean Newbold

"Thanks so much for your outrageous customer support. I'm a lifelong fan of Bob Bly and his products.... and will continue to be!"
--Phil Lynch, Brooklyn, New York

"Just a short note here of my appreciation. I really do love your marketing/copywriting expertise, and the clarity of how you explain the specifics. And because of that I've been buying your materials for years, and years and years. Even more importantly, I've been using those concepts successfully for my own businesses. Thank you."
--John La Tourrette, PhD

"All of your material is a huge help to anyone desiring to pursue copy writing income--especially those who are just staring."
--Ken Brooks Johnson

"I love your letter. I took the advice you gave of putting my personal number on my site, and it has paid off a few times."
--Steve Seretan

"Great insight and inspiration - as usual. Thank you, Bob. Like many others, I continue to be grateful for all you share."
--Linda Byam

"Just wanted to let you know your assistant Jodi is a real plus for your business. She's so nice and extremely efficient and professional. I've talked to her a couple of times and came away with a really nice experience both times. She obviously cares a lot."
--Mark Kratzer

"Please tell Bob that I really admire and appreciate his work, his craft, and his contributions to the copywriting world. I'm learning quite a bit from him."
--Rod Harkins

"Bob, I may have to unsubscribe from your emails. I've been trying to reduce the number of emails I read, but I've opened virtually every one you've sent. :)
The subject lines of the emails grab me every time. And the content never disappoints."
--Phil Hamilton

"Just wanted you to know - I applied all of your selling tips to selling my house online - made a website with all the bullet points - and sold the house in a day! I had 3 offers - they said we have never seen anything like that. Got full price. yes, in this market. I also apply them to our book site and many other things we do. Thank you BOB!! I have bought many of your books."
--Judy Doherty

"All too often we go through life capable of seeing things but missing their importance and relevance. Your mail delivered the promise of the title in an easy to implement method - so many other people's mail messages fail on that."
--Jon Seaton, Darlington UK

"Hi Bob! I think there is more substance in one of your how-to-do emails than in most books I have read. I think you are the #1 'Hands on' Direct Marketer on the planet!"
--Gary Long

"Bob I just read your December TM article. I enjoyed it and agree with you. I am a fan of yours and have several of your books. Most recently The Marketing Plan Handbook. Thank you for the quality of your work.
Please keep it coming."
--John Curry

"Bob's stuff is so good I bought it twice!"
--Mark Lewis

"Not everyone's emails are welcome in my inbox, but yours are, always. It's my observation that you have a large amount of integrity."
--Barry Anderson

"Your e-mail today was one of the most beneficial, well thought out, and intelligently argued pieces of work I have read for some time. You always over-deliver, but today, you have truly out-done yourself! Thank You."
--Neil Dhawan, Newbury Park, CA

"We all get a lot of email, but I read your emails in preference to others, because of your honest, reasoned approach. Sometimes I read them just because I like your writing, and have liked it beginning with Secrets of a Freelance Writer, Write More Sell More, on down."
--Doug Nickerson

"As for your value as a marketing consultant, you are one of a tiny handful of marketing experts that I have relied upon since the 1980s for marketing counsel that has always helped me achieve excellent results in the various marketing jobs I've held over those years. I have a copy of your first Business-to-Business Direct Marketing book that I still consult today, as well as numerous other books and articles you have written on many marketing subjects. I see your name as a brand that indicates I will receive sound, useful, proven information that will get results-unlike a lot of fancy jargon and opinionated theory I find in too much marketing material these days."
--Kathy Spoon

"Thanks for your e-mails. I think they're fabulous and full of great free advice. They get right to the heart of the matter, so you don't have to spend a lot of time reading fluff. I have benefitted greatly from your unsolicited offerings, and they have increased my knowledge about so many areas that are vital to the success of my business and to my clients."
--Eugenia Kaneshige

