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Ads (Moving Targets, The Savage Nation, AVBLEND, e-PostDirect, Sterling, Medrecon, Filterite, Airpol, Unilux, Echols, PC Publishing, HB Pascal, Digital Linguistix, American Medical Collection Agency, Secrets of a Freelance Writer, Secrets of Successful Direct Mail, Jay Geier's Scheduling Institute, Prostate, MarketClub, Gretag Macbeth, Continental Conveyor & Equipment Company, Inc., 7 Ways to Double Your Direct Mail Response, Claudio Reyes Beds)
Ad Specialties (Bulova, Positive Promotions, Elf Promotional Products)
Aerospace, Aviation, and Defense (Allied Signal Space, Boeing Litton Westinghouse, Avblend, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Westinghouse ASR Characteristics, Embraer Executive Jets, Embraer Legacy 500)
Advertorials (Fortune, e-Post Direct)
Annual Reports (Convergent Solutions, NEIC)
Anti-Aging (GARM Clinic)
Architectural, Construction, Infrastructure, Home Design (Architectural Record Letter, Modulog, Sussel Garage Builders, Garden State Venetian Blind Company, Continental Conveyor & Equipment Company Inc., Leica Geosystems)
Automotive and Vehicular (Value Rent-a-Car, Automotive Electronics, Gretag Macbeth ColorEye® XTH, Drive Safer, Gretag Macbeth, Drive Safer Email, Imetrik, Unique Truck)
Autoresponder E-mail Series (Motley Fool, Commerce Payment System)
Banking (CoreStates, Howard Savings Bank, Philadelphia National Bank, National Westminster Bank, Chase Manhattan Bank)
Beds (Care and Comfort), (Claudio Reyes Ads), (Claudio Reyes Catalogs), (Care & Comfort Letter)
Beauty (Sun, Test Tube, SensiTone, Restore, Immortal)
Billboards (FRA Trust)
Billing & Collection (Speed E-Bill, RMCB)
Blog Posts (Load Cells, Science Fiction UFO, 10 Great Science Fiction Books No SF Fan Should Miss Out, Global Travel International, Battlefield Earth, To The Stars: L. Ron Hubbard’s Man Out of Time)
Bookalogs (The Oxford Club)
Booklets (Fala Direct Marketing, Studebaker-Worthington, Bulova)
Books (The Savage Nation, Matthew Lesko, What Would Jesus Eat, Prentice Hall, Bottom Line Publications, MeritDirect, Bottom Line Secrets, Fatigued Nation, Oil Factor, Scientific American Library, Mark Morgan Fod, The Direct Marketing Handbook)
Books, Ghostwritten (IBM, Winning with Commercial Real Estate)
Boats & Ships (A.L. Don Company, Allied Fibers & Plastics, Middle Oak Marine Insurance)
Boot Camps (iSecure Online, AWAI weekend, Agora)
Brochures (BOC Gases, CommVault Systems, Database Direct Inc., Dybec, GretagMacbeth, Hold Brothers, Quadrix Solutions, Advanced System Concepts, M&T Chemicals, RTape, AIRCO)
Buck Slip (Thompson & Co.)
Bumper Stickers (Ad-A-Name Inc.)
Business Opportunities (Absolute Wealth, Selling Yourself as a Copywriter, AWAI, Ken Roberts, Property Locator, Internet Warrior, United States Chart Company, Appraisal Review Biz)
Business Newsletters (Fiberoptics Marketing Intelligence, Managed Care, American Health Consultants, The Reseller's Report)
Catalog (IBM, GretagMacbeth, Map Art, Unique Truck, American Techmart Services, ITT, Successories, ITT Engineered Valves, Claudio Reyes Beds Collection)
Cartoons (6-Figure Income, Free, Mocha Java, Eyes, Meet the Author, We're Closed, Lobster family reunion, Cereal Killer, Portfolio, Support Group, Luke Cage, Anti-Social Distancing)
Case Studies (Interseal, Koch Engineering, JMW Consultants, Sony, U.S. West, Bank of America, Continental Conveyors)
Case Study Letters (Engineered Software, Inc., Middle Oak, CRB & Associates)
Chemicals (Certincoat, M&T Chemicals Inc., Airco, Takeda Chemical Industries, AIRCO: Nitrogen)
Christian Market (What Would Jesus Eat?, Wild At Heart)
Cleaning (Deluca Cleaning Systems, MudKill)
Company Newsletters (Sony, EBI Medical Systems, GEI Energy Decisions, BOC Gases, King Casey, Advanced Solutions, Bits & Pieces for Sales People)
Computer Hardware (DAX Systems, Inc., IBM ATM 25, IBM Portable Personal Computer, IBM Take-Off, Studebaker Worthington Leasing Corp., Aspex Incorporated)
Consulting (CRB & Associates, JMW Consultants Inc.)
