Price: $12
Choosing Your Niche ...................................................................... |
2 |
How to Finf Your Niche in Life ........................................................ |
3 |
Completing Your Audit ...................................................................... |
11 |
One Business Stream Versus Multiple Streams ................................... |
12 |
The Decision Process ..................................................................... |
13 |
Choosing the Niche ...................................................................... |
15 |
Researching Your Niche .............................................................. |
16 |
Keyword Search ........................................................................... |
18 |
Price: $19
Introduction: Content Marketing in the 21st Century .......................................... |
1 |
Transcript from the White Paper Success Summit 2009 .......................................... |
4 |
10 Steps to a Successful Content Marketing Campaign .......................................... |
17 |
MARKETINGWITHCONTENT: UsingFreeInformationtoSellBusiness-to-Business Products and Services to Engineers, Programmers and Other Techies ................................... |
28 |
Appendix A: Content Marketing Summit Presentation Slides ................................... |
43 |
About the Author ................................... |
56 |
Price: $19
Why Consumers Buy ...................................................................... |
1 |
Needs vs. Wants ........................................................ |
2 |
Give the Customer What He Wants ...................................................................... |
2 |
Understand What Consumers Really Want ................................... |
6 |
Is Business-To-Business Advertising Different? ..................................................................... |
10 |
Corporate vs. Entrepreneurial Advertising ...................................................................... |
14 |
The 7 Key Differences Between Business-to-Business and Consumer Marketing .............................................................. |
17 |
Reach Your Prospects on a Deeper Level ........................................................................... |
23 |
Are Customer Surveys a Waste of Time? ........................................................................... |
26 |
Improve Copywriting with “Experienced-based Empathy” ........................................................................... |
29 |
About the Author ........................................................................... |
32 |
Price: $15
The Motivating Sequence ...................................................... |
2 |
10 Rules for Writing Landing Pages That Sell ........................................ |
5 |
Name-squeeze Pages .............................................................. |
7 |
The Agora Model ........ |
8 |
7 Ways to Increase Online Conversions ..................... |
9 |
Double or Triple Your Landing Page Conversion Rates with Taguchi Testing .............................................. |
11 |
5 Ways to Capture E-mail Addresses of Landing Page Visitors .............................. |
14 |
Autoresponders ........................................................... |
18 |
Selling Newsletters with Online Conversion ............................. |
19 |
Price: $29
When Writing Your Catalog Copy, Keep in Mind These Six Reasons Why Business Customers Buy From Catalogs ...................................................... |
3 |
A Good Catalog Tells and Sells With Copy Basics ........................................ |
6 |
10 Ways to Organize Your Catalog .............................................................. |
9 |
Tricks of the Trade: 5 Ways to Make Your Catalog Pull More Orders ........ |
11 |
Tricks of the Trade: 5 More Sales Boosters For Your Catalog ..................... |
13 |
How To Prepare To Write Your Catalog Copy .............................................. |
15 |
How To Write Catalog Copy and Avoid “Writer’s Block”.............................. |
17 |
How To Write Effective Catalog Copy ........................................................... |
19 |
In Catalog Copywriting, the Selling Starts On the Cover ............................. |
21 |
Start Selling on Your Catalog Cover: Three More Ways to Generate Sales |
23 |
How To Select the Right Writer for Your Catalog ........................................ |
24 |
Where Will You Get Your Next Idea? It’s In Your Mailbox ......................... |
26 |
How To Determine Your Proper Copy “Tone”............................................... |
28 |
Should Catalog Copy Tell the Truth?.............................................................. |
30 |
It Pays To Become a Student of Marketing .................................................. |
33 |
Use “Different Guidelines” For Insert Copy ................................................. |
36 |
Guidelines For “Insert” Copy: How To Handle the Competition ................. |
37 |
Advertising in Industrial Directories Pays Off .............................................. |
39 |
Use These Special Techniques To Write Your Space Ad For Industrial Directories .................................................................................................... |
40 |
Freelance Or In-House Copy: How To Decide ............................................. |
42 |
Price: $29
Section 1 Ten Ways to Improve Your Technical Writing ............................ |
3 |
Section 2 Why Engineers (and Many Other Business People)Can’t Write |
9 |
Section 3 How to Write Business Letters That Get Results ........................ |
19 |