"I just wanted you to know that the thousands...probably tens of thousands who FIND Value in what you do prefer you just keep doing as you do as we want to know what you offer so we can BUY it when we need it. Without you in my email box...I'd forget and then what would I do? I keep reading every word you write and I GROW from your knowledge and experience. I pay a price with my time right now, but am also willing to pay with money when the right product comes along. LOVED the reports you sent when I subscribed and believe I WILL make some money when I can implement the advice given.You are a generous man helping those who op-in and for that Bob..I appreciate YOU!"
--Cheryl Gonzalez

"BRAVO!! Well said and so true!!! For what it's worth I LOVE your emails and ALWAYS learn something from them. I just wanted you to know you have fans that appreciate every email you send out. I not only bookmark them so I can go back and buy the book when I have the money, I send them to clients of MINE! I'm a full-time, professional writer and I receive close to 100 emails A DAY from writing sites, newsletters, affiliate links and more - all things I signed up for. YOURS is the ONLY one I open EVERY SINGLE TIME. I'm afraid I'm going to miss something!"
--Becky Blanton

"You are an inspiration and a valued resource to me. I'll see you at the top."
--Anthony Chavez

"Well Bob this has been your best year yet from my perspective. You seemed to have really embraced me. You tossed around your mix of sales letters and info letters (though as far as I am concerned your sales letters and their rotation is an awesome classroom) all to my benefit.. I just want to say thank you for doing what you do and especially the way you do it. You share company with very few others and I look forward to the table you will set in the coming year. So to you and your family I wish you a happy New Year!"
--Gary Raimo

"I don't just like your messages, I love them. I will tell you more: I wait for them and when they arrive I leave whatever I am doing and devour them. I am currently reading your 'Secrets of a Freelance Writer'."
--Alla Goltsman

"Thanks for all your good information and the products you make available. This has been a major motivator to get my rear-in-gear and make it happen."
--Ralph Thompson

"I really enjoy your newsletter and value your insights on copywriting, marketing, and business in general. I get several newsletters from experts and business superstars with even more that I have since kicked to the curb. Your newsletter is a keeper. For reasons I can't quite put my finger on I find your advice more useful than many of the gurus I read. It may well be your abilities as a copywriter that tip the tables in your favor. You have an uncanny knack of bringing to my attention stuff I need to know about that I haven't thought of, or thought I knew that can really turbo-boost my business and career right out of the gate."
--Bryan Skinnell

"I consistently enjoy and appreciate the ideas you share in your emails. I'm writing today because I particularly like it when you break things down like you did in your email today. Thanks again for all your advice and knowledge. You've helped me improve my writing tremendously."
--Cindy Cyr

"Son of a gun! I appreciate this. I like the way you write. You are very encouraging, convincing. I've been following you with the desire to learn many things. You are amusing and very educational. Thanks a lot!"
--Ver Maramara

"Thanks for your marvellous newsletters. You asked your readers what they want. I find your copywriting tips to be most useful, those combining writing skills with sales techniques. I have learned a lot from you, Bob, admiring what you do. I am amazed by how much there is to copywriting - much more than just solid writing. Copywriting is like a computer game: there are many levels to unlock, each more satisfying than the one before. Your experience and enthusiasm are inspirational. Also, I benefit from The Copywriter's Handbook. I will search for your other books."
--Gordon Low

"Whenever I get a chance I try to catch up on your emails. Invariably they are good, sometimes great."
--Neil Parker

"Your emails are absolutely priceless! I gain so much knowledge and confidence after each read. As an AWAI student copywriter, I have the pleasure of learning from some of the best copywriters in the world, but honestly, I have to put you at the head of the class! Please continue the wonderful work that you do. It provides a tremendous benefit to me as I'm sure it does to many others."
--Don Rolls

"Thanks again for the tips - one of the very few info-marketing newsletters that I always read. In fact, only Dan Kennedy and Drayton Bird get read also, always. Content really is king."
--Denis Thornton

"Your How To Do Your Own Public Relations program popped up six minutes before my phone conference began... enough time for me to check out the press release info quickly. It was just what I needed and got me pumped up before the teleconference. I can't tell you how good I sounded on that call! My client couldn't be happier. Thanks for always having my back."
--Tracey Minella

"I always look forward to reading your missives as they're incredibly informative. Today just happened to be incredibly timely."
--Michael Ajemian

