we also made profits of:
- 311%
on Enron*
- 180%
on Lucent Technologies*
- 88%
on Legato Systems
- 143%
on Applied Micro*
- 85%
on Network Associates
- 191%
on WorldCom*
- 89%
on Nortel
* Using a 50% margin.
Now our new online report --
yours FREE when you subscribe to a FREE 30-day trial
-- helps you safely and legally avoid devastating
losses, and rake in handsome gains, from the next
ImClone ...the next Xerox ...the next WorldCom...the
next Tyco...and the next Global Crossing.
It's hard to get mad at Martha Stewart for dumping
her ImClone shares.
After all, when you know a stock is going to crash
and burn, who wants to go down with it?
The only mistake Martha allegedly made was getting
her advance warning about ImClone's fall from grace illegally.
Her broker, Peter Bacanovic, allegedly tipped Ms.
Stewart that another of his clients, ImClone CEO Sam
Waksal, had called him earlier that day with a
frantic order to sell all his shares.
Waksal later admitted using inside knowledge to
illegally dump his ImClone shares, and is now
serving a prison term of more than 7 years.
Ms. Stewart avoided a huge loss in her portfolio by
selling her ImClone stock based on this insider tip.
But on March 5, 2004 a jury found her guilty of all
four charges in the stock-trading case against her.
The good news is: You can stay ahead of the market
like Martha Stewart did ... but without the
legal liability that landed her in a courtroom.
Bruce Gulliver, perhaps the most brilliant
quantitative analyst on Wall Street, has developed a
fool-proof "early warning system" for
identifying -- and making handsome profits on --
troubled companies about to be "torpedoed"
by fraud, tax cheating, numbers fudging, false
earnings reports, declining fundamentals, or other
negative news.
It's as reliable as getting insider information --
except it's 100% legal!
By heeding his uncannily accurate rating system,
Bruce's private clients made 86% profit by shorting
Tyco ... 76% profit on Citrix Systems ... 90% profit
on Cablevision ... 79% profit on Broadcom ... and
83% profit on Emulex.
These same clients also avoided devastating
losses by selling Enron, WorldCom, Qwest, Cisco,
Corning, and dozens of others losers when Bruce said
to bail.
Now Bruce Gulliver has identified the next 5
companies poised for an Enron-like disaster.
His new special report, "5 More ImClones
Ready for a Fall," shows how you can avoid
major losses by purging these soon-to-be losers from
your portfolio -- or make a hefty profit by shorting
You'll have immediate access to this brand-new
online special report when you sign up for a FREE
30-day trial to Torpedo Watch. Click
the button below to sign up now and access your FREE

sure you're not holding these 5
stocks in your portfolio.
In your FREE special report, you'll get Bruce's full
research recommendations on the 5 Wall Street
favorites he believes are about to experience a heap
of trouble -- and a precipitous decline in stock
COMPANY #1 ... We've already made 76%
profit shorting software maker Citrix. Here's
another software company whose stock is ready to
take a dive. Return on invested capital has
plummeted, from 179% in fiscal 2002 to just 7.9% in
fiscal 2003. Net income is down 72% -- from $13.7
million to $3.9 million -- during the same period.
Selling for 73 times trailing 12-month earnings and
nearly 37 times cash flow, the company is
ridiculously over- priced.
COMPANY #3 ... This is a popular clothing
company owned by thousands of individual investors.
Return on investment is at a 3-year low -- an anemic
7.8%. Retail sales are down 5.9%, and earnings per
share have fallen to 61 cents from 93 cents a year
earlier. We made a 56% profit shorting
Abercrombie & Fitch, and plan to make even more
shorting this giant retailer.
COMPANY #5 ... This luxury hotel
chain blames lackluster year-end results on SARS and
the hurricane in Bermuda, but rapidly deteriorating
fundamentals show that the damage goes much deeper.
In one year, gross margins fell from 35.3% to 22.8%,
while operating cash flow dropped from $58.6 million
to $42.7 million, a decline of 27.1%. Net income is
also down 43%.
To help you protect your wealth ... and enjoy
explosive profits by shorting these future losers
today ... I want you to read Bruce's new report,
"5 More ImClones Ready for a Fall" immediately!
Now, there is a string attached. But it's a small
one ....
In exchange for sending you Bruce's research on
these 5 ready-to-tumble stocks, we ask you to accept
a FREE 30-day subscription to his advisory service, Torpedo
Watch -- with no obligation or commitment
of any kind.