Section 4 Improving Your Technical Writing Skills ..................................... |
25 |
Section 5 The Key to Great Inquiry Fulfillment ........................................... |
29 |
Section 6 On Target Advertising .................................................................. |
36 |
Section 7 How to Write a Good Advertisement ........................................... |
45 |
Section 8 7 Ways to Create Business Publication Advertising That Gets Results ........................................................................................................... |
49 |
Section 9 How to Write More Effective Product Brochures ........................ |
52 |
Price: $29
Section 1 How to Prepare for a Copywriting Assignment .......................... |
3 |
Section 2 The Fundamentals of Persuasive Writing ................................... |
6 |
Section 3 Features before Benefits ............................................................. |
23 |
Section 4 How to Write a Good Advertisement .......................................... |
28 |
Section 5 The Magic of False Logic.............................................................. |
35 |
Section 6 How to Write Subject Lines That Get Your E-mail Opened and Read .............................................................................................................. |
38 |
Section 7 Reach Your Prospects on a Deeper Level: The BFD Formula
for Uncovering Your Customer’s Core Buying Complex ............................. |
40 |
Section 8 Tips on Using Testimonials .......................................................... |
44 |
Section 9 Does Long Copy Work Better Than Short Copy? ....................... |
50 |
Section 10 Is There Too Much Hype in Direct Marketing Copy Today? .... |
53 |
Price: $29
Section 1 10 Steps to Online Marketing Success ....................................... |
3 |
Section 2 Breaking into Your Prospect’s E-mail “Inner Circle” ................. |
6 |
Section 3 Write, Design, and Publish Your Own Free E-zine ..................... |
9 |
Section 4 8 Affordable Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Web Site ................ |
12 |
Section 5 How to Build Your E-zine Subscriber List
Rapidly and Inexpensively Using “Safelists” .............................................. |
15 |
Section 6 How to Help Search Engines Find Your Site ............................... |
18 |
Section 7 What Works Best in E-Mail Marketing:Long or Short Copy? ...... |
21 |
Section 8 Selling Newsletters with Online Conversion .............................. |
27 |
Section 9 15 Tips for Writing Internet Direct Mail That Works ................. |
33 |
Section 10 12 More Tips for Writing Internet Direct Mail That Works ...... |
36 |
Section 11 Traditional vs. “Guerilla” Online Marketing .............................. |
39 |
Section 12 Web Sites Must Meet Marketing Objectives and Many Don’t ... |
42 |
Price: $29
Section 1 10 Steps to Successful Software Direct Mail ............................ |
3 |
Section 2 Stalking the Perfect High-Tech Sales Brochure ........................ |
12 |
Section 3 Selling Technology to Senior Management, End Users,
and Other Nontechies ................................................................................. |
24 |
Section 4 Promote the Heck Out of High-Tech Products .......................... |
27 |
Section 5 Taking the Mystery Out of High-Tech Direct Mail ..................... |
29 |
Section 6 How to Sell Software by Mail ..................................................... |
39 |
Section 7 20 Secrets of Selling Software in Print ..................................... |
43 |
Section 8 Six Things I Know for Sure About Marketing to Engineers ....... |
45 |
Section 9 Ten Tips for Better User Manuals .............................................. |
49 |
Price: $29
Section 1 How to Write Subject Lines That Get Your
E-mail Opened and Read .............................................................................................................. |
3 |
Section 2 How to Build Your E-zine Subscriber List Rapidly and Inexpensively Using “Safelists” ................................................................. |
5 |
Section 3 Reach Your Prospects on a Deeper Level:The BFD Formula for Uncovering Your Customer’s
Core Buying Complex................................... |
8 |
Section 4 Breaking into Your Prospect’s E-mail “Inner Circle” ................ |
12 |
Section 5 Persuasion Secrets of the Top Marketing Pros .......................... |
14 |
Section 6 Does the Printed Word Matter in the Internet Age? .................. |
17 |
Section 7 How to Help Search Engines Find Your Site .............................. |
21 |
Section 8 10 Steps to Online Marketing Success ...................................... |
24 |
Section 9 The Magic of False Logic ............................................................. |
27 |
Section 10 Traditional vs. “Guerilla” Online Marketing ............................ |
29 |
Section 11 Reality in Advertising ............................................................... |
32 |
Section 12 9 Strategies for Improving Your Outer Envelope ................... |
36 |
Section 13 Write, Design, and Publish Your Own Free E-zine ................. |
40 |
Section 14 10 Marketing Books Actually Worth Reading .......................... |
43 |
Price: $29
Section 1 What Makes Business-to-Business Marketing Different
than Consumer?..................................................................................................... |
3 |
Section 2 6 More Ways Business-to-Business Marketing is Different
than Consumer Marketing............................................................................. |
5 |
Section 3 Business Buyers are Looking for Personal Benefits ................... |
8 |