"Just want to let you know that I subscribed to your newsletter last week and have already gotten tremendous value from it. Your recent message about good and great information products inspired me to create a resource that is going to benefit my business in many powerful ways both short- and long-term. While I spend every day considering ways to serve my clients better, you opened my eyes to an avenue that may be completely unexplored in my industry. So thanks so much!"
--Mike Bergin

"Bob your emails have more value than some of the info products I have purchased. I never have to second guess whether or not I will get my money's worth...You always over deliver...That also speaks volumes about your Heart..Your e-books are priced in a way that allows anyone to get real world knowledge - that will change their financial destiny."
--William McMullin

"Thank you, Bob, this was great information. I appreciate how you have changed up your marketing and content related emails. I enjoy reading your daily emails and see value in everything you send."

"I engaged with my list after reading your email. I was more conversational and sent them a Yahoo news story that was to the point. A list member fired off an email to me. He wanted an answer about it and seemed angry. I knew he was just asking for help. When I answered him honestly and clearly, he liked it, and told me so. He became a new coaching client from it.:} Thanks. Your advice is always helpful."
--Steve Seretan

"You are one of the few marketers who actually don't just send promotion but give useful content. I get email from dozens of marketers a day, and I pay attention to very few, because they are always hyping some new secret they are not going to tell me about till I click on some link. And I don't want to do that in my iPad, I have enough open windows of my choice as it is. I prefer the data in the email under my nose, and I do tend to read those. Thanks."

"One reason I will NEVER unsubscribe from your e-mail list is that your free content is worth more than some paid content I've received in the past from other E-MR's. I'm going through your info product package (w/Gleeck) right now. Some awesome stuff in there. Thanks for all the great info."
--Keith Sims

"Bob, I don't know why exactly, but your long info pieces always get read to the end, never skimmed. Very few writers can do that. More power to you!"

"You are good. I mean, real good. I can only envy your writing skill. Your newsletter is, to me, an inspiration each day it arrives. It is like "Norman Vincent Peale" or "Joel Osteen" for us in the writing and marketing business. Positive, forward-thinking, truthful. All great regards-- and please, keep 'em coming! The ideas, the knowledge, the supreme communication skills. (This is spoken from true admiration.)"
--Timothy S. Hays

"I've purchased several of your e-books, and find them all clear, direct, and absolutely on-target for things writers need to know."
--Bill Noakes

"Thank you so much! I find your e-books so informative – having bought your book Secrets of a Freelance Writer quite some time ago – I am building up quite of collection of your e-books too now! Thanks again"
--Ros Werne

"Happy New Year, Bob! Just wanted to tell you how much I appreciated getting all your stuff in 2012. I bought quite a bit, and read almost all your emails. I learned a lot from your teachings, and also from the way you comport yourself. I know I can always rely on your integrity, and the integrity of what you write or promote. That seems kind of rare on the Internet these days. I hope you enjoy 2013 with health, wealth and happiness."
--Carol Liege

"Subscriber Expectations: For what it's worth, your mode of operation, with respect to value, content and temperament is second to none. Thank you for that. I hope that the subscribers who prompted your email are the vast minority. Have a Great 2013."
--Stanley Jackson

"Great piece. You have really perfected the art of conversational writing."
--Mark R. Mowatt, Keystone Financial UT LLC

"Just a note to tell you how much I enjoy the insights about life that you put in your emails from time to time, like the email today about helping people. And also to thank you once again for the time you have given me on occasion when I have asked you a question via email. You are an inspiration to me of how to run a business with principle, openness and honesty. Thank you."
--Ken Klug

"I ordered the Copywriter's Toolkit from you approximately 2 months ago. I finally had a chance to leaf it through it and I want to thank you for such an excellent source of helpful information! Your templates, checklists, and advice will help me greatly as I move into a serious freelance career. You didn't have to provide everything you did. The fact that you did, only speaks to the kind of person you are. Thank you!"
--Christina Allsop

"Not to be fawning but in my opinion you are the guru I most want to emulate."
--Chris Marlow