Consumer Products (OTT Lite Technology, Halleyscope, Mini Jump Starter)
Creative Briefs (Creative Brief)
Credit and Collections (Unlimited Credit, American Medical Collection Agency, RMCB, RMCB, Inc.)
Critiques (Mailing critique)
Data Sheets (GretagMacbeth, Koch Engineering, Praxair, AIRCO, Yourdon, Crosswind Technologies)
Debt Resolution (Waterford)
Dental (Link Plus, Splint Lock, Howmedica Inc., Jay Geier's Scheduling Institute, Dental Seminar Flier, Denture Free 4 Life)
Digest (US Chart Sales Piece)
Direct Mail - Business to Business (Fiberoptics Marketing Intelligence, Prentice Hall, Managed Care Contract Negotiator, SurfControl, The Teaching Professor, Novell Companion, American Health Consultants, Planner Pads, Co., Weka Publishing, Inc., The Oxford Club)
Direct Mail Samples - Business to Consumer (Matthew Lesko, Gold Stocks Advisory, Forecasts and Strategies, StoneBridge Village, Real Wealth)
Distribution, Shipping, and Logistics (Associated Partstock, Associated Medical Logistics, 800SameDay Press Release, Associated Air Freight Inc.)
Document Management (UMC Imaging Systems, Inc.)
Double Postcards (Nature Biotechnology)
Essays (Franchising, The Palm Beach Letter)
E-mail, HTML (Vermont Country Store, Agora Inc., Stealth Stocks, Forbes, Forbes Option Advisor, Glider Technology Report, Forbes TPO, Forbes ETF, Edith Roman, Forbes- Janet Brown, Gold & Energy Zealot, 21st Century Alert, Forbes- Professional timing service, Forbes-Oberweis Report, The Single-Stock Futures Revolution, AWAI Mailing)
E-mail Marketing, text (Stealth Stocks,, Art & Logic, IBM ABI, Data Management Solutions, Gift Upgrade, FREE STUFF for Resellers, E-mail to OEM Advertisers, American Consultants League, Agora Publishing, Safe Money Report, Peak Performance Publishing, SafeApp Software, Boardroom, AWAI, Direct Response Letter)
Education (One Day University, University of Maryland, Drive Safer, PDH Engineer, TOEFL Test Preparation, School Policy Legal Insider, OTT-Lite Technology, ProScope)
Energy (Casey Energy Speculator, Intelligent Investor Report, Rising Star Stocks, Oil Factor, Mini Jump Starter)
E-newsletters (Edith Roman, Advanced Solutions)
Electronics (National Electric Code, GE Solid State, COMFET, Bank of America, PSE&G, IEEE Service Center, Electronic Component News)
Engineering (Pipe-Flo)
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) (Syner-Chi Evelyine, All States Medical Supply, Adam's Secret, Provarin)
Exercise (Four Hour Fitness Formula, The Bodysculpt System, EPH Bomb)
E-zine Ads (, Millennium Wave Investor E-Letter, Stealth Stocks)
Exit Pops (Bob Bly's FREE Bonus Gift)
Facebook Ads (Writing eBooks for Fun and Profit)
Fashion (Invellus Custom Clothiers)
Fax Broadcast (Mitch Schneider, Marketing With Model Homes, Introducing Automotive Electronics, Hotels Magazine)
Feature Articles (American Programmer, Healthcare Material Management, COMFET, Cleanroom, Cellukork)
Financial Newsletters (Gold Stocks Advisory, Forecasts and Strategies, Dan Ferris, Penny Stock Fortunes, Real Wealth, Stealth Stock Trading System, The Buy Back Letter, The Oxford Club, The Oxford Alert War Room, Forbes, Dow Theory Forecasts, Nanotech Report Forbes)
Financial Services (Sam Nassi Company Inc., Studebaker Worthington Leasing Corp., David B. Root, SD Trust, Michael Marcovitz, James Lange, Option Selling, Forbes, CoreStates Bank of Delaware NA, FRA Trust)
Financial Software (Value Line)
Fitness (Beach Body, 4 Hour Fitness Formula)
Flash Scripts (Metropolitan Area Networks)
Food and Food Processing (Romanicos Chocolate, Moving Targets, BOC Gases)