Section 4 23 Tips for Creating Business-to-Business Mailings That Work |
12 |
SSection 5 Estimating Response to Business-to-Business Direct Mail ...... |
17 |
Section 6 50 Lead-Generating Tips ............................................................. |
20 |
Section 7 Six Things I Know for Sure About Marketing to Engineers ........ |
24 |
Section 8 10 Tips for Writing More Effective Industrial Copy .................... |
28 |
Section 9 How to Write More Effective Product Brochures ........................ |
35 |
Section 10 Can’t Find Good Newsletter Items? Here are 29 Good
Places to Look .............................................................................................. |
41 |
Section 11 Ten Ways to Stretch Your Advertising Budget ......................... |
44 |
Price: $29
Section 1 Avoid These 5 Common Mistakesin Newsletter Subscription Marketing ...................................................................................................... |
3 |
Section 2 What Premiums Work Best in NewsletterSubscription Marketing? .................................................................................................... |
6 |
Section 3 6 Common Reasons Why Newsletters Fail ................................. |
10 |
Section 4 Making Your Offer Make Sense ................................................... |
14 |
Section 5 How to Overcome Price Resistance When Selling High Priced Information Products ................................................................................... |
17 |
Section 6 10 Tips for Increasing Response to Direct Mail Packages
Selling Directories ........................................................................................ |
21 |
Section 7 Enhancing Your Credibility with Your Subscribers .................... |
23 |
Section 8 Deciding What to Insert with the Sales Letter in Your DM Package ........................................................................................................ |
25 |
Section 9 5 Profitable Advance–Renewal Approaches .............................. |
26 |
Section 10 Make Your Newsletter the One They Can’t Live Without ........ |
28 |
Section 11 How to Sell Information in the “Information Age” .................. |
32 |
Section 12 Subscription Premiums – What’s Working and What’s Not .... |
36 |
Price: $29
Section 1 Maybe You Should Write a Book ................................................ |
3 |
Section 2 Finding a Good Idea for Your Book ............................................ |
9 |
Section 3 The Bulletproof Book Proposal ................................................... |
10 |
Section 4 Using Positioning to Sell Your Book ........................................... |
29 |
Section 5 What to Do When Your Book Goes Out of Print ......................... |
32 |
Section 6 Make $10,000 a month Selling E-books .................................... |
43 |
Section 7 Write, Design, and Publish Your Own E-Zine ............................. |
46 |
Price: $29
Section 1 Improving Your Listening Skills ................................................. |
3 |
Section 2 Improving Your Interpersonal Skills.......................................... |
8 |
Section 3 10 Ways to Get More Done in Less Time ................................... |
13 |
Section 4 How to Give a Successful Presentation ..................................... |
19 |
Section 5 The Case Against PowerPoint .................................................... |
22 |
Section 6 Practical Techniques for Producing Profitable Ideas ................ |
25 |
Section 7 8 Ways to Improve your Managerial Skills ............................... |
31 |
Section 8 Improving Your Telephone Skills ............................................... |
37 |
Section 9 Improving Your Reading Efficiency and Skills ........................... |
42 |
Section 10 How to Improve Your Negotiating Skills ................................. |
45 |
Section 11 Ten Ways to Reduce Stress on the Job ................................... |
50 |
Price: $29
Section 1 Getting Feature Stories Published in Trade Journals ................. |
3 |
Section 2 Use Smart PR to Unearth Prospects ........................................... |
14 |
Section 3 Can’t Find Good Newsletter Items? Here are 29 Good Places
to Look
........................................................................................................... |
17 |
Section 4 Tips on Using Testimonials .......................................................... |
20 |
Section 5 How to Give a Successful Presentation ...................................... |
26 |
Section 6 The Bulletproof Book Proposal .................................................... |
29 |
Section 7 Finding a Good Idea for Your Book ............................................. |
40 |
Section 8 How to Write Business Letters That Get Results ........................ |
50 |
Price: $29
The Silver Rule of Marketing ....................................................................... |
3 |
31-derfully Simple Ways To Make Your Ads Generate More Inquiries .... |
6 |
Yours Free: 4 Steps to Selecting a Winning Premium .............................. |
9 |
The Motivating Sequence ............................................................................ |
12 |
50 Lead-Generating Tips ............................................................................. |
16 |
What My Dad Taught Me About Yellow Pages Advertising ........................ |
20 |
10 Ways to Improve Your Trade Show Direct Mail .................................... |
23 |
The Key to Great Inquiry Fulfillment .......................................................... |
29 |
Increase You Flow of Sales Leads with a "Bait Piece" .............................. |
36 |
