My 7-step process for SEO copywriting
by Bob Bly

When writing web pages, I use a simple 7-step formula for SEO copywriting.

My proven SEO copywriting process results in highly persuasive pages that are written first and foremost for the human reader - your prospect.

Yet these clear, smooth-reading pages are fully optimized. Result: significantly higher Google rankings generating more unique visitors.

1—Keyword research ... someone - you or I - has to determine the key words for which your site should be optimized.

For more information on a useful do-it-yourself keyword research tool, click here now:

2—Keyword selection ... from the list of keywords developed in step one, select the one keyword for which the page we are writing should be optimized.

The keyword should be one that closely relates to the topic covered in the copy on that page.

3—Write persuasive copy for a human reader ... that's right - forget about search engines for now.

Your first draft should be the strongest, most natural-sounding piece of copy you can write, targeted 100% at the prospect reading the page.

4—Add keywords to the copy ... now go back and selectively insert the key word into the copy as often as you can - without making the page sound forced or unnatural.

If inserting a keyword in a sentence results in bad copy, don't use it. Leave the sentence as is.

Ignore rigid formulas that specify keyword density, position, or frequency of insertion.

I do recommend that if it does not interfere with powerful copywriting, we place the keyword in the headline ... the first sentence ... the last sentence ... and of course within the middle paragraphs as appropriate.

5—Write metatags - this is part of the HTML code of the page.

You can check any site's metatags at

The steps in writing the metatags are:

>> Title tag ... this is the most important metatag.

The title tag is what your visitors see at the top of their browser when they click onto the page. Keep it to 6 or 7 words.

Ideally the title tag should start with the keyword. For instance, instead of "Bob Bly, freelance copywriter," write "Freelance copywriter Bob Bly."

>> Description tag ... this is what the user sees on the search engine results page (SERP) - maximum length is 120 characters.

>> Keyword tag ... place the main keyword for the page and any related keywords in this tag.

6—Post the page ... drive traffic to it ... and use an analytics package to measure the key performance metrics.

The most important metric is where the page ranks on Google for the keyword for which we have optimized it.

7—Monitor and tweak - continually track page rank ... if it falls below the desired position (ideally, the top 5 for that keyword), tweak it to see if you can improve the position.

To have me write search engine optimized pages for your web site, call me at 973-263-0562 or click here now.