"Thanks for your e-mails and the wealth of information you share. Perhaps some day I will actually have the nerve to attempt to make a living writing. But in the meantime, in my "pro" column is having had the opportunity, however briefly, to work with you, and to continue to learn from you."
--Kim Prario

"It is time for me to let you know how much I appreciate and am inspired by your e-newsletters. I read them all, word for word. You are truly one of my all-time heroes! Thank you so much for all of the valuable information you share so generously."
--Chris King

"I love the newsletter that you send. I have been a subscriber for a number of years, and have purchased a number of your products which have helped my business immensely."
--Terry OLIVER

"I subscribe to a lot of email newsletters. Yours is the only one, that when it comes in, I stop whatever I'm doing to read it."
--Dennis Maille

"I always appreciate the practical and "ready to use" advice that your e-mails provide."
--Paul Ramirez

"Thanks, Bob, for a good email. I think you're a great writer. I wonder how many people actually understand the fact that "great writer" means someone who can write simple, declarative sentences and string them together with a deft hand. We can always count on you for that. You chose a good topic because everyone wants to be happy but we all struggle to find the right recipe - that balanced blend of meaningful work, relationship, and family that feels right. I always look forward to your emails and I can honestly say that you're the only writer/newsletter I've followed longterm; most come and go."
--Ken Haedrich

"After reading your message today I happily said yes...yes! I want to thank you for your gift to all of us, your subscribers, of your many emails , with so much wisdom, humility and loving advice. I know it takes a lot of effort to do that every time again and again. I take that sometimes for granted and today I just want to let you know how very much I appreciate every email you send me. I wish you and your family a long and happy life."
--Herma Waldthausen

"I really enjoy these philosophical meditations. I find them at once pragmatic and encouraging. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with your readers."
--Roberto Lebron

"This email newsletter may be shorter than usual, but it is of much higher value that may at first be realized. For any new comers reading this newsletter, suggest you go back an re-read it and think about what you have read. There is a natural desire to join everything when you first start out in business. But there are many things that are a waste of time. I have learned in somewhat of a hard way that you can save an invaluable amount of time and money by signing up to and reading and studying quality information--which includes Bob Bly's newsletters-- (meaning concentrating on what you are reading and contemplate what your are reading and take appropriate action). I can personally testify (after learning the hard way and wasting a lot of time and money) that you can do yourself a lot of time and money by keeping up with Bob Bly's newsletters. They are truly invaluable. Thank you Bob Bly for your valuable free newsletters..."
--Ken Brooks Johnson

"I have purchased a couple of things from you and have appreciated your material. More importantly, I am on your email list for your emails and deeply appreciate your knowledge, your perspective and your forthrightness in telling the real story and not the hype and the sometimes less than reality pitches I so often see."
--Kelley R.J. Tetzlaff

"Thanks for being truthful with all us on your list. There's so much hype out here in the internet world that reality seems like a distant cousin. Love your stuff! Know you have an appreciative audience."
--Teri G.

"I just wanted to thank you for keeping your emails real. I have subscribed and unsubscribed to so many in my lifetime, yet I continuously enjoy yours because you tell it like it is. Keep 'em coming!"
--Christina McCalla

"While I am here, I just wanted to say thanks. Your advice, whether through AWAI, your own books, or these emails, has been like a self-generating flashlight to use while I explore this new cavern. For the past few months I have tested myself to see if I could jump from my career in data architecture into copywriting. Your advice, along with Ilise's podcasts, helped me see how much of my own experience could be mapped over. It has really helped me move from corporate life to business for myself."
--David Pederson

"Thanks, Bob, I always trust you to be honest. When your emails come through I say to myself, ‘Oh good, it's from Bob, it will have no hype, and will be honest and tell the truth.’ Thanks!"
--Jennifer Loss

"Thanks very much. And a quick hail to you... I've been reading your books for 20 years. You and Caples are my two favorite direct response authors. All the best and God bless."
--Ross Holt