The Power of FREE ....................................................................................... |
38 |
Visibility From PR is Nice, But Orders Are Better ....................................... |
41 |
The Takeaway Close .................................................................................... |
44 |
Estimating Response to Business-to-Business Direct Mail ....................... |
47 |
5 Ways to Capture E-mail Addresses of Landing Page Visitors ................ |
51 |

Price: $29
The Easiest Way Ever to Convince Skeptical Buyers to Do Business With You.............................................................................. |
1 |
Increase Your Flow of Sales Leads With a "BAIT PIECE" ........................ |
3 |
Mailing The Same Piece Twice: Should You or Shouldn't You? ............... |
6 |
"OFFER MAGIC": How to Increase Response Up to 1,000% –
Just by Changing Your Offer! ..................................................................... |
9 |
The Second-Most Powerful Word in Direct Marketing:
The Magic of a Dollar ................................................................................... |
11 |
Three Things You Must Know About Mailing Lists
Before You Do Direct Mail ........................................................................... |
15 |
The Most Amazing Fact About Fundraising Can Help Make Any
Direct Mail Promotion More Successful – Including Yours! ..................... |
18 |
The 4 Levels of Marketing Competence ..................................................... |
20 |
Show Your Warts: An Honest Way To Make a Buck ................................. |
22 |
What My Dad Taught Me About Yellow Pages Advertising ....................... |
25 |
How To Dramatically Increase Your E-mail Marketing Revenues by Becoming Part of Your Prospect's "E-MAIL INNER CIRCLE" ................... |
27 |
Creating a Powerful, Memorable "UNIQUE SELLING PROPOSITION" .... |
32 |
The 4 Levels of Features and Benefits ...................................................... |
35 |
Avoid The Market Research Trap ............................................................... |
39 |
What F. Scott Fitzgerald Can Teach You About
Getting Free Publicity by Being Argumentative ....................................... |
41 |
Mad? Well, FU! ............................................................................................ |
44 |
The Silver Rule of Marketing ..................................................................... |
47 |
Price: $29
Section 1: Avoid This Common Mistake When Creating Your
Guarantee.................................................................................................... |
1 |
Section 2: Why Spend Money Advertising? Just Give it to Your
Customers Instead ..................................................................................... |
3 |
Section 3: Overcoming "Sticker Shock" When Selling High-Priced Products ..................................................................................................... |
6 |
Section 4: When You Want Customers to Buy, Tell Them They Can't ...... |
9 |
Section 5: Close More Sales by Quoting a Price Your Buyer Can Afford.... |
11 |
Section 6: The Power of FREE...................................................................... |
15 |
Section 7: How to Attract New Business Like a Magnet............................ |
18 |
Section 8: How to Determine Whether Your Business Idea Will Fly........ |
20 |
Section 9: What Donald Trump Can Teach You About Direct Marketing..... |
22 |
Section 10: In Marketing, Flattery Will Get You Everywhere – As Long
As It’s Sincere .............................................................................................. |
25 |
Section 11: A Low-Tech Marketing Secret for Home-Based Entrepreneurs:
Have a Separate Phone Line for Your Business Your Prospect's "E-MAIL INNER CIRCLE" ............................................................ |
28 |
Section 12: The Awful Truth About Business Cardsl, Memorable "UNIQUE SELLING PROPOSITION" .......................................................................... |
31 |
Section 13: Marketing Secrets from the Grave......................................... |
35 |
Section 14: Mad? Well, FU!arch Trap ......................................................... |
39 |
Section 15: Marketing with a Personal Touch............................................ |
41 |
Section 16: 5 Ways to Command Premium Prices for Your Products or Services........................................................................................................ |
44 |
Section 17: Want to Succeed in Business? Think Small! of Marketing ..... |
47 |
Price: $29
Section 1: What Bear Hunting and the Daily News Can Teach You About Writing More Honest Copy............................................................... |
2 |
Section 2: Must-Have vs. Nice-to-Have ..................................................... |
5 |
Section 3: Competition? What Competition? ............................................. |
8 |
Section 4: What’s Wrong With Direct Marketing Today? .......................... |
10 |
Section 5: What Harry Potter Can Teach You About Writing Great Copy. |
14 |
Section 6: Writing Great Copy: Where Do You Start? ............................... |
17 |
Section 7: Improve Copywriting with “Experience-Based Empathy”....... |
21 |
Section 8: In Copywriting, a Lot of Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing...... |
25 |
Section 9: Selling the “Non-Obvious Benefit” ........................................... |
28 |
Section 10: The Psychology of Pricing ....................................................... |
31 |
Section 11: How to Lie with Statistics ....................................................... |
35 |
Section 12: Are White Papers Dead? ......................................................... |