consistently spots
"the next Enrons" before other
investors even hear about them
Bruce Gulliver, Editor of Torpedo Watch, is
one of the most highly respected "quantitative
analysts" in the business.
Quantitative analysts are numbers guys, hired
by portfolio managers, to perform due diligence
checks on the stocks they own or intend to own.
Over the past 14 years, Bruce -- a Ph.D. in finance
and a CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) -- has
refined his methods to develop a 5-point ratings
system that spots disasters-in-waiting with uncanny
accuracy. He regularly speaks at meetings of the
prestigious Association for Investment Management
and Research on how to detect financial problems in
publicly traded corporations.
Institutional subscribers who acted on Bruce's
Alerts earned stellar returns by going short on our
troubled companies. Including:
profit on the sudden plunge of
Bristol-Meyers Squibb.
profit when Tyco tanked.
profit when AOL went belly up.
profit on the fall of WorldCom.
profit on the Enron scandal.*
What does Bruce look for when searching for the next
Enron or ImClone?
"Overvaluation becomes an issue when the stock
price gets ahead of its fundamentals," says
Bruce. "This is often due to investors
believing that the company fundamentals will keep
growing at a faster rate than its competitors,
market, or industry.
"The downward spike in price after
overvaluation can be sudden and often violent,
significantly damaging portfolios and offering
opportunities to make money by shorting
Other key warnings signs Torpedo Watch alerts
you of:
Aggressive accounting has become a
serious problem in recent years -- and is
often missed by investors because it requires
sweat and toil to decipher the financial
Deteriorating financial conditions can
be present even if a company is showing strong
revenues and earnings. Example: failure to
disclose off-balance-sheet items.
A significant change in operating
performance, such as the sudden loss of
a competitive advantage, can quickly cause a
stock price to fall as the company is forced
to lower gross and operating margins to
remain viable. Example: A biotech (like
ImClone) that disappoints Wall Street when
its promising new drug isn't approved by the
For instance, when auditors discovered that HPL
Technologies had overstated revenue by recording $28
million in sales that never happened, the stock fell
from $14 to 10 cents within 3 months.
Or take Xerox, which inflated its revenue by booking
deals before they were signed, and then keeping
those pre-booked deals on the records even when they
fell through.
Within 5 months, Xerox's share price fell from $59
to $5, a loss of 91%. Investors holding 1,000 shares
of Xerox when this happened lost a whopping 54
When Bruce spots troubles like these in his
quantitative analysis, he knows the stock is in
trouble and issues a warning -- so you can either
purge it from your portfolio or take a short
On the other hand, if the indicators in his 5-point
rating system are strong and vibrant, Bruce will
issue a "buy" recommendation.
And you don't have to wait years to collect your
profits. Many of our trades close in months, even
Just look at some of the fast
profits you would have made in 2003 following
Bruce's Torpedo Watch trading
Kemet Corp., 15.43%
profit in 2 months
Bioval, 26.37%
profit in 2 weeks
J2 Global Communications, 44.49%
profit in 5 weeks
Krispy Kreme, 14.04%
profit in 5 weeks
Enpro Industries, 30.46%
profit in 2 weeks
Roxio, 20.53%
profit in one week
Wet Seal, 22.81%
profit in 6 weeks
As for ImClone, Bruce issued a warning on the
stock in the fourth quarter of 2001, telling his
clients to "stay away" from this troubled
Shortly after that, ImClone began its long downward
spiral, falling from $62.80 on 12/24/01 to $16.29 on
12/25/02 -- a drop of 74%.
If you had owned 1,000 shares of ImClone, you would
have lost more than $46,000. But clients who heeded
Bruce's warning got away clean -- without Martha
Stewart's legal liability.
To get Bruce's Torpedo Watch ratings
and recommendations FREE for 30 days, click below