Forced Free Trials (Directors Alert Effort)
FRA Wills (Free Workshop and Meal on January 17 & 19, 2022)
Fundraising (North Jersey Philharmonic, Foundation Source, Sterling Foundation, Children International, Jewish Tuition Organization)
Glass and Optics (BOC, Halley Scope, Certaincoat, KnowPlay)
Golf (Golf Tape Direct, Golf Odyssey)
Health Care (Medrecon, EBI Medical Systems, Johns Hopkins Medicine, VNUS, Healing Prescription, Praxair, Prostate Ad, Basic Massage Public Course, University of California Wellness, Pharmacy One Source, Caspari Orthopedics, MISYS, American Pharmacy Company, Medline Neurology, Pivotal Neuropathy, GARM Clinic, Canvas)
High Tech (Gretag Macbeth, IBM, General Electric)
Hobbies (Oil Painting Lessons)
Home Study Courses (Echols, Graphic Design Success)
Human Resources (ExecuNet, DBM Publishing, TNLT, HealthCare Compare)
Hydrocarbon Processing (Koch Flexitrays, Koch Blanket Mesh, Koch Packings, BOC Gases - Utilities and Cogeneration Facilities, BOC Gases - Hydrocarbon Blends)
Industrial Equipment (AirPol, Filterite, Dybec, BOC Gases, Alfa Laval Thermal, BOC Kryoclean, BOC Spiral Freezer, KOCH Static Mixing, OMNI VI, MICRO/PLS, Intech Gears, ITT Engineered Valves, KOCH Packings, KOCH Flexitrays)
Infographics (Pinterest)
Information Kits (Heritage Africa, Bob Bly)
Inserts (Wall Street Winners, Potence, Power Plays)
Institutional Investors (Institutional Investor Journals)
Insurance (Middle Oak, Worlds Apart, H.D. Segur Insurance, CareFirst, Middle Oak Marine Insurance)
Investor Relations (Jurak Corp Brochure, The Wireless Age)
Jewelry (New York Diamond Traders, Abe Mor)
Journalism (The Parent Paper, City Paper Stock Racing, City Paper Holy Air Time, New Jersey Monthly, Tachyons, Laser Fusion, A Firebrand at 69: An Interview with Harlan Ellison, Gravity Waves, Blackholes in the Universe)
Landing Pages (Selling Yourself as a Freelance Copywriter, Breakthrough Advertising, Selling Yourself Weekend Workshop, Casey Energy Speculator, Big Money Watch, Real Estate Arena, Brain Evolution System, CRISS, Complete Landlord, Real Estate Arena, Half-Priced Stocks, Big Gold, Bond Desk, ETF Momentum Tracker, Ministry of Wealth, Property Locator, Cholesterol Report,, Stealth Stocks, Good Energy Savings, B2B Handbook,, Card Shield)
Leasing (FREE STUFF for Resellers, Studebaker Worthington Leasing Corp., Studebaker Worthington Leasing Corp., Studebaker Worthington Leasing Corp., Studebaker Worthington Leasing Corp.)
Legal (E & S, LLC, Osha Construction, John Smith, Adrian Day's Investment Analyst, School Policy Legal Insider)
Lift Letter (Perry's Chemical Engineer Handbook)
Loose-leaf Services (Weka Electronics Repair Manual, The Novell Companion, Maximize your PC)
Lottery (Lustig Lottery Method)
Magalogs (California Technology Stock Letter, Dan Ferris Power Report, Roger Conrad's Utility Forecaster, Vanguard, Fishback, Wavestrength, Utility Forecaster)
Manuals (Toro, Koch Engineering Company)
Manufacturing (CRB & Associates, Henderon Industries, World Class Manufacturing)
Market Research (Teens Tweens, Findex)
Marketing Plans (Marketing Plan Handbook)
Marketing Services (Data Base Direct, e-Post Direct, Fala Direct Marketing, Olleymay Media, Fala Direct Marketing)
Material Handling (Henderson Industries, Continental Conveyor & Equipment Company, Inc.)
Membership (AIAA, American Chemical Society, IEEE Service Center, AICHE)
Metals and Metalworking (Alloy Technology, BOC Gases, White Metals Weekly, Epner Technology Inc., Atlantic Diecasting Industries)
Mining (Continental Conveyor & Equipment Company, Inc.)