37 |
Section 13: The More You Learn, the More You Earn ............................... |
41 |
Section 14: The Most Important Part of Marketing................................... |
44 |
Section 15: The Trouble with Cold Calling ................................................ |
48 |
Section 16: Don’t Fall Into This Marketing Trap ....................................... |
51 |
About the Author ......................................................................................... |
54 |
Price: $29
Section 1: The Most Common Online Marketing Mistake—and One Easy Way to Fix It ................................................................................................ |
3 |
Section 2: Marketing with a Personal Touch ............................................. |
6 |
Section 3: The World’s Worst Pricing Strategy for Service Firms ........... |
10 |
Section 4: 5 Ways to Command Premium Prices for Your Products or Services ........................................................................................................ |
13 |
Section 5: What David Oreck Can Teach Mickey D’s About Selling More Hamburgers ................................................................................................. |
16 |
Section 6: What Words Sell Best? .............................................................. |
19 |
Section 7: How to Create a More Moving Experience for Your Customers in Your Marketing ........................................................................................ |
22 |
Section 8: Want to Succeed in Business? Think Small! ........................... |
25 |
Section 9: The Most Important New Year’s Resolution You Will Ever Make ............................................................................................................. |
29 |
Section 10: Which of your customers are in a hurry? All of them! ........ |
32 |
Section 11: Speak and Get Sales Leads .................................................... |
35 |
Section 12: The Worst Internet Marketing Mistake I Ever Made—and How to Avoid It ........................................................................................... |
39 |
Section 13: Don’t Rush Your Bill ............................................................... |
42 |
Section 14: 3 Easy Ways to Write Money-Making E-mail Marketing Messages ..................................................................................................... |
45 |
Section 15: Marketing With the “Next in Line” Principle ........................ |
48 |
Section 16: The Most Important Piece of Equipment Any Marketer Can Own ............................................................................................................. |
51 |
About the Author ........................................................................................ |
54 |
Price: $29
Section 1: The Magic of “Reciprocity” ........................................................ |
3 |
Section 2: Should You Charge Vendors for Client Referrals? ................... |
5 |
Section 3: When is it Time to “Put the Meter Down”? .............................. |
8 |
Section 4: Don’t You Hate It When a Customer Asks for Her Money Back .................................................................................................. |
11 |
Section 5: A Low-Tech Way to Prevent Customers from Illegally Copying Your Information Products .......................................................... |
15 |
Section 6: Avoid This Common Mistake When Creating Information Products ....................................................................................................... |
18 |
Section 7: 10 Tips for Increasing Landing Page Conversion Rates ........ |
21 |
Section 8: Are White Papers Dead? ........................................................... |
25 |
Section 9: The Most Amazing Fact About Fundraising Can Help Make Any Direct Mail Promotion More Successful— Including Yours .............. |
29 |
Section 10: Show Your Warts: An Honest Way to Make a Buck ............. |
31 |
Section 11: Free Gifts: A Proven Marketing Gambit That Almost
Never Fails .................................................................................................. |
33 |
Section 12: Is Exhibiting at Trade Shows a Waste of Time? Without a Good ROI, Yes ........................................................................... |
36 |
Section 13: Avoiding Sticker Shock .......................................................... |
39 |
Section 14: Avoid the Market Research Trap ........................................... |
41 |
Section 15: Confessions of a Mail Order Rip-Off Artist ............................ |
44 |
Section 16: You Have to Understand the Prospect… Not the Other Way Around ........................................................................................................ |
47 |
About the Author ........................................................................................ |
50 |
Price: $29
• How to get old customers to start doing business with you again. |
• Repackaging your services to accommodate reduced budgets in a slow economy. |
• Building loyalty by adding value to existing offers. |
• Cut marketing costs with these online marketing techniques. |
• Pricing to sell in a soft economy or recession. |
Price: $29
Section 1: The Secret of Making Hype in Marketing Work for You ............ |
3 |
Section 2: The Easiest Way to Great Bullets ............................................... |
5 |
Section 3: What the National Enquirer Can Teach You About Selling Information on the Internet ......................................................................... |
8 |
Section 4: Give Your Self-Published Book the "Loose-leaf Test" .............. |
