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Audio Cassettes (800 series)
Sixteen Secrets of Successful Small Business Promotion
How to use low-cost/no-cost advertising, marketing, sales
promotion, and public relations techniques to build your business.
Marketing expert Bob Serling interviews Bob Bly on how to
write compelling, hard-hitting copy that excites your prospects and moves them to buy.
The Motivating Sequence
A proven 5-step formula for persuasive writing.
Secrets of Successful Lead Generation
How to write sales letters, self-mailers, ads, and other marketing communications that generate high volumes of qualified sales leads.
How to successfully sell and market your professional,
trade, or technical services in a recession or soft economy.
What’s Working in Direct Mail Today
Case studies highlighting techniques you can use to
dramatically increase your direct mail response rates.
Six Secrets of Newsletter DM Packages That Work
How to write successful direct mail packages selling subscription newsletters.
Maximizing Personal Productivity
Time management techniques and personal productivity tips that can help you get more done in less time.
Selling Information Products in the Internet Age
How to market newsletters, books, special reports, CD-ROMs, databases, subscription Web sites, and other information
products that compete with free information on the Web.
Internet Direct Mail
How to conduct an effective e-mail marketing campaign. Covers lists, copy, graphics, transmission, and response measurement
and tracking.
826 How to Get Out of a Slump
Learn how to rapidly reverse negative circumstances, break out of your slump, and restore yourself to a happy and productive live within 6 weeks.
827 Become an Instant Guru
How to become a recognized authority in your field in 60 days or less.
829 "The Advertising Show"
830 How to Make Your Newsletter Indispensable
831 The World's Best-Kept Copywriting Secrets
832 How I Run My Copywriting Business
833 Software Direct Mail
Selling Your Services Online
How to use Web sites, e-mail marketing, and e-zines to sell more of your services – and get more leads and projects than you can handle.
How to Get Your Nonfiction Book Published
How to write a nonfiction book and sell it to a major New
York publishing house for an advance of $10,000 to $50,000 or more.
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