"I'm writing to thank you for all the wonderful resources and information I always find in my inbox via your newsletter. I also have read many of your books and e-books - they are always worth the purchase and the time. They are priceless, really. When I see one of your products I trust it to be a valuable and indispensable investment, because that's what you have provided me at every turn. So I just wanted to finally take the time to thank you: Thank you!"
--Livia Akstein Vioto

"Yours is the only email I not only always open but also usually keep for future reference. Thanks again."
--Chas Demain

"As always, you provide more quality information at no cost to your subscribers than anyone else out there. I do, indeed, thank you!"
--John Torre

"I know you're a very busy man so please don't take time out to reply to this. I just had to tell you that this is probably the most important email I have received from anyone, ever. Simple but so powerful. Thank you from a grateful subscriber."
--Richard Drakes

"It's in the writing that you shine and brighten readers like me. You are so clear and take a topic to reader's viscera. I thank you."

"You certainly achieved your goal for this e-email. So good to read. You really have a clear and intelligent perspective on the topics you write about. Thanks for producing them."
--Jacques Dufour

"Very enlightening! This is excellent motivational information for virtually everyone."
--Ken Brooks Johnson

"I really found value in this email. Thank you for writing it. I'd also like to tell you that I admire you as a writer because you are consistent at sending out communication. I see this as real communication from the heart. It's real and tells me you are a real and caring person. This is not the norm in email newsletters sent out by the majority these days. Thank you."
--Janis Ihrig

"I follow you not only because you are a great copywriter, but I also enjoy the glimpses into your personal life that show me your integrity while going through life, just us "regular folks."
--Nannette Klein

"By the way, in case it’s worth anything to you to know it, after following just about every freelance writer and his brother – copywriting, technical, and otherwise – for some time now, you are the only one I still consistently follow. You always have sage and grounded
advice and insights."
--Barb Ostapina, InfoMatters Resource (www.InfoMattersResource.com)

"I receive many emails about everything. But yours are the only ones I always read. So much of what you say applies to living a better life, not just to business and marketing. No need to reply, but I do appreciate you and the lessons of life you teach."
--Stephen Greenfield

"I am a fan of your books, articles and courses. Your use of words is cogent, and I Iike your direct, straightforward style - it's very readable."
--Nick Fielden

"Bob, I get about 30 emails per day from all kinds of writing and copy writing sources. Yours is the only one I almost always open. Really good stuff... Thanks."
--Dan Pesta

"Bob, thank you for the gift of your time to send us these pearls, which are just HEAVEN for an information junkie, like me. Seriously … if I can’t immediately use the information, I just put it on the “shelf” until needed. Peace and blessings!"
--Deb Jeffers

"I've bought two of your reports on freelance copywriting. I just wanted to tell you that your content is useful, inspiring and thought-provoking. So thanks very much."
--Damien Seaman

"Thanks for once again hitting a towering home run with your insights. As always, your message was on point, on topic and on target."
--Ken Speegle

"As always you are the best, and I always look for your input!"
--Roger Moore

"I am finding the $$ I've spent on Bob's products to be some of the best investment I've ever made in my career as a copywriter and consultant, and I've been doing this for a dozen years. Many thanks for the "all-quality, no fluff" products!"
--Mary Shafer

"I value the value you send us in your Letter. Thanks for the short and sweet content."
--Bob McCord

"Your newsletter is one of the few I actually read and look forward to getting every week."
--David Eidt

"Hasn't anyone noticed that your free DRL provides more value than many paid publications. I sure have. And this is why I save everyone and review them frequently."
--Bob Williams

"Thank you very much for the handbook and for all the information you provide to us. Your high energy level astounds me. I would be happy if I only possessed a tenth of yours!"
--Jane Walz

"I'd also like to thank you for everything else you taught me. I only put up my own "marketing shingle" after reading your books. I enjoy your e-mails immensely. "
--Frimit Blum

"I'm grateful for all your work and - as they saying goes: If I have seen further it is by standing on ye shoulders of giants. (Isaac Newton) This letter is way overdue - but just wanted to say a quick 'thank you'."
--Charlie Gaudet

"Good post, Bob. I have always found that your products live up to your billing. Nice to know there are people like you out there that one can depend on."
--Lois Bartholomew