11 |
Section 5: 3 Steps to the Perfect Elevator Pitch ......................................... |
14 |
Section 6: A Non-Obvious Way to Build Your E-list .................................... |
16 |
Section 7: A Low-Tech Way to Prevent Customers from Illegally Copying Your Information Products ........................................................................... |
19 |
Section 8: Avoid This Common Mistake When Creating Information Products ......................................................................................................... |
22 |
Section 9: Selling Information Products "By the Pound" ............................ |
25 |
Section 10: What? No E-Newsletter? ........................................................... |
28 |
Section 11: 5 Steps to the Perfect Guarantee ............................................. |
31 |
Section 12: 5 Steps to Building a Large and Responsive Opt-In E-List of Qualified B2B Prospects ............................................................................... |
35 |
Section 13: 10 Tips for Increasing Landing Page Conversion Rates .......... |
39 |
Section 14: Plating Slots ............................................................................... |
44 |
Section 15: What Web Metric Should You Measure? ................................... |
47 |
Section 16: E-Mail Marketing: How Much Is Too Much? .............................. |
50 |
Section 17: Double or Triple Your Landing Page Conversion Rates with Taguchi Testing .............................................................................................. |
54 |
Section 18: 5 Ways to Capture E-mail Addresses of Landing Page Visitors ........................................................................................................................ |
57 |
About the Author ............................................................................................ |
61 |
Price: $29
Section 1: Writing in the Internet Age ................................................ |
2 |
Section 2: Writing Copy for the Web ................................................... |
5 |
Section 3: Must a Freelance Business Writer Have a Website - and What Should Be On Yours? ........................................... |
11 |
Section 4: Your Intangible USP ........................................................... |
16 |
Section 5: One Website ... or Many? .................................................... |
20 |
Section 6: Do Your Subscribers Think Your E-mails are Junk? ............. |
23 |
Section 7: 10 Tips for Increasing Landing Page Conversion Rates ...... |
27 |
Section 8: 4 Easy Steps to Successful SEO Copywriting ...................... |
31 |
Section 9: How to Write Subject Lines That Get Your E-mail Opened and Read ..................................................................... |
35 |
Section 10: The 3 Most Important Things I've Learned About Writing E-mail Marketing Copy ........................................................... |
37 |
Section 11: 5 Steps to Writing the Perfect Guarantee ......................... |
40 |
Section 12: How to Lie with Statistics ................................................. |
44 |
Section 13: 5 Ways to Capture E-mail Addresses of Landing Page Visitors ......................................................................... |
46 |
About the Author ................................................................................ |
50 |
Price: $29
Has freelance copywriting become a commodity service? .................... |
9 |
What are the highest paying copywriting specialties? .......................... |
14 |
Is it easier or harder to make money as a freelance copywriter than 30 years ago? ............................................................. |
16 |
How soon can a new copywriter expect to make $50,000 a year from copywriting? ..................................................................... |
23 |
What kind of information do I need to get from the client to write strong copy for their product? ....................................... |
25 |
Since I am a freelancer and my clients don't withhold tax from the fees they pay me, do I have to make some sort of advance tax payments to the IRS? ....................................................... |
32 |
If I work at home are my rent, property taxes, mortgage payments, and utilities tax deductible? ................................................................. |
33 |
A prospect calls and tells me right away We are talking to many other copywriters. What would be my response? ................. |
45 |
What if as you get older you don't want to compete anymore? Is there another way to make money as a writer that doesn't involve clients? .................................................................................... |
55 |
Price: $29
The Early Warning Signs of Critical Client Dissatisfaction-And How to Spot Them .................................................................................................... |
2 |
A Five-Step Process for Handling the Critically Dissatisfied Client .......... |
3 |
How to Help the Client Find a Way Not to Fire You ................................... |
13 |
Making the Secretary or Assistant Your Ally ............................................. |
14 |
Using the No-Risk Offer to Overcome the Objection ................................. |
16 |
Using the Free Offer to Encourage Continuation of Service ..................... |
17 |
Using E-mail and In-person Visits When the Client Won't Return Phone Calls .............................................................................................................. |
17 |
Price: $29
How Service Providers Typically Respond to Price-Conscious Clients .... |
5 |