becomes $7.5 million
Of course, when you have a list of stocks about to
be "torpedoed" by the market, the obvious
move is to make sure you don't hold them in your
That way, when they sink, you won't lose a dime.
But the real profit opportunity for Torpedo
Watch subscribers is in shorting those
stocks Bruce predicts are going to fall hard, fast,
and far.
If you'd shorted Enron at
$90, you could have turned $25,000 into a
staggering $7.5 million! |
If you'd known to short
WorldCom when its stock was flying high at
$65, you could have turned $25,000 into an
astonishing $3.1 million. |
If you'd shorted a thousand
shares of Cisco at $65, you would have
pocketed $55,000 when it plunged to $10. |
If you'd shorted Lucent at
$40, you could have turned $25,000 into $2.4
million. |
To get your FREE special report ... and perfectly
legal insider "tips" on the next Enron,
the next WorldCom, the next Lucent...sign up for a
FREE 30-day trial today!
$1 trillion man
Bruce Gulliver started his work in identifying
torpedo companies 8 years ago while providing
proactive research services to help professional
money managers avoid being caught with their pants
down when big stocks crashed hard.
More than 50 top money managers with a total of $1
trillion under management have paid Dr. Bruce
Gulliver up to $30,000 a year each to get his
industrial-strength Torpedo Watch
research and alerts.
He has helped them make:
86% profit
on Tyco
63% profit
on Williams-Sonoma
profit on McKesson Corp.
56% profit
on Lands End
71% profit
on U.S. Airways Group
profit on Raytheon
profit on JCPenney Co.
80% profit
on PowerWave
55% profit
on Fruit of the Loom
In 2002, I convinced Bruce to offer this same
research to individual investors at a price they
could afford ... and Torpedo Watch was
Since then, his total gain on closed Torpedo
Watch trades is 178.12%.
Now you can get Bruce's stock market warnings and
recommendations for just pennies per day ... and for
the next 30 days, absolutely FREE!
bad times ahead.
Will you be protected?
When it was announced that Enron applied six
"accounting techniques" to make it appear
that the company was earning money, the share price
fell from $90 to 11 cents -- a 99.8% loss in 3
Or take AES Corp., which allegedly conspired to
cause a shortage of power during the California
energy crisis, thus driving up the price of
electricity. Once the accusation became public,
stock price fell from over $70 to below $1.
when the Rigas family was indicted in July of 2002
on charges of securities, wire, and bank fraud,
Adelphia's stock price fell from $31.71 to 9 cents a
The political fallout from Enron, Adelphia, Cendant,
GE, and others has created a crackdown on corporate
accounting and governance that's going to cause many
more corporations stumble...and send their share
prices stumbling.
As Bruce Gulliver explains, "As long as
management is motivated by higher stock price, you
are not likely to totally eliminate aggressive
accounting and fraudulent reporting. As long as
markets are competitive, there will always be big
winners -- and big losers."
The facts support his conclusion: From 1995 to 2002,
filing of securities class action suits against
public companies rose approximately 47%.
With a subscription to Torpedo Watch, you can
avoid the next Enron or ImClone to preserve your
wealth ... prevent big hits to your portfolio ...
and make a small fortune by shorting these losers as
they sink like stones.
Like Martha Stewart, you'll be able to dump or short
losing stocks without losing a dime -- but you'll do
it legally.
For a FREE 30-day subscription to Torpedo
Watch and to get your FREE bonus report, "5
More ImClones Ready for a Fall," subscribe
Either click on
the button below to sign up online, or call %ADCODEC%
at 1-888-289-4002 or 1-561-750-5074 to
sign up for your FREE 30-day trial and get immediate
access to your FREE online reports! You will need to
provide a valid credit card, but your card will not
be charge a single dime for the first 30 days. Of
course, there is no obligation to continue after
that -- you can cancel any time during your free
trial and owe nothing.
If you love Torpedo Watch
as much as we think you will, do nothing. Your
credit card will be charged just $29.95 a month, or
you can choose from our longer-term subscription
offers. This offer is protected by a 60-day
money-back guarantee -- you risk nothing!
Sign up now and access this
brand-new and important special report! Start
getting your Torpedo Alerts today!
Call %ADCODEC% at
1-888-289-4002 or 1-561-750-5074
Or click on the button below
to sign up online:

Michael London
Torpedo Watch
P.S. Reply today and get 3 FREE bonuses -- yours
to keep regardless of whether you become a Torpedo
Watch subscriber:
Bonus #1: "5 More ImClones Ready for a
Fall" In this online special report, we
reveal which Wall Street darlings appear to be
headed for a major collapse.
Bonus #2: "Anatomy of a Torpedo Stock."
This online special report tells in detail how
Bruce's Torpedo rating system works and why so
many investors and money managers rely on it.
Includes case studies that illustrate each
Bonus #3: Why Stocks Blow Up: an Introduction
to Torpedo Watch. This CD-ROM makes it
easy to get the most out of your FREE 30-day trial
P.P.S. Your free reports and issues of Torpedo
Watch contain time-sensitive information that
you must act upon now. Once the stocks listed in
these materials fall, it's too late to get in on
the profits.
So don't delay. To get your FREE 30-day
subscription to Torpedo Watch and
FREE bonus reports, click the button below to sign
up online:

Important Disclosures:
Torpedo Watch is
published by Torpedo Watch, LLC. As a publisher of
a financial newsletter of general and regular
circulation, we cannot tender individual
investment advice. Only a registered broker or
investment advisor may advise you individually on
the suitability and performance of your portfolio
or specific investments.
In making any investment decision,
you will rely solely on your own review and
examination of the facts and the records relating
to such investments. Past performance of our
recommendations is not an indication of future
performance. The publisher shall have no liability
of whatever nature in respect of any claim,
damages, loss or expense arising out of or in
connection with the reliance by you on the
contents of our Web site, any promotion, published
material, alert or update.
The editor, publisher, and
directors of Torpedo Watch, LLC flatly promise no
front-running. We will not initiate a position in
any option we have recommended for three business
days before our original recommendation and three
business days after any subsequent recommendation.
We will not initiate a position in any stock we
have recommended for 10 business days before our
original recommendation and 10 business days after
any subsequent recommendation. Any one who does is
fired immediately. We love the securities we
recommend and we can not wait to invest in them
ourselves but YOU ALWAYS COME FIRST.
All profit examples are
hypothetical, assuming that subscribers bought and
sold at the time the recommendations were issued.
Actual results can and do vary based on day of
execution and commission charges.
There is a very high degree
of risk involved in trading. Past results are not
indicative of future returns. Torpedo Watch, LLC
and all individuals affiliated with Torpedo Watch,
LLC assume no responsibilities for your trading
and investment results.
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