"Thank you again for being one of the white hats of copywriting/marketing. I always appreciate your candor and advice - and look forward to any products you offer that are a good fit."
--Tony Zarembski

"Thank you for the thorough and helpful critique. Obviously, I have some work to do to strengthen my publication and revise my landing page. But it is great to finally know where to start and what to do. I’ll let you know how it goes."
--MN Gordon

"Just wanted to say 'Thanks!' for all the great content you provide, both in your publications and your free e-newsletter. The information and copywriting systems & techniques I have learned from you, have been very, very helpful to me, in improving the effectiveness of both our online and direct mail marketing materials. After all the valuable free content I’ve received from your emails, I truly feel indebted to you."
--Mark Mowatt

"Thanks for the latest post. It feels great t o hear from you. I always take something positive away from your writing. Please keep up the good work. Despite your critics, keep on moving forward. We are your support system."
--Archan Mehta

"I really love your advice in this email. I have saved every one of your emails since I started getting them on May 27, 2008. No, I haven't sent you any feedback till now. I'm really amazed at everything you do so well, & your output is phenomenal, in my humble opinion."
--Kathleen Lisle

"Your emails are so much fun -- I never know what I'm going to get! Truly I am better for experiencing your newsletter, books and programs."
--Holly Mathis

"Yes, I do like your message. When you write training books, articles or programmes, or discuss doing so as you have done in your letter, you are in your element. Your tuition is always thorough, detailed and well written. Your writing style is very readable, and every written work of yours that I have purchased has been great value for money."
--Nick Fielden

"Bob, your copy is so good that I sometimes study it as much as I study your products. My feeling has always been that if the sales copy is great - the product will be great as well. And that is usually valid."
--Mike Anderson

"I read your newsletter and Drayton Bird's. No one else's is as worthwhile for me. Thank you for another thoughtful, cogent and readable peice!"
--Mac Cohen

"I've been following your newsletters since when you were mailing them out. I'm always impressed at the content."
--Valrie Cobb

"I liked your article. I admire you for your ability to communicate and accept communication from others. I also admire you for being able to make and have money with a fair exchange. I enjoy hearing your honest viewpoint. Thank you for being a real person who knows what communication really is."
--Janis Ihrig

"Thanks for another wonderful newsletter full of helpful, direct information. Your points are right on (from my experience) and your P.S. tip at the end to read Brian Tracy was wonderful. Thank you for continuing to be an inspiration to me as I forge ahead as a freelance copywriter. Your materials are the ones I always reach for. Thank you, thank you!"
-- Kris

"Thanks for all your invaluable advice over the years. I'm one of the guys who's been buying your stuff since the 80's and I can't think of one piece of material I haven't grown from reading, in some way or form. Every once in a while, I talk with you on the phone and I'm always struck by how approachable and helpful you are. I really shouldn't be that surprised because I know you know, it's a smart way to do business. But there are a lot of successful people who don't act that way. I've heard you say on some of your CD's that you're grumpy a lot of the time but go out of your way to make your customers feel valued when they call. I don't really believe the grumpy part or that you talk with your customers to try to make them feel good. I think the real reason you talk with me (and I'm sure I'm not the only one) is you genuinely like people and want them to succeed."
--Mark Kratzer

"Love your emails. Just wanted to take a moment to say thanks for taking the time to share some of the things you go through. Funny. Sad. Frustrating. But all entertaining and thought provoking. Thanks for sharing."
--Charlie Hoffman

"I have to say I'm always impressed by the amount of practical, useful content you give away in these emails. And it seems to be getting even better in the last few months."
--James Grabowski

"Can't thank you enough for the stuff you write. And I'm utterly amazed at the way you keep coming up with pertinent topics that really give me something key to chew on."
--John Dzwonkowski

"Just yesterday I was a dancing monkey! I have subscribed to your emails for a number of years. Every so often (when purging my emails) I consider unsubscribing but never do because you have consistent, authentic jewels and this definitely qualifies as one of them! Definitely going to do this. Thanks again and wishing you many happy days."
--Karen Marley