Mortgages (Pacific Coast Funding Inc., AFS Financial Inc.)
Networking (Novell Companion, LAN/WAN Internetworking, Total Network Solutions, Inc., Enhanced Network Services)
Nutritional Supplements (Potence, Ultimate Vision, Biocentric Health, Accel, Aloes International Inc., WheyLogic, Monster T, Smart Essentials, Shark Cartilage, Athletic Greens, Prime Male, Medix Select)
Online ADs (OPE Recruiting Conference & Expo, OPExtra)
Order Pages (Stealth Stocks)
Online Courses (Bly Copy Training)
Outer Envelopes (Blind #10 Outer Envelope)
Packaging (Map Art)
Paints and Coatings (Gretag Macbeth, Certincoat)
Pets (It Takes Two)
Pest Control (PestPac, Termatrac)
Plastics (Modern Plastics, Gretag Macbeth, Koch Engineering Company)
Postcards (Gail Coopersmith, Commercial Property Rebate Tax, Plastic Gears, SurfControl, Complete Landlord, Middle Oak, Tunkey Fire, Gear Engineering, Machine Lubrication, Rollers, Fielder's Choice, B2B Handbook, Secrets of Landlords)
Press Release Samples (Gigapet, Koch Engineering, DeskNet, SRW Technologies, Unique Truck Equipment Inc., 800SameDay, Exaktime, The Communication Workshop, Get Feisty, Recession PR, Lange Financial Group, Koch Backgrounder)
Printing and Prepress (C&C Printshop, GretagMacbeth, R Tape Corporation)
Political (Michael Savage, Lignet, Savage AD, Liberty Classroom)
Pollution Control/Environmental (KOCH Engineering Company Inc. Ad, Clean Venture Inc., KOCH Engineering Company Inc. Brochure, AIRCO, AirPol Inc.)
Pulp and Paper (Retec Consilium Bulk, Airco, Safematic, Ayers, Irvington Moore)
Public Seminars (How To Become A Published Author)
Radio Commercials (Savage Nation, Econophone, Homefield Financial)
Real Estate (Stonebridge Village, HB Pascal & Company, Inc., RL Strategy,, Pascal and Company Inc., Talia Jevan Properties Inc., Appraisal Reviews)
Reference Works (National Electric Code, Physicians Desk Reference)
Renewal Samples (Stocks On The Move, Leeb's Index Options Alert, LIO renewal series, Personal Finance, Roger Conrad's Utility Forecaster, Plato Software Systems, Growth Stock Winners, Complete Investor, Crain's Detroit Business - From the Desk of Mary Kramer, Crain's Detroit Business - Book of Lists, Crain's Detroit Business, Louis Rukeyser's Wall Street)
Retirement (Kiplinger, Nightingale Conant Corporation)
Safety (OSHA Construction Safety, Safety Presentations on CD-ROM, Process Safety Magazine, National Electric Code)
Sales Enablement (AT&T, Monday One, The Wells & Drew Companies, Passlogix, Intech Power-Core)
Sales Letters (IBM, Value Rent-A-Car, Graver Chemical, Glove and Safety People, Jobclock System, ITG, Modulog, RV Atlas, Fala Direct Marketing, Inc., Thompson & Co., B2B Handbook)
Security (Information Week, Studebaker Worthington Leasing Corp., Passlogix, MediSafe, Culper Risk, Culper Services)
Self Help (Uri Geller, L. Ron Hubbard)
Self Mailers (Medline Neurology, IBM, Medrecon, Teens & Tween, NFPA)
Seminars (Bradford and Company Inc., Kepner Tregoe, Institute of Management Accountants, SEBA Solutions Inc., Writing for ISO 9000, How To Become A Published Author)
Semiconductors (GE Solid State, BOC Gases)
Services (American Medical Collection Agency, Chubb)
Slim Jim Brochures (RMCB, Chubb)
Snap Packs (Aviation Week, Modern Plastics, Physicians' Desk Reference)
Special Reports (Bullion Investment Corporation, Leica Geosystems, Bulova Watch Company, Inc., Appraisal Reviews)
Squeeze Pages (Complete Landlord, Drive Safer, Appraisal Reviews, Tongueology, B2B Handbook, Corona Business Strategies)