How to Not Take Price Negotiations Personally ........................................ |
7 |
Don't Get Angry-Be Empathetic .................................................................. |
9 |
How to Evaluate What the Client Says In Response to Your Cost Estimate ........................................................................................................ |
10 |
Why Clients Sometimes Suffer from "Sticker Shock" .............................. |
12 |
How to Guarantee That Your Price Fits Within the Client's Budget ......... |
13 |
Give the Client a Price Range Rather Than a Fixed, Locked-In Figure .... |
15 |
Negotiate by Adjusting Service Rather Than by Cutting Profit Margin or Base Rate ...................................................................................................... |
17 |
How the Need for Work Affects Your Price Negotiations .......................... |
20 |
What to Do if You Occasionally Lose Jobs Because of Your High Fees .... |
22 |
Have a Negotiating Hierarchy ..................................................................... |
23 |
What to Do if You Consistently Lose Jobs Because Your Fees are Too High ............................................................................................................... |
25 |
How to Price in Competitive Bid Situations ................................................ |
26 |
How to Offer the Client a Low Price and Still Retain Their Respect ......... |
28 |
Making It Up On Volume ............................................................................. |
29 |
Making "Conditional" Low-Price Offers ..................................................... |
30 |
How a Vendors' Network or Bureau Makes You Immune to Price-Based Objections ..................................................................................................... |
31 |
Offer Services That People Will Buy in Order to Avoid Paying More for Other Services .............................................................................................. |
35 |
What to Do When Clients Feel They are Paying Too Much ....................... |
37 |
Learn to Say "No" in a Way That Leaves the Client's Dignity and the Relationship Intact ....................................................................................... |
40 |
Price: $29
How It Started ..................................................................................... |
4 |
The Formula of Experience ................................................................... |
5 |
The Pareto Theory ............................................................................... |
6 |
Training the Mind ................................................................................. |
8 |
Combining Old Elements ....................................................................... |
9 |
Ideas Are New Combinations ............................................................... |
11 |
The Mental Digestive Process .............................................................. |
15 |
"Constantly Thinking About It" ........................................................... |
17 |
The Final Stage ................................................................................... |
18 |
Some Afterthoughts ............................................................................ |
19 |
Price: $15
Planning: The Professional Approach ..................................................... |
2 |
Step 1: Selecting the Medium ................................................................. |
3 |
Step 2: What Product Shall Be Advertised? ............................................ |
7 |
Step 3: Establish Objectives ................................................................... |
9 |
Step 4: Determine Your Market .............................................................. |
11 |
Step 5: Select Your Mailing List .............................................................. |
13 |
Step 6: Format, Style, and Tone ............................................................. |
13 |
Step 7: Pick Your Sales Appeal ............................................................... |
14 |
Step 8: Identify Supporting Sales Point .................................................. |
16 |
Step 9: Determine Your Offer ................................................................. |
18 |
Step 10: Schedule, Timing, Budget ......................................................... |
24 |
About The Author ................................................................................... |
27 |
Price: $15
Section 1: The Importance of Sales Leads ............................................. |
2 |
Section 2: Quality or Quantity? ............................................................. |
3 |
Section 3: Seven Ways to Get Better Leads ........................................... |
5 |
Section 4: And Seven More Ways to Get More Leads .............................. |
6 |
Section 5: The Lead-Getting Letter: How Much to Tell? .......................... |
8 |
Section 6: Phone or Mail Response? ...................................................... |
9 |
Section 7: Sample Letter: Free Information Kit ..................................... |
10 |
Section 8: Sample Letter: Free Seminar ................................................. |
12 |
Section 9: A Three-Dimensional Mailing ................................................. |
14 |
Section 10: Budgeting the Lead-Generating Package ............................. |
15 |
Section 11: Analyzing Your Needs .......................................................... |
16 |
About The Author ................................................................................... |
26 |

Bob Bly Copywriter/Consultant
31 Cheyenne Dr., Montville, NJ 07045
Phone 973-263-0562 | email: |