Software (SurfControl, Yourdon, Software Diversified Services, Third Brigade, Vault, Stellar Software Corp., Sycero, ETSAP, Haht Software, Citrix, Applied Business Technology Corporation, Mortice Kern Systems Inc., Plato Software Corp., MKS RCS, ASPEX)
Stock Promotions (Wireless Age, Rising Star, Discerning Investor, Gold and Energy Advisor Fortuna Final Magazine, XP Final Version1, Diatom Mailer, EWIN, EWIN Ad, Solar Night, Wall Street Alert)
Tabloids (Wireless Age)
Taxes (BradFord, Intuit, Kiplinger, Bradford and Company Inc., Academic Information Service Inc., Lacerte, Tax Reduction Letter, Tax Wise Money)
Technical Bulletins (General Electric, Timeplex, Wallace & Tiernan)
Technical Services (Spectrum Clearing, RF Services)
Tear Sheets (Competitive Advantage, The Oxford Club)
Telecom (SunRocket, Lucent Switch, AT&T, Timeplex, Nortel Networks, AT&T Cellular Digital Packet Data)
Test & Measurement Instruments (LeCroy)
Thank You Pages (Appraisal Review Biz, Drive Safer, Title Appraisal Reviews, 21 Steps to Writing and Publishing Profitable E-books Online, Combination thank-you/landing page, Bly Copy Training)
Tip Sheets (Robert and Amy Bly)
Trade Show Panels (Koch Engineering, Westinghouse TPS Radar, Korea Electronics Show)
Trading Services (Hold Brothers On-Line Investment Services Inc., AbleSys Corporation, Shoestring Millionaire, Trading for Life, McMaster Online, Fishback, Sarnoff Samurai Strategies, The Shoestring Millionaire, The Ken Roberts Company, Market Publications, Option Advisor)
Training and Development (Caskey Achievement Strategies, American Media Incorporated)
Travel (RV Atlas, Official Hotel & Resort Guide, International Living, RV Atlas, Italy Tours, Value Rent-A-Car, Echols International Tourism Institute, Heritage Africa Safari, Heritage Africa)
Upsell Pages (How To Make Money With Facebook Ads And Boosted Posts)
Utilities (Public Service Enterprise Group Inc., Interseal, GEI Energy Decisions, PSE&G)
Valves (ITT, ITT Dia-Flo Global Manufacturing Inc.)
Videos (IBM, Westinghouse, Tripacus, Prime Male, Marketing Consultant Video, Max Returns Real Estate Investments, Copy Clinic, 5-Step Selling System, Video on videos)
Video Engagement Sales Funnel (Sales Funnel Blueprint)
Video Sales Letters (Cresceo, WheyLogic, Arterin, Four Hour Fitness Formula, U.S. Air Force Discovery, A Farmer’s Secret, Met Actif (Metabolism Active))
Vocational Training (Echols International Tourism Institute, G. Schweitzer Massage Therapist Corp., The Chubb Institute)
Vouchers (Kiplinger's Personal Finance)
Water and Wastewater (WR Hydro-Circ for Reactivators, Tech Topics, Reverse Osmosis Water Production System, Aqua Global, Graver Water - Demineralized Water, DAVCO, Graver Chemical, AIRCO - pH in Wastewater, AIRCO - Pure Oxygen Boosts Water Quality, Graver Water - The Elf/Anvar Coalescer, Real Wealth, Utility Forecaster)
Webinar Registration Pages (Ideal Computer Systems, Inc.)
Web Site Samples (Atlantic Telecom, Coopersmith List Consultants, E-Speak Online, Edith Roman,,, Riverside Advisors, SRW Technologies, Starling Group, Studebaker-Worthington, BDNA Corp., Sussel Builders, Test of English as a Foreign Language, Reluctant Speakers Club, Micro Dynamic Portfolio, Prime Male, Celtic Complexion, Mind Lab Pro, Meehan Formulations, Talk Fusion, Heritage Africa Safari, Culper Risk, GARM Clinic)
White Papers ( CMS ROI , Hyperion Software, Koch Engineering, Domain Names, Sign On Platform, Death of Passwords, PSE&G, Altiris, Chasm Recovery, LexBase, Integrated Analytics, EnableSoft Inc., FARO, Conative Software Design)
Wraps (Facility Management Advisor)
Weight Loss (SuperSlim, Dynamic Changes, Rapid Loss, Body Sculpt, Leanology, Negative Calories Report)
Welcome Email (Corona Business Strategies)